How does it feel to habe black people at school? i never had one im eastern european

how does it feel to habe black people at school? i never had one im eastern european

tell me bout it the cons and pros

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They were all in the remedial classes. Not even fucking joking. The only one who didn't barely said anything, had heavy eye makeup on, and wore a SOAD shirt almost every day.

Being 99% white (and 1% Jewish.) I was seperated from the jungle that was the normal classes. The one time I elected to not be apart of the advanced placement classes all learning ceased. The Black and Mexican students were total monsters who demanded all attention, postive or negative, be on them. The teacher was regularly reduced to tears as the classroom turned into turf warfare between rival factions, with all the white and asian students forced to one corner with their textbooks. The averaged grade of the entire class was something like 57%, with the academic minded students getting all A's, and the rest, and majority of the class getting a complete zero. Not one assignment was turned on by these people. They refused to even sign their names on their papers to gain the few mesely points the school threw at you in a desperate attempt to raise the school GPA and avoid losing their funding. In fact, many students, especially in sports, recieved unfair grades, if only C's and B's, because the school was in danger of being shut down completely.

I had one dark grill in my classes in elementary, she was just like everyone else because she wasn't 'muricanized nigger.

pros: ???
cons: ???

I can't really tell, she blended in with us whiteys by not acting like a monkey

Black dick
black culture
Amazing athletes

You have to compete against them as a white man
Women only want black men

I have shared this story on Jow Forums a few times now
>inb4 containment board

>be me
>14, attend boys catholic school
>niggers make up 15% of school
>in between lessons, walking through crowded corridor
>hot teacher walks past
>niggers shout rumble (game where you push and shove each other
>they use this to create a commotion so they can touch the teacher inappropriately
>practically molesting her
>majority of them suffer zero consequences

As for the ones that got caught, they got sent to the exclusion zone where you just sat and did nothing, but they did not get sent there because of what they did to the teacher, it was because of the commotion.

I had one black kid in my classes. He was one of the worst offenders of being a retard, but on about equal level to the other idiots. Most kids hate learning and other people and are destructive selfish cunts, from what I've experienced.

Nice bait goy

>tfw homeschooled
>tfw live in a nigger infested area
>tfw avoided them entirely

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Some were alright, most were clowns who were only there for the free breakfast and lunch. Public school is cancer here.

Came up in a pretty moneyed area. There were blacks in my school but they were all the children of doctors and lawyers and business owners and whatnot. They were just good, normal people. The only "problem" demographic we had were JAPs (Jewish-American Princesses).

It's probably like like gypsies, but on steroids.

We talking about black people, or niggers? It depends on where you're raised, dude. Black kid gets raised in the ghetto, he's going to be a thug. Black guy gets raised like a human being in a neighborhood with money, he's just going to be your average dude for the most part, although black dudes with decent upbringings tend to be SJWs or whatever.

kek, i know that smugness user. Learned more in 6 month of homeschool than in 4 years of negros infected school.

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Some are whitewashed and acceptable.
Some think it's cool to act like hood rats and are awful to be around.
They smell.

>Black guy gets raised like a human being in a neighborhood with money, he's just going to be your average dude
Except that his IQ is still going to be significantly lower than white people's IQ.

this, you just don't want to be around for spiritual and conversation challenge, they will just get violent once you tell them the facts.

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I also browse leddit. Upboated xDDDD.

Pros: you learn all new lingo, and earn a lot of cool points by having ghetto friends, also if you're crazy and into drugs they often like you and will accept you into their group.

Cons: They're really ignorant, and like it that way so if you hate ignorance you'll be annoyed a lot by how little people know.

That's talking about adoption though. A guy who comes from 'nobler' blood is not the same thing as a guy put up for adoption by irresponsible parents from the inner city.

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>Implying anyone in Minnesota isn't retarded

Back to the oven mate. You have to go back.

A nightmare, they're loud, come in late, fight frequently, and disrupt the learning environment. They like to play music on their phones while skipping class and walking around in the hallways and our school was too pussy to do anything about it, they'd rather write me up for minor infractions

HOWEVER, they can be pretty fun to chill with, and many of them have connections to drugs and won't mind selling to you if you're not a fag. There were a few dudes who literally always had weed and vodka, and sometimes ecstasy, shrooms, or moonshine (although those were much rarer) at my school.

I also took advantage of a business opportunity by selling schoolwork to the guys in credit recovery. Some of them paid in me weed lol. One aspiring pimp wanted to hook me up with a ratchet ass ho in return for my doing his tenth grade science workbook but she was nasty so I refused and took the money instead. Looking back, I'm not sure I made the right decision - could have lost my v-card at 15.

Overall, I'd say they're a big net negative and a school with a larger white% is preferable. I speak from experience, I transferred from a 90% white school to a 50% black school midway through highschool.

