At what point did it all go wrong? How will these kids turn out in 15 years?
At what point did it all go wrong? How will these kids turn out in 15 years?
>How will these kids turn out in 15 years?
Somehow still far better than you did.
I was born in 87 and im a shutin neet on computer/phone all the time and I grew up playing outside like a normie.
>tfw 18 and still play and collect LEGO
>literally look like an ultimate autist when people find out
better coders and an understanding of the internet than we'll ever know
goddamn I only wonder what gen Z will come up with
They're probably going to be absolutely useless, even worse than millennials.
Either that or they're going to turn into some Machiavellian nightmare where they realize religion and morality or just philosophic and can be easily done away with given the best logic that only googlechrist can perform.
There's nothing wrong with having a lego collection. I just don't have the room for it or a desk to play with them. Life is suffering.
Touchscreen based technology is actually proven to make people more computer illiterate
I would like to believe that but my bumfuck library has a place for kids to put together robots and after-school programs to code simple arduinos. Shit like that is phenomenal because I only grew up with lego and a basic understanding of medieval fortification.
Im not a regular here so that's that.
There will still be chads and stacys since attractive faces still mog everything.
I do predict a majority of people are going to be socially awkward with self-diagnosed anxiety. Depression will sky rocket. We see it to a lesser extent with gen z now. the generation from them will be fucked. 50% of males will be incels.
>attractive faces
Physical activity a child, early diet and breastfeeding set the foundations for facial development later on.
Is the right not easier for the parent and safer. I mean physically safer.
I was born in 87 by the way
Pls. I need this delet.
Does diet play a role in skin health during adulthood?
It does your entire life kiddo.
They might not hurt themselves but they'll end up overcharging your credit card.
fucking youngsters these days
I've had absolutely no exposure to youths since I was a youth.
Is it that bad these days? I always figured kids would stop playing outside entirely and just live constantly glued to tablets and cell phones.
Did that already happen?
Who gives a shit, stop gloryfying your own youth. The next generation will be what it's supposed to be.
Sadly I got rid of all mine but I play with them till 15. I still kept a badass plane I made myself and mess with it sometimes.
>At what point did it all go wrong
When literacy was created. It's all been a downhill of feminization and decay since then. More advanced communication media are just accelerating the process. Mass illiteracy is the only way to save humanity.
this is a step closer to an augmented reality were despair is an optional outcome. Soon all humans will transcend their woeful selves and live out their hedonist nature without the destruction that is brought by their existence. Arguing that our present or past realities are anything but parasitic is to deny human nature. There will be no better invention more praise worthy than artificial intelligence and systems that can create an environment for our new lives.
This has already happened. Kids are "socially awkward" now on a much grander scale already. I read an article some years ago about how college professors rarely get visits during office hours and ar bombarded with emails. The social isolation leads to the over prescription of medications, which leads to the shootings, and suicides. No one under 25 talks to friends on the phone, even EVER. I'm in my mid thirties, and in HS we were still passing notes and talking on the phone for HOURS each day.
The shrinking need for face to face, or even voice to voice contact is fucking these kids up.
Boys are addicted to hardcore pornography by 13, and girls are addicted to "likes" on social media by the same age. It's all FUCKED.
What is OP pic even supposed to imply?
Legos is just Minecraft for retards.
There are many kids on the street where I live who play outside.
They ride their bikes and play football, sometimes I see one wearing a minecraft shirt or something.
I imagine they use tablets and computers at home as well as playing outside, people see that kids nowadays are very good at using tech and assume that's all they do. They grew up with it, of course they're gonna use it, but that doesn't mean it's all they do.
I doubt its the lego. I know a few normies in their mid twenties who still love that shit. people are big on nostalgia.
its just the latest way of getting your cartoons and video games no? I spent ages on my PlayStation as a kid but then i'd go out and play too. That said I haven't turned out brilliantly. they'll probably be fine for the most part. I did some volunteer work with a youth club. had a few consoles in the place too. and even then all the kids would jump at the chance to play a game of football outside. kids will always like a mix of things. its up to the parents not to be lazy fuckers and encourage it.
They'll turn out like brain dead retards.
If the parents are allowing this, they shouldn't be having kids in the first place. It's lazy parenting.
You're literally just saying "oh hey, let this electronic device raise you up".
How do I not have my children devolve into this without being controlling?
I want them to play outside and with eachother instead of staring at a screen all day but the moment they see the other children with these "cool phones" they're going to want them too and hate you if you dont give it to them
I'll just be poor and say I can't afford stuff we don't need. Seems like the best way to raise non-materialistic children
What do you think of raising a girl as a boy? As a baby you can put boy clothes on her, you can wrestle her as a kid and tackle her to make her tough, putting boy clothes on her, and make sure she never knows she is a girl. If she's homeschooled do you think this would work?
