Instead of some god-forsaken island why don't robots colonize Detroit? Insanely cheap houses that we could probably afford with some saved neetbux. Imagined having an entire block of robots.
Robot Colony
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then there's no ethnostate nerd, fuck off.
I guess if you have a good internet connection and everyone sits inside shitposting and watching Mongolian cartoons, it'll go pretty well until the pigmented brothers learn there's a house full of inept white peoole and decide to rob/shoot up/trash the place because it's deep in the middle of one of the shittiest ghettos in the country.
We will make this fucking happen op
You can bet your ass on it
My parents manage properties in detroit
I swear on my life that I won't let these feminist enabler pieces of shit win
I'd be in. I live in Camden, NJ anyway. Detroit is a step up
I would be down, but it is not nearly as easy as it sounds
property tax is ridiculously high in Detroit - even in places where you can still buy houses for $1, the property tax will be quite a bit higher
that doesn't even get into how those places are dangerous, and there are not many jobs at those places, and more importantly, how is our colony going to get food and make money in the middle of fucking detroit? there are many nice places in detroit, but those are quite expensive, like a normal city, but a little cheaper
We need to beat the chinks there
No detroit is perfect
I offer detroit or nothing
this guy's channel is a good watch on Detroit
>black guy shows up
>immediately btfos all the "pure white men"
>becomes king of robot land, using us all as our bitches
>black guy shows up to a neighborhood of heavily armed and angry white men
historically speaking, this sounds like a poor choice
there going to be only like one gun that gets passed around for suicides m8.
>trying to pretend the aspie neckbeards on Jow Forums are anything but a bunch of weenie LARPers
you'd all bend over at the first sign of an actual fight
Detroit being dangerous is a plus for the suicidal robots amongst us
heh maybe
a lot of robots are Jow Forumsfags bro, don't count on it
oooo, Jow Forums, so scary
a fatboy with a gun is scarier than an unarmed negroid
>hasn't seen a naked negro hopped up on meth eat the face off another negro.
seeing Jow Forums neckbeards take itself seriously is hilarious. NOBODY is afraid of you NEETs
Hell no, too many niggers around. We shall make a city under the sea.
A handful of white men with rifles colonized the entire continent of Africa, it's not hard to subjugate the blacks.
You are gonna build a compound of underground shipping containers in Detroit??