Would you rather gain 4 inches of height or one inch on your penis(girth included)?
Would you rather gain 4 inches of height or one inch on your penis(girth included)?
On my 4' pecker. Im tall enough.
I'm facelet anyway so height won't help, would rather have a bigger, juicier cock for pleasant fapping
tfw king of manlet w king of manlet dick
its alright
Though at that point I'd only be 5'7".
>tfw balding at 26
yeah i couldn't care either way
Height please so that I can be a freak.
I have a pretty mediocre pens but I'm like 6"3 already so it'd be cool to be really tall
dude im a tranny, i don't even know what of those is worse
I'm 6'4 so penis anyday
(6'4 by the way)
This. I'd rather a good crop of hair on my head.
Definitely height. 5'7 is pure suffering. High school girls are as tall as me, and often taller.
I hate women, women hate me, and I don't care about pleasuring them. I'll take the 4 inches of height. Plus, everybody can see the height at all times, and only me and my partner could ever see or make use of the extra penis length.
Keep the inch and give me what the kikes stole
i'm 6'2 and 6.5 inches, so anything adding to dick would help
>6' tall
>4" dicklet
Give me the longer dick.
4 Inches in height. Ide be 5ft8 with a 6.5incher
I'll take the dick length 2bh
2 inches in height and half an inch in the dick.
4" of height. I'd be 5'7".
Can I lose a few inches of both in exchange for becoming cute?
>be me, superior metric system user
>have to use converter
>find out i'm 5'11 in height and 6.7 inches dick
not done with puberty yet so i'll probably get a little taller, i'll take the dick length
100% dick. I'm not exactly tall but at least 6 feet while I'm a pencildick with only ~6 inch length.
i'd be six foot fucking seven, my dude
i'll take the height
already have 7.5 inch pecker
Who the fuck cares about height?
Give me that penis increase, bro.
How skinny are you o?
I am an manlet(5'9)and a dicklet(5 inch), but I would say dick is the best choice. I have always been under average height so it doesn t rly brother me that much, having a bigger dick would mean that I could at least satisfy an future partner so she wouldn t cheat on me because I don t satisfy her needs.
>tfw 6'4 with 5.5 thick penis
That's a good question - either become tall freak or have monster can penis.
5'6" and below height
anything above is probably going to be penor.
6'7 so the extra inch will do
Nobody cares about you losing hair. The most stupid meme on 4chin.
He could be 21. Puberty ends at 24-25.
We don't care about roasties, so why height?
At least it will be bigger for that person.
>4' pecker
Stop being greedy
If I had the extra height i'd be 6'3 and a half. That's ideal. It's not about the size of the boat but the motion in the ocean.
I don't think being 6'8 with a 2 inch penis helps in any way
Haha nibba I'm 5'11 with the same dick size and I stopped growing at 13.
>tfw no Amazonian trap bf
On my benis. Being 6'2 with a 5 incher would be suffering considering muh dick already looks small enough with my current height.
Saw a middle school boy who was 6'+ yesterday :(
penis because then its long enough to blow myself
>2 inch penis
you're lying, right?
shave it off and grow a beard if you can.
I really wish I was user
>I really wish I was user
Sorry about that user. Are you virgin because of it?
>Are you virgin because of it?
Did you think I'd be willing to let any girl see my dick?
Try balding at 18, Norwood 2 already and don't want to use finasteride because sex life
I'd rather be shorter than I am now so I'll obviously pick the expansion of my dong. 6'5" is too tall for this world.
none Id rather +15 in IQ
or some sort of injection that makes you less autistic
>6'5" is too tall for this world
it's a bit into taller side but no +6'7 freak tall
How tall and how big are you?
>tfw 6'0"
>tfw 7 inch length/6.5 inch girth
>still haven't got laid for 5 years
can I forego both to cure my autism instead?
Not the tallest or biggest but probably height to get a bit over the 6' mark
Good question OP.
I would take the 1 inch for my penis mostly because doors in my country are only 6'6 and with 4 inches of height I would hit my head too often.