>Generation Z now have children
>completely automated kids chipped at birth
>solar flare hits the planet
>electronics cease to work
>the darkest suicide wave in history begins
>can't even laugh at them on Jow Forums, now owned by kimjongmoot
Don't worry.
It's all going to be as good.
Even better, I will claim.
This is the sad truth, I'm an 18yo myself and while I'm not like that most people in my generation are
Yes you can expose infinite boy activities to her and she'll bound to enjoy something and gravitate toward that but to make her a complete boy is impossible simply because her biology does not compute.
Millennial parents treat tablets and shit like babysitters. Little Jimmy is being a shithead brat and I don't want to deal with it, just park him in front of Jacksepticeye and Markiplier to keep him quiet for a while. It's no different than our parents parking us in front of the TV to keep us occupied because they didn't want to deal with us today.
An adult has no business being around children that are not his own. Keep it that way.
The college professor thing has more to do with population growth and overcrowding in public education than anxiety. The vast percentage of college students are still outgoing and confident supernormie extroverts.
well i just always assumed office hours were crowded and didn't want to waste both my time and the professors time by waiting around while he talks to another student
The fundementals don't change, user. They'll still be motivated by procreation, continued survival, an intelligible social and physical environment and so on and on.
The cultural makup doesn't matter anyway. We'll see the partial collapse of the modern society before the end of this century.
they not gonna be worse than you, thats sure
This exactly. I graduated in 2015 and my sister is 14 and a hoe attracted to black guys already. She's not a roastie just yet, but I'm expecting the messages asking for money to raise Jamal's kids soon. Also, I have a 7 year old half-sister and her Mom is already slutting her up, real shit. She had sworn in front of her several times, wears way too small of clothes for her age, has a where she danced around in a goddamn training bra to music before my Dad put a stop to it, thank God. But Christ, we really are in the worst timeline. Btw, my Dad isn't a cuck. He completely agrees with me, but he can't stop it much, as he doesn't have custody of them.
The stuff they give those kids are just leis with batteries in them
Ardionos are no easier to put together than legos
as long as its something like Lego Architecture you'll look cool
you don't play with the kids sets right?
But if she will be homeschooled, nobody can tell her she's a girl. Plus if you dress her in boy baby clothes you can have others believe she is a boy.
An ipad is legit cheaper than lego these days so I'm not surprised.
I noticed while I was growing up toys just seemed to get shitter and shitter as time went on, just designed to jew money out of dumb parents.
You can tell a man is a women by their figure. What's stopping from people to see through the facade your experiment implemented on this girl. The truth will be exposed and you'll be seen as the monster that made a little girl a delusional girl.
no I exclusively buy kids sets, lego architecture is gay as fuck
She still would be a "boy" wouldn't she?
Women like to delude their children to be whores just like them. Delusional like them. Without the man in the family, your sister will succumb to modern day roasties and normans mentality. Without your dad, you are her only hope. Now that you know this. What is your first response?
lmao autismo
I dont fucking for what your definition of boy is. Stay in your delusions and only that. Acting on them is your choice and I can tell you nothing will come out of experimenting with children out of curiosity. Do you man, do you.
>duuhh playing with pieces of plastic is more fun and rewarding and having access to a device that is literally yhe gateway to all the knowledge/entertainment in the world
lets not forget that it's the "90s kids" and millennials in general who still get excited about star wars movies and spebd half of their pay checks on figurines
kids nowdays have it great, better than kids had it it a fucking long time, if you didn't have a sub 90 iq you'd be jealous if them not pity them
playing with lego is more fun than the internet jew. dummie
>reading it as boy
I mean, she would still behave like a boy, wouldn't she?
I'm so glad you'll never reproduce.
1999 Generation Z reporting in, your future looks bleak user.
Childhood isn't meant to be 100% safe and pain-free and sheltered.
>At what point did it all go wrong?
It's already been long enough for reasearch to have been made on the subject. Kiddies nowadays are growing up way starter than you and me in some areas (multitasking for example) and way dumber in others (some type of memory iirc). It's a give and take, they grow up better adapted to a digital world, just like we grew up better adapted to industrial society and our great grandpas would scoff at our inability to survive without electricity.
I went through a sort of phase of collecting Lego as an adult for a while.
I'm not TOO embarrassed about it but I do cringe over it now.
In my experience most people don't react too negatively, they'll say something like
>oh yeah, I love Lego.
If you pay attention a lot of Lego now is marketed towards adults.
eg. Minifig seasons included details no kid would appreciate like Blacktron minifigs.
That Lego Dimensions game is a Lego version of Pop Dolls. There are Knight Rider and Mr T sets. Those aren't for kids and I don't think the people buying them would even play the game.
Most retarded thing I read all day
Got my daughter Duplos. Also got drums and other instruments in the house that I let her use. The only computer besides my personal one is in the living room. Only got a tv to watch movies, and whatever local channels I get over the air. Sometimes I distract her with movies, but from a limited choice and for certain amount of time.
