Mods, ban all Discord threads

Literally a form of social media that encourages users to:
>"mic" whore
>create autistic cliques
>littered with rate me channels
>beta orbiting
>female worship

Any of these threads should be classified as /soc/ shit and treated accordingly.

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this. Go back to /soc/


But seriously this

mods are too lazy obv

Yes I totally agree

Fucking this.

Chans are based on anonymity and this discords are some facebook or reddit tier cancer.

Instant and permanent bans for discord posting and also if anyone says "fembot" or "femanon"

Yes. Also ban all female, anti-incel, faggot and trap thread.

I agree with all this.

This rule would certainly improve Jow Forums. When you think about it discord is no different than camwhoring so it already violates one of the rules of Jow Forums.

This this this. Discord shill threads can be classified under 2 rule breaks: /soc/ and advertising.

The mods are a pack of fucking queers who don't do anything to help Jow Forums

We are robots not incels, we need that reddit tier terminology out of here.

Discord is one of the main habitats of socialism. If we outlaw Discord, we can stop socialism.

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I'm actually amazed the mods haven't deleted this thread considering they are all huge faggots that worship discord.

i have never joined a discord group that wasnt either retarded or empty. theres some seriously rowdy retards on discord, this is much worse than skype groups were. something about discord brings out the maximum autist out in people

Keep this thread bumped. Mods fear it.

Fucking this, big time. Go plug your socials in >>/soc/

Mods are afraid

no one will hear user. We have been completely abandoned
at least moot cared enough to delete us when it got real bad. Nu mods and Hiro dont care

>Muh secret robot club 4nigger
>I hate anything "normal"
I think OP just wanted to sound cool and edgy. Discordfags are annoying, but OP is also a fucking faggot.

t. Scared normalfaggot.

>Calls anything he disagrees with or every user he does not agree with "normalfag"
Using normalfag makes you a normalfag you newnigger

The normalfaggots are terrified. I hope you livestream your suicide when discord gets banned from Jow Forums

I absolutely agree, especially in light of the Rekkio -trap situation (that everyone here seems to have forgotten about).
It gives predators the "in" they need to reach the more vulnerable members of r9k.
Look out for your own, mods.

Attached: Aproach with caution .jpg (900x596, 363K)

Mods are probably in those orbit servers getting nudes and attention so they can't kill the discord threads
What faggots