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I remember reading that I don't browse Jow Forums a lot. Do you spam that story everywhere ? Pretty funny btw

> browse Jow Forums and Jow Forums

i'm sorry

I went to a majority white school. The black kids who cared about acting black and who were only there on a scholarship were obviously unintelligent and acted like idiots.

The ones who were good and whitewashed like myself were mostly quiet and a little awkward but pretty much like everyone else.

At a majority black school it's absolute chaos. The children are insufferable, the teenagers act like animals, and the teachers themselves aren't too far off. It's depressing how unintelligent and unmotivated they are desu.

are you euro? are there a lot of gypsies in euro schools?

Ive got a tale for ye

>9th grade in south florida
>the saying "you got the snowman" is popular for some reason as a euphimism for buying cocaine
>talking about it with my friends when im approached by 3 coons
>they heard i was looking for some coke and ask if I want a sample and pull out a bag of White powder
>politley turn them down as drugs are for scrubs
>they leave and find me at the end of the day after school
>they then tell me that all of their coke was taken by a tall lanky white kid that looked like me
>Im about 15 or so and dont have a job so I tell them I dont habe any money
>they confront me every day in the halls asking for their money threatining to jump me and beat me up
>most of my friends had dropped out at this point so I have to bring a knife to school to defend myself

Eventually I got sick of living in fear and snitched them out and got them all expelled, then my family decided to move out of florida because of the niggers. Also god help you if you step on a chimps shoes by accident, you might as well forefit your life.

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Either they blend in or they always try to point out their race and everyone around them tries to be their friend so they can have a token black friend rather than liking them for their personality.

They're dumb, loud, and very inconsiderate

>live in the middle of the woods rural ass area
>every single person is white and openly racist
>one day these two ghetto niggers from detroit start attending
>they try to act ghetto as fuck everywhere they go- being disruptive, disrespecting teachers, randomly busting out in freestyle, ripping off their shirts in the middle of class trying to pick fights over implied slights
>a week goes by of this shit, they think they're invincible and untouchable
>one of them 'accidentally' bumps into a giant redneck, who at first, does nothing
>ghetto nigger starts shit talking and shoving him
>gets his fucking face broken with one punch by this dude. like his ape nose literally explodes and gets a bunch of his teeth knocked out
>it's like that scene in got series where Oberyn gets punched in the mouth by the Mountain
>he's on the ground screaming and crying from one good shot to the face, Mountain Redneck just walks off eating his pizza like nothing happened
>ghetto niggers never show up to school again

I'm Eastern Euro. It depends on the country and even region. Where I come from there are maybe 3 gypsies on average per class. In the other side of the country, there are schools where the majority are gypsies.

This is exactly why civic nationalism doesn't work.

cons: smelly, rude, angry, confrontational, violent, retarded coalburners would defend them, constantly bringing drugs and shit in
pros: none

I don't browse Jow Forums, it's full of delusional civic nationalist christcucks. There are very few Nazis left on that board and it's not worth going on

Sometimes I wonder why you faggots never bother to check what people here tell you there are literally studies that show blacks achieve the same as any other race under the same conditions and environments this includes Hispanics Eastern Europeans and other races which your tiny mind with a high IQ calls stupid

Except that's literally the exact oppisite. Niggers most always do worse than whites even under the same conditions.

>Nice story about fantasies of beating up blacks
seriously though go tell those shit stories elsewhere

If a thread like this appears then yes. This experience made a mark on me. Definitely something I will never forget.

Provide them.
That's not true. There certainly are blacks who achieve a lot but we are talking about averages. Why do you make it your life's mission to make excuses for minorities?
Ted Kaczynski warned us about people like you. You are not fooling anyone.

yeah I went to a public school so I pretty much know your lying

As I said under the same conditions they achieve the same and I'm not making excuses you fucking retarded autist I'm telling you what studies have literally shown and stopping your master race erection from getting too big from lies you find on some shitty internet forum like TD also don't pull Ted into this you faggot

>As I said under the same conditions they achieve the same
I told you to provide the studies.

> also don't pull Ted into this you faggot
You are the exact kind of person Ted warned us about.

>he went to public school

So you're admitting you're a brainwashed good goy? Good to know.

I went to a majority black high school and am black myself
The top of the class were all nice people. The girls would be a bit too loud but overall they were alright.
The average would be a bit misbehaved. Talking in class, not doing all the homework and needing to copy from someone else, and annoying the teacher. Not really that awful but not too good either.
The bottom of the class were just terrible. Typical misbehaved nigger stuff.
I don't think people ever got their things stolen and fights were very rare, most likely because the Dean was a really scary black woman.
I have noticed that new students moving in have been considerablely worst since I've heard that new students would ignore the Asian english teacher and laugh at her when she yells at them.
In my year there were a few other minorities, a couple of slavs, some asians, and arabs. I don't think there was a pure white guy. I would say their experiences were okay, they weren't bullied at all for their races or mistreated.
Just saying my highschool was a bit higher than the average so I don't know if it represents the typical experience.

