How do neets afford their lifestyle and avoid homelessness?

How do neets afford their lifestyle and avoid homelessness?

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A constant string of luck and supportive family members.

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As a NEET of 2 months I can confirm this

You better hope mama loves you boi

Parents or family, but I had to get a job after my mom died and dad couldn't afford living expenses on his own.

Family; NEETbux; inheritance or switching between NEETdom and jobs.

I had a choice.
I could either keep working a shitty retail job full-time to pay for rent, food and overpriced shit in the city.
OR Move back home and get on neetbux and simply search for good jobs and make money online.

Looking at it like that the choice was easy. I also studied and lived off studentbux for years before that. I would recommend it. But it does suck being an adult and living with a parent. I miss having my own place and living with other adults.


In my personal case I have a rich family and they have supported me during my 4 years of neet life.

I am lucky that my family is wealthy and supportive. I would be dead otherwise.

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That's barely even gore you pussy, I've seen vaginas grosser than that.

You two richfags are supposed to be siring the next generation, find some white trash girl who wants a comfortable life, knock her up and make a family.

If we don't outbreed the invaders we're collectively fucked.

Luck. My parents are extremely traditional in terms of the whole "functional family" thing. They've been married since they were like 20 years old, and I'm pretty sure getting divorced has been literally inconceivable to them between then and now (they're in their mid-60s). They might be upset that I'm unemployed, but I'm not a total failure who doesn't try (I have multiple certifications and a B.A.), and they understand that. I have an extremely spartan lifestyle, only using my PC because I paid for it myself when I had a job and they have internet at the house for their own use, and I don't put a noticeable dent in any bills. I even make a little bit of money selling old LEGOs and shit which have been catching dust for almost 20 years.

I also forgot to mention that I regularly cook dinner, do dishes and laundry, and other menial chores between looking for jobs and reading books. My only real expense is smoking weed.

neets with mental illness should not be passing on those genes.

>My only real expense is smoking weed.
Suddenly it all makes sense.

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i'm individually fucked regardless so what do ica re about the collective

Do you think that 85 IQ welfare parasites make that calculation?

A risk of something isn't worth taking yourself out of gene pool if you also have genes of successful, wealthy parents. Why don't those genes count for something?

neetbux and living with parents

go away stormfag.

Over 5 years if NEETdom here, your parents eventually kinda just forget you exist or are too ashamed to acknowledge your existence and just accept you live there

I think you need to be castrated and stripped of your citizenship immediately.
Unfortunately, what's best for society(what I think needs to happen to you) doesn't always happen.

What has the white race done recently besides allow degenerate whores and homos to fester and thrive?

I afford my NEET lifestyle by working a 9 to 5 job.

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I'm socially retarded + manlet so I don't think it will work out.
Also need to find a shitty job or go to college because I think my parents are about 50% close to losing their shit.

This. I'm not a full-time NEET. I work 9-5 on weekdays and come home to my comfy NEET life.

user you're confusing the white people with the Jews again, I know the differences can be pretty subtle but once you know what to look for you won't be able to unsee it.

Not in
Education or

In having a job you are by definition not NEET.

I live with my mom and she pays for everything.
I tried to get NEETbux but they keep denying me.


original original original

Use your fucking money get some help get on some drugs and get some pussy. Christ look hard enough and i do believe a women would fuck you.

At least use your money to better yourself.

not him, i understand jews have fucked over white culture as WNs have been saying, but the problem is that liberal ideals are genuinely supported and strongly defended by whites. even at the expense of autistic males like us.

the people talking about rounding up incels and robots and other male virgins and castrating us or disposing of us or whatever are not jews, but overwhelmingly whites, both leftists and cuckservatives (including christcucks)

i'd say 95% of whites are beyond saving

I lived as a NEET for years thanks to supportive parents. The guilt got too much to take however and I got a job. I'm supporting my parents now in turn. It only seems fair.

Your ignorance is giving more than just you bliss.

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Also I've been a NEET for 3 years no breaks.

I got NEETbux from going to a therapist. They helped me through the whole process.

Also the mental health field is pretty shady. I basically told them I don't want to work, and they were like "alright, you want to get on SSI or something?" Gave me some extra diagnosis to seem more fucked up than just the lazy asshole I am.

