>"Hol up user, you ain't goin nowhere till I get a kiss! Pucker up!
"Hol up user, you ain't goin nowhere till I get a kiss! Pucker up! <3"
Delicious big tiddy brown qt
Hello operator? A nigger just stole my virginity
Your sir, just won the internet!
Slap that nigger dead in the face. Damn dindus will steal anything they can get their mitts on including white boys
>Post ends in 69
If you know what I mean LOL.
Fucking. Epic. Post.
Slap her in the tits with full force and escape to safety before she robs me
Tongue fuck her throat and squeeze her titties until she begins to lactate then ask her if she wants to come inside.
Hey fellas, shall we ease up on this casual racism? My kid is half African-American and i feel personally attacked, thanks.
Yours, or your wife's?
Originalisimum kek
Can I get a hug instead?
Fuck off please faggatoni
I would destroy a darkie or Latino. They're into white boys right?
The white cocklust grows stronger and stronger within the ebony female every day
Wow she's cute
Wouldn't mind breeding her
Motorboat those titties
Gib chocolate milkers
She's not dark enough for me.
This is what REAL black girls look like.
Mutts can't compete.
Max Par user
had to turn up my brightness 2 see her properly
Quality post friendorino
Isn't she like half-japanese or something?
If you insist. I must warn you though, I'm a terrible kisser and have no experience in this area.
The only thing you'll be kissing is my dick roastie
Now get to sucking