As I'm from a nice middle class suburb in england most of the black kids in my school were whiter than me

I also went to public school, and you're full of shit.

>what studies have literally shown
Link those studies then

>play shitty music on speakers in the halls
>incredibly disruptive
>literally no inhibitions - simply cannot keep their mouths shut, if they feel they have a 'funny' comment to make they just shout it out in the middle of class
>pick fights all the fucking time for no fucking reason (literally saw a dozen of them kicking the shit out of each other because one of them didn't like the other guy's new shoes)
>trying to educate them is a fucking joke, they barely scrape by because the education system is literally not allowed to fail them - meanwhile they drag the average grades of others down with them
>randomly jump people for no fucking reason
>complain that everything is racist
>demand preferential treatment


>you find on some shitty internet forum like TD

Racism(which includes suggesting that all races are not genetically and intellectually identical) will result in a permanent ban in the_donald. I have no idea why the left seems to think it's some extremist haven that's more extreme than even Jow Forums.



Do you throw jews in wells

They disrupt lessons, lower educational standards and are constantly fighting. They might make your football team slightly it worth the trade off?

I'm half-white and half-black and have only went up to 6th grade before my parents thought to drop me out and skip town. When I was in school the pure black kids were actually the chillest and I was the troublemaker when we were on a field trip and I was in a group with a bunch of black boys and some of their moms. Even the kids who didn't have their mom with them acted right while I'd walk off or take some of their fries without asking. I wasn't that bad otherwise but they all dotted their is and crossed their ts.

Also my mom is black too so it's not like I didn't recognize a black maternal figure. I was just a little piece of shit lol.

(Actual) black bot here, finishing up high school rn with only one month to go, I plan on being a chef when I get to go to college what I can say most of us are dumb as rocks, BUT in order to maintain our grade we cheat. We take our tests online so someone takes an L and it shows all the correct answers on his screen we then proceed to share the answers around the class. Indeed we are loud & obnoxious and like to piss off the teachers not really much to us but doing bare minimum and scraping by ask me questions if you'd like

Well I used to have edgy emo hair when I was in HS and many black guys told me my hair was "Killing" and that they'd have their hair like mine if they was white also so that made me feel a bit nice about myself.

Also, from what I've seen black normalfags tend to be into anime a way lot more then any other race. Maybe it's because it's cheap to watch or something Idk I didn't know them personally

Should white people avoid black people in general?

Eh, some of us are pretty cool you just have to avoid the lowest tiers (welfare suckers, gangbangers, whores, extreme stoners (stoners are relatively fine despite being degenerate)) but you can just hang around us middle tiers if you get what I'm saying.

Everyone should avoid black people in general, even other blacks. Blacks are violent, wild, unpredictable, stupid, have little to no empathy and can't think more than five minutes into the future. That's not a combination for anyone to be around.

I go to a large and fairly selective Big 10 university. We have plenty of black students from cities like Detroit, Flint and Chicago.

Most of them come across as a bit stupid. I still remember one incident from an introductory-level psychology course. Professor was blathering on about 'novel' stimuli and an African-American kid raised his hand and asked, "Novel means, like, positive, right?"

>I was the troublemaker

Makes sense:

Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics.

Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink.

1) The highest rate of ADHD, at 15.2%, is in the mixed race category.

2) The highest rate of 'Learning Disability, at 14.6%, is in the mixed race category.

3) The highest rate of 'Behavioral Difficulty', at 12.8%, is in the mixed race category.

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

In the United States, an estimated 32.3% of multiracial women, 27.5% of American Indian/Alaska Native women, 21.2% of non-Hispanic black women, 20.5% of non-Hispanic white women, and 13.6% of Hispanic women were raped during their lifetimes
An estimated 64.1% of multiracial women, 55.0% of American Indian/Alaska Native women, 46.9% of non-Hispanic white women, and 38.2% of non-Hispanic black women experienced sexual violence other than rape during their lifetimes.

The degree to which affirmative action privileges even the most retarded blacks over others is quite honestly shocking.

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Read my post senpai

So, in order to accommodate you we have to tolerate all the shit. How is that worth it from white people's perspective?

>tfw mixed race
i didn't ask for this

I definitely see where you're coming from I know damn well 80% of us weigh down on you and this country desu I don't even really like being black because of this

Wth its changing normal words into these dumb anime words I don't even use them and auto correct still changes it

One of my close friends is a refugee from the Middle-East. Family is Christian and they came to the U.S. with hardly any money and no language skills.