Living with or receiving funding/other support form family, having inherited money, another source of amassed wealth or passive income, welfare/unemployment/disability bucks, and some are not full neets but employed seasonally, part time or in some other capacity.

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Just because Jews initially pushed for these things doesn't mean whites at large haven't co-opted these views and actively defend and promote them.

Yeah my mom says that the only way I can get it is by going to a therapist but I'm a shut in and it's expensive.
I'll try again though.

Yeah society seems to be getting progressively fucked up from all angles, I almost don't wanna know how much worse it will get with time.

Sounds good, I've already spending a lot of my parents' money on weed, vidya and weeb shits. Time to spend it on real pussy then.

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>2 months

try years you little bab

I'm fresh out of a decade of wageslaving, I hope that I too can someday be a NEET of many years.

I get gibs, so I pay my parents in both cash and my sanity. I'm a good little emotional tampon for my manipulative, alcoholic mother, I go out of my way to do anything I can for my dad when he's obviously about to have some weird psychosis fit, I make sure to drop hints to my brother if he has done something to piss either of them off, I make sure to have back up tobacco for my mother, I make sure I've always got at least $50 for more beer and a stash of marijuana for my dad, I make sure I let him ramble at me about the exact same shit he has told me before word for word, I make sure just to do what either of them say, I make sure just to bite my tongue when they're obviously being fucking retarded, I make sure to bite my tongue when one of them complains about money while they're drinking their 15th beer for the day, I make sure I express nothing but a neutral or positive attitude because apparently I'm the only person in this house who isn't allowed to have emotions without it fucking ruining someones day and having it all be my fault, oh fuck, I forgot to fill up the sugar bowl, time to listen to my dad have a shit fit at 6am because he's apparently the only person in the house who does anything, oh shit my mom thinks dads cheating on her again I guess I've got to spend the next two hours making sure she doesn't fucking kill herself, oh god, I showed an emotion, that means it's time for drinking 9 beers by 11am on a Tuesday for my mom, oh no, me or my brother bought something, that means it's time to listen to my dad scream for 4 hours about how he has nothing in his life and has no money yet works his ass off because he literally can't do anything wrong and it's definitely not because you drink every extra cent you make.

This is all I know anymore. I'm a golem.

yep neet life is pretty cool and it's even better in a socialist country

27 neetcuck here. My parents are too beta to even ask me to pay rent, let alone kick me out. Absurd life I have I know but I don't know what else to do

>I don't know what else to do

Continue to live the dream? Neet life is best life

>be born
>somehow this means you have to be part of other peoples value system

lmao we don't owe you or your society shit

>I basically told them I don't want to work, and they were like "alright, you want to get on SSI or something?"
Are you being for real? I thought you would have to at least lie and pretend there's something wrong with you (assuming you don't have actual autism or something). Straight up telling them you're lazy seems like it would get you disqualified. Can anyone else confirm or deny this?



I work hard for my goodboi points

i leech of boomers

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we mooch someone, either the state, our families or friends, and we are very frugal too, we get use to not have any money at all


Supportive family and NEETbux from the government

I started my own IT business, built the website, set the prices crazy high only need to work 4-5 hours a week and my whole family thinks I'm doing waaay more.

Don't pay rent since I own my flat (them daddy bucks are badass) spend most of my time getting stoned and playing vidya.

I've been doing this for almost a year now and I've honestly never been happier.

have you tried doing uppers like meth instead of doing downers like weed
seriously if you're gonna be a filthy drug addict at least use drugs that make you productive instead of lazy

No silly user, I identify as a NEET. I only work a 9 to 5 so I can have money to spend on my NEET lifestyle.

>I identify as a NEET. I only work a 9 to 5 so I can have money to spend on my NEET lifestyle.
you are a wagecuck you dumb normie

definitely this, You're never better at managing your money and planning when you've got a shitload of time and a tenner in your pocket for the week.

They still live with mommy. They do not realize how much precious time they are wasting and are going to seriously regret every second of it when they finally enter the work force. Some will never make it in this world and end up homeless, the years of being NEET means they will never function in the real working world. Their entire existence is waking up late, fucking around on the computer all day, fapping, video games then going back to sleep. Its sad. I'm coming off 3 months NEET (unemployed and looking for a better job) and I hated it after about 2 weeks.

