If Chad is the generic name for an alpha and Brad is for failed normies; what is the generic male name for a robot?

If Chad is the generic name for an alpha and Brad is for failed normies; what is the generic male name for a robot?

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Greg, Robert, Stuart.

Gotta be old fashioned to emphasize the schism from modern society.

how about Eugene?

>tfw mommy gave me a cute baby name that doesn't work now that I'm a fully grown adult male.

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I think it should be Larry.

Would make a great sitcom; Chad, Brad and Larry.

Chad gets the girls but suffers from crazy self esteem issues (hence always working out etc.)

Brad is the average Joe that most normies can relate to, has a shitty job and a gf that's cheated on him twice.

And Larry?
Larry enjoys collecting lego and has a cupboard full of fleshlights.

Quinn, in the most original way

My name: Tom / Thomas

Those guys are always the fucking weirdos in movies.


My name is literally Jeff.
I once introduced myself to girl by saying with the voice of chaning tatum "My nAme IS jeFf"

guess how that went..

Why the fuck would you do that to yourself, Jeff?



Nick unironically all Nicks I knew were retarted including myself.

How about Kevin.

I bet your name is Cody

Nah, we can one up it

Why not? Isn't it self-explanatory?

Eugene = good gene (where eugenics comes from) or was that supposed to be intentional

Names are for friends so we don't need them.

this meme is quite hilarious


>tfw name is foreign
>sounds like this

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Is Oliver a beta name?

Gabriel desu.
Cute and good.



>Chad gets the girls but suffers from crazy self esteem issues
Seriously though, since when do Chads have self esteem issues? Do you think their outgoing and extroverted nature is all acting?

Not saying you're wrong, genuinely curious.

Robots don't have names.

Gregory, Alex (without the ander), Jason

Can someone give me a quick rundown on ops pic... keep seeing these all over Jow Forums

I think he was just saying self esteem issues for the purposes of the sitcom. you can't have a main character that has no flaws.

but yes, by definition a chad is someone who not only is a perfect specimen genetically but who also has above average intelligence and the charisma to spin it into something that works for him, to boot

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It's gang weed, a normiebook page for people who live in a society

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Shlesturgber. Feels fucking bad

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pic related seems pretty gay desu

holy fuck that's alpha as SHIT

the eggman looking kid I went to school with was named Gabe. I nominate Gabe.

robby sounds less alpha than rob and is short for robot its the obvious choice

the shortened version oli is


A true robot name

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Elliot orgigig

this, it's no argument

yes I wasted money on a shit game
fuck me



(I doubt this is original)

John Doe, cuz we are Anonymous, kek. Just kill me please.


Melvin, Elliot, Erwin, Eugene, Poindexter