This is your oneitis the same day she rejected you

This is your oneitis the same day she rejected you.

Attached: 15103699.gif (442x236, 550K)

Not true.
She had at least two dicks in her.
Yes I know, because it was filmed and videos like that spread around highschool like hellfire.

Would you be so kind and share it to us, user?

Jokes on you, she died at that very day.

Attached: IT WAS ME.png (2148x1276, 818K)

please my friend, share

It was around a decade ago. It's long gone adn I wouldn't even know how to find it should some good soul have uploaded it back then on some obscure pornsite.

Question: my oneistis rejected me in high school and then 5 years after I fucked her. Am I a normie?

>highschool sex tape
>uploading it
>even mentioning about it
Taidama, FBI.

You had sex, so yes you are a normie.

I've had sex many times, paid to some, manipulated some, and some of them was bois.
Am I normie?

Protip; you can't make me a normie.

>implying i'd ever ask out an obvious roastie

Hipster Oneitis breaks up with boyfriend. Think finally my chance. Start following onesitis on snap chap. She start hanging around a Tyrone. Slowly watching her become a bimbo. Know she has or will be black. Can't stop tapping thinking about it.

haha jokes on you i never had a oneitis because i think im fucking asexual

Pick one, faggot.

you made yourself a normie, mate

>Implying I've ever felt attracted enough to a girl to get oneitis
Haha what kinda loser do you think I am?

I've made my non-normie wall as strong as possible, how about that?

Attached: 忍 neckbeard.jpg (699x800, 43K)

becoming asexual is peak robot. It's what everyone else on this board should strive for. Don't be a reddit involuntary celibate, better yourself, become the best you can be and learn that sex itself is degenerate. Only then will girls be into you but you'll have reached the point where you no longer want them. Seriously everyone should aim for voluntary celibate/asexual.

Unlike this whore, I bet she enjoyed chads cock.

You don't "become" asexual you pathetic virgin.

let me guess. "you're just born like it"? Get otu of here with that libshit, retard. You can become any sexuality (or lackthereof) you like My best friend became a faggot by watching too much yaoi.

Just because you have absolutely zero self-control doesn't mean the rest of us do, you filthy sexual

Reminder that these threads are not made by robots but by cuckold fetishists.

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>tfw volcel
You all are subhumans to me, foolishly chasing something you might never get. Don't you have dreams? Nothing to do ? No ambition ? Just fucking brainless zombies only whining "gf" and going through life. Not much different than the normies you despise.

>having an oneitis
Step up your game fampai

Attached: image.jpg (500x403, 124K)

Fembots, would you let me do that to your ass?

I wonder if this position is doable in the pussy with an average dick.

I want to hurt a girl's ass with my penis like that

how was she still your oneitis after that?

Basically you fapped yourself senseless. Doesn't make you asexual

why isn't the guy black?
how am i supposed to jack off to this?

she's actually asian, but everything else is right

you talk like a fucking normie too

>look up her facebook
>status: single

and it never changes you'd think she would have someone by now

Single means fucking new chads without restraint

She wasn't. It was after the finals that this shit happened.
Jerked off to it a couple times but afterwards I had no feelings for her anymore.

No it isn't lol

No, her hair is lighter and her ass is much bigger.

nah my oneitis is still a virgin
molested by her father at a young age
she either will be her whole life or until she hits 30 with her biological clock ticking she'll fuck some random to put a baby in her