I smoke pretty much every day. Still get tons of shit done.

Cooking whilst stoned is the fucking bomb.

It's not like I want to but society doesn't want me. No job wants me and everything worthwhile costs money. Society wants me to be neet until I become homeless or suicide. So in other words there is no choice and there is no point in stressing over it. I also like when someone gets angry at me leeching while I only take the very minimum, don't buy anything, help around, try to get shit job and eat only once or twice a day but they don't care about people who don't contribute and spend millions on shit or just inherit money and don't do anything. Never understood how they are not viewed as parasites but I am even if I don't want to. Boomers are deluded retards with shit personality, kind of contradicts their narrative of intelligent hard working man getting ahead in life.

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i miss getting stoned desu family

better dead or homeless than wagecucking for a society that bullied you

Easy to say that when you're comfy in mommys house, when reality hits you (and it will) you're going to have to make some choices. I suggest you get it over with early and face reality.

College Goverment Grant, Simply D E L I G H T F F U L

parents never lose hope in their children

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that sounds like literal hell, man. you ever thought of getting out? that sort of situation will most certainly explode at some point

And what if you cant get a job because nobody wants to hire you not even retail,fastfood labor or janitor position? Or what if you have mental issues that are hard or unable to get treated enough to be functional? Should they kill themselves?

Besides if society always stress you and the only reason to be alive is to slave away and try to survive the next day and everyone is a cunt like you then I dont blame anyone not wanting to do anything or even fuck with the society on purpose so it gets worse. Why would a human being want to be treated like a dog and be grateful for it and expected to shut up and be sisyphus his entire life like a fucking human resource as they call it?

Boomers are all retired, you're leeching off of us. Speaking of which, so are the fucking boomers.

im not proud of this but i also has gotten used to steal little thing no onw will miss, for example i dont buy toilet paper, i just stole it from mcdonalds or gas stantions, i also have stolen books from public libraries, i have never shoplift yet, but i can see myself doint it in the future

So be it, I rather die than become a wagecuck

Then you'll die or become homeless? You think the world gives a fuck? Unless you're legit disabled, you have to find a way to work. Everyone else did.

like I said before, its easy to say that now. Its easy to say you'll just kill yourself or whatever, but when the moment comes you won't feel the same. You'll realize you're too scared to die, and now you have to work.

It's called NEETbux, OPie.

>tfw given $1,476.87 a montg to just exist.

Get to work, wagecuck. My NEETbyx doesn't make itself.

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Not fair. I'm a wagie and school faggot. I want retard money from the government so I can be a neet

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Or instead of dying I could also not give a fuck about the world who doesnt and just ramp up that criminality stats or stab someone which I will do just to fuck the system up and get free food because of assholes like you.

fuck. what do u live in California or something? how u get that much, mang?

living with parents atm and have inheritance that i've been mainly spending on food, therapy and lotto tickets, with my main goal being trying to win lotto to become an independent perma NEET

course that isn't likely, i'll have to get a job soon and proably live here longer to earn back all the money i lost to lotto/food and therapy

NEET of four and a half years here. Autismbux, if you could work to qualify for it. Otherwise, NEETbux, if you could not.

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My parents have numerous rental properties and let me live in one out of pity.

I am officially a Property Manager, meaning I clean the apartment sometimes and daddy gives me an allowance that lets me buy food and stuff

I get it for physical reasons, not mental.

Nowhere near commiefornia. I get that much because I wagecucked for a really long time, worked a shit ton if overtime, and "contributed" to society as a single white male with sky high taxes.

I think that user lucked out big. That's not unheard of, but it depends on the person you're talking to. My therapist put super autism on my report instead of regular autism because I said I needed help really badly. Some might take pity on you, some might agree with you cheating the system, and of course some would fight back the urge to shoot you.

tl;dr just get lucky bro

parents orig orog

30s NEET here - I went NEET myself by saving up and investing

I work all day for 3 days and the rest of the week I just sit at home and chill, not quite neet but its nice

Can you tell us more about how this business works and makes money?