If I was a couple inches shorter I would take the height
You've never talked to a woman I see
>hairlet at 18
>sex life
either dont lie or leave the board, normalfaggot
4" because if I lose my fat my dick will be bigger again
Height please, I have an 8" dong
t. 5 6 manlet
Is 16cm a good peepee size?
Need an inch of dick more than height I can accept being 5'11" if it means having a longer and thicker penis.
I'm happy with my dick size. Don't mind being 5'10", either, but I'd rather be 6'2" than have an 8" dick.
I'm already 6'1 and my dick's already 7'' so fuck it, an inch on my penis so I can star in BLACKED.
I'm a turbomanlet (5'5) but I'd rather have a 7.5 inch penis than become taller.
It's still too tall. I'm not talking about in the opinion of girls but to be able to be comfortable. It's also so tall that you're likely to get a weird face and back problems.
Do you like being short?
Hell, I'd lose 4 inches to gain 2. I'd still be over 6 foot.
4 inches of height. That would make me 6'10", which would just be ridiculously tall.
>user! do you play basketball? hahaha
4 inch on height since as you get taller your penis grows so you'd probably gain .5 inch on the benis
im 6.4 and my penis is 8 inch so i rather get 4 inch to my height so i would be over 200cm
I'm almost completely bald and I'm only 20, also a manlet and dicklet, I'd rather just win the lottery at this point and spend the money on whatever the fuck I want
It always floors me when a thread like this is full of people mostly being honest with penis size. Generally people lie like mad.
I'm definitely insecure about it but it is nowhere as bad as having a small penis.
it's anonymous, dummy.
>it's anonymous, dummy.
That doesn't stop 99% of penis threads being filled with 8" dicks left and right.
Can I just get my foreskin back instead?
Can i choose 4 pounds?
yes but you'll lose 3 inches of height
Eat some food lol
>8x7" dong or being 6'1
I think being 6'1" is far better. Having a huge dick doesn't really seem that great. All I'd be able to do is go on the internet and show strangers my dick to brag. Have you ever viewed the profiles of guys from subreddits about "big dick problems" and stuff? I went on a bit of a browsing binge through their profiles a few years back and a lot of them just relentlessly spam about being lonely or spam female posts to try and get laid.
Penis size is irrelevant when you're a broke loser with nobody to enjoy it in real life. I should know.
>yes but you'll lose 3 inches of height
I'll give you 4 for that, thanks sir.
6'6" or 8 inch dick? Maybe 6'6". Nobody will see my dick even if it is guaranteed huge. And I get insecure feelings when I see somebody taller than me since I'm already so tall.
Calm down big guy.
Bigger than average.
>Even lanklets have manlet syndrome in 2018
i'm 185cm tall, i'll invest in dick
even though then it will be absolutely massive girth wise, literal pussy splitter
"And I get insecure feelings when I see somebody taller than me since I'm already so tall"
That is all tall people user. You will never be the biggest but the biggest isn't always the best.
it's different cause I know I'm tall but there are still quite a lot of people who are taller than me. It's not that I feel constantly inferior, but just that it takes away my special status.
dick all day all nite
That would make me 5 ' 6 "
Dick but the it's already difficult enough to get and maintain erections so with an additional inch to fill with blood it would be no bueno
Lanklets pls
190cm tall. I'll take another 10 cm of dick please.
I do care because I've been losing my hair since, probably, when I was 21, and I'm 30 now.
I agree. Unless you are ripped like Vin Diesel, Jason Statham and other balding actors, you will look like a failure of a man. Moreover if you are not tall.
Having good hair will make you look younger than you really are.
>Vin Diesel
he is subhuman
>Jason Statham
he is not THAT good
for most dudes no hair is game over
>tfw 6"2 but incel creppy tallfag
>tfw when 8x6.25
i'd like more penis size to destory women thank u
>That would make me 5 ' 6 "
Hows the life being 5'2 male?
Height. It just dawned on me a few years ago that I'll never be a man because I'm only 5'8". My dick is big enough, I'd take being 6'0" over having a 8 inch dick any day.
myth lol
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