Fuck off. Legos are god tier for kids development.
>Tfw engineerfag
>Basically playing with Lego all the time
>Is socially acceptable and a job
>letting your child watch the electric Jew
At least in the past, parents would send their kids outside when they didnt want to deal with them.
Are you retarded? The best programmers are people who use lambda calculus with pen and paper.
Retards using pads and touchscreen shit, or even just GUI programs, are trash.
It's mostly weeboo shit anyways, but yeah it's not the best thing to do.
in theory you should be popular with all the "nerd culture" shit that everyone's obsessing over
>frying their dopamine receptors, giving them ADD, nuking their attention span and stopping them from developing motor skills is good
Hopefully that won't result in her being a social outcast because she hasn't been slutting it up on and pedotube since she was five.
Normies that are into "nerd culture" just have some dumb action figures and a star wars shirt. I have thousands of dollars of lego that covers almost every wall of my room.
Kids need to get hurt when theyre kids. the super sheltered kids usually grow up to be giant pussies
End the TV shit. No electronics for the first 8 years of her life at least.
Controlling her peers would be difficult, but you can at least control the pool of her peers by not living in some shithole.
We watch movies periodically. Other than messing with my electronic instruments she doesn't really interact with electronics.
I noticed that lots of (white) middle and upper class parents are becoming aware of the screen Jew. Its mostly single moms, Mexicans and blacks that give their kids screens.
I can't really do much because I'm going to uni and I only really see my Dad. My sister's both have stepdads, but neither of them are successful in fixing them, because my 14 year old sister is a rebellious cunt. Even our mom doesn't like it, and it pisses me off that she doesn't know that she's gonna end up a roastie.
Well, I'm a beaner myself, but any mindfulness tends to be in the realms of well off East Asians and whites.
Same here user.
I used to be pretty ashamed of going to the lego store to buy them.
Thankfully one of the cashiers is a pretty fucking cool dude so I don't mind it as much.
I have noticed that a lot of children and younger people dont have very good motor skills or mechanical function. Not talking about cars but just having hands on skills. We hired this 18 year old in the butcher shop I work at. He couldnt figure out how to screw the head of the grinder on so we go in to give him a hand. He was turning it to the left and couldnt use the common sense to maybe try going to the right
Minecraft is just lego for retards.
With Lego you have a limited resource that you have to use to build something you like, you work to make it look good, be durable and in my case, look realistic.
With minecraft all you're doing is placing blocks until something resembles something you like, there is no thought put into the integrity of the structure itself, it's just mindless building.
This, but Minecraft (Preferably 1.2.5) is still a fun game to play every once in a while, especially to get off of tilt. I still enjoy playing it with friends from time to time.
>family friend has kid who is on the spectrum
>spends all day doing shit on tablet
>not educational or for autism either, just lots of entertainment shit
>tfw just know that kid is going to end up here or become a huge weeb
iPhones are terrible for motor skills. Youre not actually doing anything when you touch a screen, your just touching a fucking screen. You ever wondered why arts and crafts and legos and toys are so important for kids? Because it develops basic motor skills, and nowadays kids dont do any of that, they just watch iPad videos all day
From a really young age, I would play video games a lot with my Dad, it's where I got a lot of my favorite times with him when I was young, and it also has given me a lot of my passion for gaming. I think that electronic things like games or TV are okay when you're doing it with family, because you're still connecting with your kid. I agree that it shouldn't be all you do though.
I think it's fascinating how little are people self aware.
>damn those kids and their books back in my day we used to work in mines when were 12
>damn those kids and their tvs back in my day we use to read books
>damn those kids and their computers, why don't they watch a documentary or something on the tv
>damn those kids and their smartphones, why don't they use the computer so maybe they will learn to code or something else
kys, those kids will probably lose their virginity before you do
>damn those kids and their anti-biotics back in my day we use to die from plague like real men
They will lose their virginity fast, because social media, and the huge focus on likes and internet fame are turning kids into roasties faster than an Arby's owned by Hannibal Lecter.
They dont code.
They dont even play good games. They play the worst Skinner box tier shovel ware.
Except technology is objectively worsening our brains.
>distract her with movies.
This is why two parents working is bad
>watching the electric cancer.
Only poor people watch tv
Thats so not true, the most materialistic biggest conspicuous consumers are always the ones who grew up poor. It elevates the status and allure of expensive things.
These kids dont even know how a computer works. They know how to operate the screen and thats it.
Im sure most kids are not going to those after school programs.
Fucking this, watching television is brainwashing. Smart people know what to expose themselves to even if it's just for entertainment
>These kids dont even know how a computer works. They know how to operate the screen and that's it
Most adults dont know how a car works. Majority is just women but men sometimes too have very minimal or no exposure to everyday technologies.
there is nothing wrong with either of those images
This image is baby boomer as fuck. The reason the next generation stares at a screen for fun is because you allowed it