How depressed are you today on a scale of 0 (completely fine) to 10 (on the verge of suicide)?

How depressed are you today on a scale of 0 (completely fine) to 10 (on the verge of suicide)?
I'm on a solid 7

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I'd say around 6, I've been thinking about suicide again but I know that I don't want to that.

hmm, i'm not really suicidal today, so i'd say about 2?
but i have this terrible anxiety so i'm not feeling fine

maybe 8-9

I'm still too pussy to do anything that might hurt, so I guess things aren't that bad yet

Right now a 4. Early yesterday I was an 8.

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I'd say im a solid 7. constantly thinking about suicide but putting it on hold until i feel things are bad enough.

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10, without a doubt. I hate being alive. I want to die in my sleep already.

right now a 3 or 4 because meds
before that between 7 and 8, maybe 9 at it's peak.

>solid 7

I'd say a solid 6 since literally nothing good happened to me today

1, slept 13h though.

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Solid 7 too for like a month now
All the time this dull feeling

Who else has somewhat frequent suicidal thoughts but is too pussy to do anything, but since you constantly juggle between being suicidal and pre-suicidal it actually starts affecting you physically to the point you're nearly constantly fatigued

7.5 i was at a 9 yesterday i wont survive 2018

About 7
I'd like to kill myself but I don't want to hurt my grandma and mom (the only people who care about me). I don't want to leave my doggo too.

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My dad is having another one of his alcoholic downspirals and it's causing me an untold amount of anxiety. He's non-functional. I can't stop worrying all day while I'm at work. He literally cannot get over his divorce from a year ago, I've never seen a case of somebody being so unable to move on from their ended relationship with another person. It's fucking hell. I want to move out so bad and just earlier he woke me up dunk to tell me that he doesn't want me to move out because it will break his heart. I'm fucking 24. I don't know what to do anymore guys.

>somewhat frequent
Everyday, my friend. Tried hanging but too pussy to do full suspension one and just kept failing the short drop.

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"5" I'm ok. I don't really belong on this board. I just started lurking here after that Toronto incident.

It is a sunny day, it is the end of working week, I am fit and have a tight ass, handsome, and I will spend todays evening getting drunk off my ass in my room while watching ponies.

9,im so fed up with it boys...

maybe 5.3/4

Around 4
I can't workout or anything because my knees and elbows hurt
I'm bored as fuck

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I'm planning on killing myself after the summer

what the fuck

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You won't do this
Been in you shoes way too many times
We will wither away with all around us going to shit but we won't kill ourselves

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My dad hasn't fully gotten over the divorce from 10 years ago. In high school I would worry I'd come home to find he'd killed himself. It's a shitty thing to be go through. Hope it gets better man.

8 or 9 depending on the day

Honestly around a 2-3 today, the morning is pretty Jow Forumsomfy and I got a nice cup of coffee. Blacker than black of course.

Things have been looking up lately, so I'll put myself down as a 3. Got a new job in the city that pays well, which really brought me from a 6 to where I am now.

About 4
It's only 8 AM but I've already resigned myself to doing nothing all day, just gonna binge eat and do whatever my habits suggest.

I can absolutely work out but I'm not fucking going to and I have no reason or excuse :^)

about 6
wouldn't mind some suicide but im too lazy

1 today, yesterday was a solid 7 so i took 2 sleep pills and just passed out for 10 hours with no memorable dreams, feel alot better today

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whatever number -taking a 12 ga shell from the box for my dad's shotgun he keeps, out in the open, in his room that i plan on using sometime soon- puts me at

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Today 2. Not so bad i think. I am only sad about ending college right now.

9. I don't commit suicide because I don't wanna disappointed my mother more. If she wasn't here, I was already gone years ago.

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11. I already got the noose tied.

4 or 5 maybe

Everyday is a perpetual 6

a light 1.5 :)

For the last week I was 7-8. Today for some reason I'm at a 5 or 6. I go see my counsellor in an hour.

On average, probably a , but I reach 10 on almost a daily basis.

About 6. Crohn is flaring up again and I already had to go to the toilet 3 times. I'm too exhausted to be any more depressed.

3-4? maybe 2-3. I don't know I've been feeling good lately but at night I tend to get mental breakdowns here and there

6, probably. I'm being consumed by apathy.
I wanted to study python a bit, but I can't make myself do anything, so whatever.

Average of 5 but today Im feeling a solid 9.

probably a solid 9
i suffer very heavily psychosis, and stress/anxiety makes me very psychotic because of the level of pain it puts me in
the average level of pain i operate at everyday is, quite frankly, excruciating

10. im doing it

debating whether to livestream my suicide with heliumtank / mask or not

Only 3. It's a weird feeling that injects itself into every thought. But it doesn't stack.

>Wow, I love the background music for this area! I hate myself.
>I hate myself and I wonder if I can use CloudFlare to speed up this website.
>Cyberpunk is great, and I hate myself, but I would like to see more hard sci-fi.

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Don't livestream it dude. Don't you think we have enough unwanted attention here as it is? Safe travels to the other side fren

Anyone have rapid mood swings? 2 days ago I felt pretty good. Now I feel really depressed. I try to stay positive but so many negative thoughts sneak in to sabotage me.

Was a 10 this morning, but then I did some bibliomancy (opened a copy of the Odyssey and the Iliad to a random page and read a random passage), and both passages were about mothers mourning their sons, so I think I'll hang in there a little longer.

made me chuckle
i feel about the same

Probably a 2 out of 10

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I'm not killing myself anytime soon, I got no reason to because of muh safety net

Not depressed just experiencing crippling embarrassment

I'm not the killing myself type, no matter how hard it gets. Might put myself in to tough situations in a death wish way, but I find the idea of doing it myself unworthy, unless it was in a way Slobodan Praljak did, if there is even the slightest chance of a way out I'll take it. Could have died several times during a few mishaps, chose not to, and incidentally fighting off death causes quite a bit of suffering you have to endure, something in my brain always tells me, "no not like this, I must continue". It's a very decisive factor in dying is your willpower, some will die faster because they give up and let go, others will suffer for hours until they reach a breaking point


Today was rough

you dont have to be super depressed to be suicidal

Righto l forgot that picture

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I constantly think of suicide but will never do it. I think it's the pussy way out and I refuse to give in.

2 today, was 9-10 yesterday

yeah man im exactly like you, only reason im not dead is I know ill hurt my mum.

lets hope we get better user

Probably a six and a half. Ive ruined my life before the age of 25