Here we post the prettiest, most gorgeous women we have in our dreams! I'll fucking start you faggots:
protip: cute traps NOT allowed
Here we post the prettiest, most gorgeous women we have in our dreams! I'll fucking start you faggots:
protip: cute traps NOT allowed
Frida Gustavsson. Fucking Goddess.
What about this anons????
Originari desu wa
Cute girls! More cute girls! :3
Where are your cute girls anons?
Post NOW
it wouldn't be so pathetic if you weren't a tripfag
T-thanks, user!
Originally sad (actually not, but ok)
the thread can now end
you plebs have the worst taste, why does nobody ever post a real goddess?
We need more cutie patooties
Brown eyes disgustang
t. Alien face.
who is this whore?
Nice taste user. :)
comfy and cute
would cuddle with/10
>none of the models posted itt is a whore, only the real person
can't fault you for this.
>Brown eyes disgustang
Brown eyes aren't disgusting user! Not everybody has to have blue eyes. Brown and Hazel are gorgeous!
>posts grill with blue eyes
ricebot, u failed me :I
What about this user?
Originari Origi
with one hand you caress with a feigned love and with the other you strike and tear apart
what are such men as you to do, crawling between earth and heaven? You are devils, and had better change your ways before too long
What are you talking about user?
Originari no origi desu.
it is not love whose words are hateful, nor love from whom the intenerated words it bore are so hot to grow cold, to become baleful so kind
COme on now who is that
>protip: cute traps NOT allowed
come at me bro
A living contradiction.
You will never leave this place.
>with one hand you caress with a feigned love and with the other you strike and tear apart
What are you talking about? Only men can really love truly.
That literally made no sense. Stop it with the poetry bullshit and tell me what you mean.
Are you saying that the love one could ever have cannot be true? And those who say that love are hateful and grow cold?
you act like there is love in you, but there is no love, just desire
debicki my mommy
>you act like there is love in you, but there is no love, just desire
I think you are. What is love anyway?
I think you are right*
love is to want the best for someone else
>love is to want the best for someone else
Then I don't have love. All I have then is lust, lust, lust, and mad lust. Infatuation. How did you know? Was it from my past posts?
she looks a lot better when shes talking dirty and her face moves and sound comes out
she sounds very nice
I know this thot. She does porn and goddamn it is she beautiful.
it was this these are harsh words, unsuited to love
if you can see the true love that made these beauties, if you can understand the beauty as if it were a pretty watch, you'll have helped free yourself from this. For truly, what feels to you like great pleasure is really a great pain. Your soul can't tell the difference; it cannot distinguish between what it feels, it can only perceive the intensity of it. But there is a great thorn buried there. a great thorn, sunk into the pus of a festering wound. You need to take it out and seek treatment before it spreads to the blood for good
love is a great healer. if you want love, if you want to be healed, look for the one who first made it, the one for whose sake and whose praises the stars are still waiting in patient silence to sing
You are right user. Nice poetry BTW.
I don't know love. Never have. All I have ever known is infatuation. Mad infatuation, and you're right, it is as pleasurable as painful. I don't know what to do.
Let's post some average girls!
(I don't mean 5/10s necessarily, just not celebs and shit like on boards dedicated to pictures of women.)
Please someone teach me what love is.
Ayy lmao
Fuck this fucking post load time, man.
Can someone pet the girl from all the "Hey kid" threads?
She was really pretty
even though you're a notorious tripfag shill: love is a chemical that bonds mothers and children. it expires around puberty and reemerges once the pubescent mother has a child.
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more?
Not surprised that's not original considering how often your question is probably posted here.
>don't forget to include text in your post goyim!
What cha'll listening to this morning? At the moment it's Magic Carpet Ride.
Alright last gun girl, I promise.
>tfw milkjug pic was over 2MB so I can't post it
>tfw too much milk jugs
Have some better ones instead.
>actually wanting original 3DPD
Maybe it's her expression, but that's one of the girls where they're so pretty it hurts inside.
This one comes close. Also Halo Reach best Halo imo.
Fuck off animefag
You could at least post pretty animu girls if you're gonna say that.
>posting this fucking thot with the "I love to suck cock like a slut" choker.
Try better next time user.
