Do you want to have children one day, anoni? Do you want to get married?

Do you want to have children one day, anoni? Do you want to get married?

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Who are you? Why are you asking me such questions?

no and it's not like i have a chance anyway so fuck women

I am married
Have five sons

What are doing here on this board then?
are you a Jow Forums native?

Well yeah, of course I do. I'm a 27 year old kv though so it's obviously not going to happen.

Yes, but I'm not going to marry some mentally unstable psycho like you who will cheat on me with five separate guys and then threaten to commit suicide if I leave her.

>let me show you who I am

Yes and yes, but first I need to get in shape and learn to effectively take care of myself. I don't want a gf to be my crutch.

Been here a loooooong time
Answering questions mainly

Oh, that's quite the answer.

I do, but I'm pretty sure I've missed my chance.
I just try not to think about it.

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yes i hope my current bf is the one :(

Why would anyone want children tho?

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God damn loch ness monster has done it again

>>let me show you who I am


i definitely want children, what else is there to live for when you get old? having beautiful white children with someone i love is my only real goal.

I really hope you get to do that, user.

I just want to fucking go home. I want my medications and I want to be left the fuck alone.

he's a liar and underage user

When I go out to work when I get home they run out yelling
>dad is home! Dad is home!
And talk, laugh, and live

I used to be called Married Oldfag before arcanine was removed


She deepthroated millions...

>When I go out to work when I get home they run out yelling
>>dad is home! Dad is home!

user please stop

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So you want talking dogs?

The oldest carries my bag in for me
The second gets any groceries I might have picked up
The rest chatter and run around, making sure the youngest stays safe

No, because I don't want to pass on my bad genes

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just go to brazzers and find it you utter useless shitstain

Watching them grow, learn, and become adults is amazing.
They create ideas you never could; dream their own dreams; tell their own tales
And as they become adults they get more and more amazing

how am i supposed to find it with no name or title you dumb piece of shit
if you don't have the sauce stfu

that made me laugh user
he's probably making it up user and if he isnt his kids will hate him in a few years anyway.

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Yeah i do, but guess what
I also want to be a billionaire, but that shit isnt happening either

80% of men marry
Some of us come here
Some of us have kids
It is not an affront
Heck, this place has helped me!

Probably underage. Not helping. Go watch spongebob, timmy.

fuck off if you dont have the sauce

One day but not with a white wench

Imagine being this much of an imbecile.

My wife is usually in the kitchen, still cooking. I get a kiss, she hands me a drink, and I sit in the living room and the kids tell me about their day