Tfw just talked to Jehovah's Witnesses for 40 minutes

>tfw just talked to Jehovah's Witnesses for 40 minutes

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I'm having a bible study with one every week. He paid me 40$ to move rocks at his house for 2 hours because he knows I'm a NEET. I hope he isn't a rapist or something lol

About originaloly what?

Tell them your a catholic then close the door in their face next time.

They talked about God and their cult and I was too beta to told them to leave.
I said i'd consider their offer and they left finally.
I have a feeling they'll be back soon

Of course they back stupid.
> talked for 40 minutes
And you even know why they back

>tfw wish I could converse for 40 minutes

t. brainlet

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Yeah, I know.
I hate being so polite to people.
I wouldn't exactly call it a conversation. More like me listening to them reciting their script and asking me questions.

I do this too because I'm so lonely.
The last time they came they eventually realized I was insane and just left.

Let me save you some time, user. Convert to Holy Orthodoxy. Save your soul.

Kek. If cultists realized this you definitely have problem boi

They were trying to convince me to come to some kind of hotdog cookout at a park that weekend and I just kept going on this maniacal, Dostoevsky-style rant about how could God exist yet allow the innocent to constantly be raped and murdered every day.

Dostoevsky was Orthodox.

why dont just become a member them?i fucking hate this guys and cant stand them, but if you tolerate them maybe becoming a jehova witness may be good for you, a lonely robot could benefit from comunity

I laydown beneath the windows when people come to my house

Why don't you go, maybe there will be some qts

I'm 29 and realized my life isn't an anime a few years ago so I no longer place much faith in chance, fateful meetings with qts at the Jehovah's Witness hot dog cookout.

Half of my family is Jehovah witnesses.
Ask me anything

Who do you look forward to seeing when paradise is restored on earth?

I would not be in paradise, because my dad got out of the community. But everyone else on my dad side of my family is Jehovah witnesses.

You got people to talk to you for forty whole minutes??? How?

I've entertained these people with bible talk before. My Mom always invites them in because her Dad was a Jehova's witness and as soon as he got off that wagon he killed himself with a shotgun not soon after. These were nice old black ladies and I was still younger and cute back then

>tfw the Jehovah qts are waiting and user won't go to see them to get his hotdog cooked