My best friend is in love with a girl who looks a lot like this but a bit small head and with glasses and is 17.
Just tryin'a contribute, but when people say I have high standards, now I know the kinda person they think I am.
A fucking tripfag.
Huh, so spoilers just disappear on this board? That's cool I guess.
He has pretty good taste then.
Not an argument, but feel free to post more.
This one's (pic related) weird for me, because while I think she is pretty there's also something strange about her. If I was trying to be neice and over the top almost like the mona lisa expression? Idk.
I don't know when I'll run outta these ladies but I'll just stop posting when it happens and ghost into other threads until other anons can contribute to my image-macro-mangerie.
That one's name is Gillian Barnes in case any one wonders.
Anyone else play For Honor?
Considering that that one's an original post I'm guessing no.
Why don't I feel at all attracted to this body type? I sincerely don't get it. I am so much more into a soft, slim, pretty girl like pic related.
>Anyone else play For Honor?
Do people still play that?
I don't get the appeal of muscle girls, seriously. It is the complete opposite of feminine.
I'm completely lost on words for this one. I just want to post pretty girls Jow Forums.
Damn... Those hips. That's a pretty one.
Thicc, brah. Yeah I can definitely tell you have a type.
>does anyone still play For Honor
Not on PC lmao, but yeah I do and so do a lotta other people, they keep updating it and what not, we have dedicated servers now too.
She's the most beautiful girl on earth and her physique is as perfect as her angel like face
Yeah I don't quite get it either. I guess abs are just aesethically pleasing man or woman?
Made out with a girl who looks a lot like this.
>She's the most beautiful girl on earth
hahaha... No.
With "a lost like this" I mean Sheit anons I think I'm running out.
Is this girl asian?
>I guess abs are just aesethically pleasing man or woman?
For men, yeah, a lot. For women, disgusting.
>Sheit anons I think I'm running out.
Already???? user, don't you even fucking bother saving the stuff you find. Don you even bother to lurk threads?
>tfw my type is basically just blonde blue eyed tall girls.
>tfw for some reason I absolutely abhor girls of any other races
>tfw I'm not even fully white.
Ahahaha yes, yours has a really pretty face, but a very anorexic physique with no tits. Beatrice has both the angel face and the perfect physique
Yeah this is my last one, and now I return to my life of lurking.
>Beatrice has both the angel face and the perfect physique
Then show me some pics with her tits.
She's too beautiful to believe
Damn... I don't like this image. This girl just looks like a total slut and coalburner. I like my girls innocent.
Here she is, there are far better ones in instagram where she's at the bitch
>She's too beautiful to believe
She doesn't even have big tits, I thought she had some but they look like they haven't even fucking grown full yet. Pic related is beauty.
*On instagram where she's at the beach
Well A) you and I have really different tastes, and so far I haven't saved any of yours.
B) I don't really browse Jow Forums very often and when I do it's not usually for these threads, notwithstanding that I basically never see them. In somewhat accurate decending order of frequency I browse
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
This one si more recent
They are big enough, not too gross and vulgar like a cow but still nice and plump unlike Nastya male like nipples
All chicks in this thread are boring and bland as fuck, have some real old school prettiness
What do you like then user? Is pic related more to your taste?
What about this?
Originari desu
>All chicks in this thread are boring and bland as fuck, have some real old school prettiness
What do you think of this user?
I really like these ones. They remind me so much of innocence, simplicity and naivety in a very beautiful and almost sublime way.
This one is pretty good.
Has anyone around here ever read any of David Hamilton's works?
Hey, Dakota Fanning anybody?
This one is my fucking favorite. So peaceful and blissful in innocence.
I don't know man, all those artsy photosets seem really pretentious to me
She's just... to much to handle
They are, but what the fuck can I do?
She looks like a really pretty nymphet in this one. You actually have pretty nice taste user.
Nah, I'm not into asians.
This comes closer. Idk I guess that all your women seem like stick figures to me. Like you strike me as liking Taylor Swift I take it? Idk I think it's just the low bf% that makes me think they're just going to break at any moment. It's not that low body fat is typiclaly a bad thing, but all your women seem... off somehow.
Hmm... Ok user... So you like thicc? I'll give you thicc.
Originari. This is quite the original post actually.