Stop posting pics of BBQ food faggots, you make women afraid

Stop posting pics of BBQ food faggots, you make women afraid.

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>receive hate mail
>move to Trash and continue with day

>receive hate mail
>blog about it, try to start a hashtag, attempt to capitalise on the most tepid form of victimhood there is, and push real victims of real issues out of the spotlight

Why are they like this?

My sides!

why are sluts so offended by being called roastie?

If only there were a simple way for her to disprove their claims


>becoming a woman online
Women demonised men for literally decades for using the Internet to discuss their hobbies. Now that it's a platform for them to show each other photos of themselves they think it's their domain. I mean, can you fucking imagine if I kept a hard-copy of a photo of my face in my pocket, and took it out to show every person I met? That would be insanely autistic, but that's the female Internet.

why do women always believe their self esteem should be the responsibility of others? im not even a woman hater but that is something ive noticed

Is there anything women don't eventually end up ruining?

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>intimidated by having your labia mocked
all the micropenis men should be reeeing hard right now


>posting an accurate representation in jest
Can't take the bantz2

Y'know what'll really show men?
Posting a pic of your vagina online


Which one of you fags is this?


I fucking love how common anti-semtism now is on social media. It's hilarious. We did it!

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Increased susceptibility to negative emotion.

t. JBP


Women laugh at gullible whores like them. If you haven't encountered decent women, you need to filter your social circle better, although it's difficult to find sane girls in America I was told.


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Yeah all 6 of them

BTFO roasties

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Jews and Basedcucks are like this too though

Such strange times we live in.

>Increased susceptibility to negative emotion
This is a good thing because they notice and can help babies in need right?

The secret to shutting women up:

>call them ugly
>call them used goods

It works all the time

I wonder if her language about middle eastern rape gangs is as harsh as her words towards anonymous whites having a giggle about the waning structural integrity of the average woman's spunk trunk.

hhahahahahahahahahahaha fucking awesome

We're taking back the internet lads


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send them more pictures of cold cuts, watch them crumble

at the knees because they are fat

they are asking for it

>that tweet

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roastie is one of the best things to happen.

Nah, this is amusing af.

The Incel revolution has begun. This is top kek

Women want to be free to become famous and adored by millions over the interwebs, but somehow they find it unacceptable that they might become hated by millions as well.
>w*myn logic

Exactly. However outside of home life, it's nothing but a burden. That's why they should stay at home.


cancer of the internet, guess who's behind it.

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>Why are the like this?
hmm who nose?

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LMFAO dat Goebbels quote. Please God, I hope this article gets many views.

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didn't work on that one

She doesn't even deny it. What did she mean by this?

Notice that the antisemitism doesn't even register with her because she is preoccupied with the insult to her vagina

>m-muh liberation
>muh empowerment
>are you mad yet, Daddy?

>They say not to give power to your attackers. Not to let them know how fearful you are.
>But I, as a woman, couldn't shut the fuck up about it so how's some verbal diarrhea to waste your life on.
Woman are so strong aren't they?

20 vaginas that make you think of Arby's. You'll freak when you see #7

>22 year old with an awful lot to say about everything
That's your problem right there

same reason jews get offended when you call them jews, same reason niggers get offended when you call them niggers. It is what they are.

So women are now getting a taste of what it is like to be a man? Or do they think people actually give a shit and do not insult the opinion of 22 year old basedboys?

Kek'd and checked


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So many pathetic incel good for nothing pieces of shit in this thread.

Reconsider your lives.

Enough of this everyday "Hey I found a women who is acting like a women" threads.

>roastie meme is becoming mainstream
Looks like that blatant falseflag facebook post is backfiring on the kikes.

kek'd hard at the hashtag
this'd be hilarious to trend in support


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Jow Forums btfo by Norway Roast.

>be man
>get treated like garbage for hobby
>get told to deal with it or fuck off
>get treated like shit because you're ugly and depressed
>get told to be a man and fuck off

>be woman who gets told mean things sometimes because they're a woman
>whine about it on social media until you get confirmation bias and feel like you're in the right
>continue to blame every problem you have on the same men who you made fun.

Ah yes the female has such a hard life being pampered.

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I can't tell whether or not this is Shopped or is an actual roast.

Reconsider yours and maybe think like an individual. Stop white knighting women just because you wanna bang them.

you're proving our point you dumb bitch
don't respond
just shut the fuck up
silence isn't always weakness
fucking roasties jesus christ
you think john wayne scowling at you instead of screaming that you're a bad person makes him weak?
standing strong in the face of adversity and not blowing your top is a show of strength

So this whole incel new nonsense was dumb at first, but then it struct me. This might force "roastie" to go mainstream. Soon hundreds of thousands of roasties will be getting toastie and we get front row seats.

Chads will gladly use it too. I welcome our new chad friends.

maybe stop being a disgusting fucking roastie then, dumb whore

nasty flaps

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cut off your nasty roast beef flaps

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>Intimidated and afraid

Has there been a more golden era of r9k then right now?

Leave then bitch. You joined us we didnt join you.

Retarded cunt.

Why are you even reposting some vapid 22 yo's worthless opinion?

because roastie's torment is my enjoyment

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Imagine being that spooked over a picture of a roast beef sandwich. There are horses with PTSD that spook less easily.

Of course not.
Only white man are allowed to be made fun off and ridiclued.
And then wonder when they snap because all that shit is just too much to bear.


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