Friend is now in medical school. He's always astounded at how few African-American kids do the same. In his opinion -- which is reinforced by admissions statistics -- all a black woman has to do to become a doctor is not fail undergraduate or sleep through the MCAT.

As long as you're an African-American -- especially a woman -- you hardly even have to try to get into med school.

>Attend a top 50 public business school in the US
>Literally the only black person in 80% of my major classes
>The only black male in all but 2 of my general business classes
>See black people on campus pretty regularly, but usually only near the studio arts and learning center buildings
>One of maybe 50 black people in a graduating class of over 1200

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It's not autocorrect you dumb fag. Lurk more.

>be kindergarten me
>5-6 year old silly kid
>just graduated from preschool where I had many friends and a few girlfriends
>very sad that I won't see them again
>what's worse, my parents explain to me that due to our location we'd be put in a public school with tough inner city kids
>warn me not to piss them off so naturally I'm absolutely terrified
>keep my head down as much as I can
>still, older niggers and spics start beating my ass on the bus and in the playground, stealing my toys, etc
>not because I was being w little shit, but because I was a minority white kid. Literally "He white beat his ayss!"
>one nigger stole my barney tape, ripped it out and wiped his ass with it
>teachers and bus drivers give next to zero fucks and/or have no ability to control their students
>one time a nigger bus driver forgot where my house was and almost decided not to drive me home despite my desperate pleas
>the next year my parents splurge on a new suburban home and move my brother and I to a white suburban school district
>it's nice but the damage is done
>don't trust anyone anymore

I can't think of any pros about being in a school full of niggers. You might learn how to be a better fighter but I ended up becoming a star wrestler in my privileged white school.
They never fought fair either way. It was always at least two on one with way bigger kids.

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they make really good friends

It seems it is, I'm currently on mobile and my auto correct has some anime words in it, guess its from copying & mocking anime posters, been here for 5 years btw

>been here 5 years
>doesn't know about the filter
>"mocking anime posters"

>been here 5 years
Obviously not if this is the first time you've seen a wordfilter you lying newfag nigger.
Fuck off.

Anime is gay and you know it, I've been aware of the filter since I've seen other complain about it in not sure of which words get changed

Stay mad whytboi

Eh most of em are pretty nice guys.

>black culture
Nah man

They are the rudest people you will meet on campus, They get the lowest grades, and They are easily offended if you say a word to them.

Being around niggers made me racist.

Some were normal , some were pieces of shit the poorer the more likely they were to be pieces of shit .

I've only seen a black person in real life maybe 3 times.
Never even talked to one and never had any at are school.

I never had more than 5 in my whole highschool at a time. Suprising i don't think ther was ever a girl.
They were not the worst kids in school, there were trash nigger tier whites, but even then they could be avoided. There was the jocks and hot girls. Stoner party kids and roasties. Unattractive jocks and student council kind of kids. Nerds. Poor dumb nerds. Then poor trash stoners. Then their hangers on who were the kids too smart to be in the retard class, but your not sure.if thag was a correct. assesment.

Yeah, but did the black guys you know fuck tons of white chicks? The ones near me have fucked dozens each. I don't get it, they just blow through white women every week while not having a job or anything going for them. It literally has to be all sex.

Women want to fuck all sort of animals. The more primitive and aggressive the better. Fucking niggers is softcore bestiality to them.

hey you're really articulate

kanye likes anime and he's the king of black people so you're totally wrong


I was in advanced classes in high school and there was only a few black kids in my classes despite my school being 40% black. All of their parents were doctors, lawyers, professional athletes, etc. They pretty much hung out with and acted like white people.

The black (and half the white) kids in normal classes were basically animals.

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>My BBC propaganda threads are an accurate description of how strong niggers are
I've beaten numerous nogs myself. I can assure you they're not invincible.

They don't have inhibitions about bothering people so they will approach several women.

Some women just need to be approached and persisted past their default bitch shield. And if you approach every woman, you'll be successful.

My school had a handful of nogs and most were normal people.

Late response but I'm not and wasn't that bad, a lot of these don't apply to me but some do.

>Low self-esteem
>Social isolation
>High stress
>Pretty poor
>ADD to an extent
However, me being poor and arguably even other things wrong with me have to do with some shonky business my dad got himself into during the late 90s/early 2000s because he's a very "fuck the system" kinda person and we lost a bunch of money in his failed attempt at anarchy.

It literally doesn't make a fucking difference.

I was in probably one of the last state schools in the country to have all white students until they merged us with a rougher school and all the niggers ruined it, thankfully I was able to attend a private school for my last few years and everyone was white.