Normies need to realize that it is literally impossible for all men to have a mate in a sexually liberated society. I think even the most blue pilled among us can admit that woman tend to flock to the best men of any given community, so regardless of how much self improvement incels do, some guys are gonna be left out.
Incels are inevitable
I get what you're saying and I agree.
We need a rape revolution.
which is ok. incels are a community of peace and gaming.
No. Incels are kinda wrong too because they are too sex obsessed when the world has much to offer beyond girls. I can't blame them entirely because the sex drive is strong, but they're gonna have to cope or claw their way into the ranks of the fuckable, but regardless, someone is being left out.
Yeah its really not as serious as people make it out to be. Elliot Rodger types are extreme outliers, but these guys still need to find peace some way. I think its possible if they redirect their energy into humanitarian efforts and creativity.
>Incels are kinda wrong too because they are too sex obsessed when the world has much to offer beyond girls
The desire for a mate takes strong priority over feelings of accomplishment, having hobbies, etc. It's much harder psychologically when you don't have that foundation.
>I think its possible if they redirect their energy into humanitarian efforts and creativity
I think humanitarian efforts are pretty damn unlikely when incels tend to blame society for their problems. Creative pursuits are more likely, but truly creative people are pretty rare in general.
>The desire for a mate takes strong priority over feelings of accomplishment, having hobbies, etc.
That's hard for me to agree with when I'm 25 yo virgin who still manages to enjoy himself. But we are all built different.
Problems is there are too many man.
In the past wars, famines, diseases used to cut and select the population.
Now these factors are gone so women get to do all the selection work, by excluding some men from the sexual market and dooming them to lifelong loneliness
>Now these factors are gone so women get to do all the selection work, by excluding some men from the sexual market and dooming them to lifelong loneliness
Yeah. But people on the outside looking in are just looking at this on an individual level. Of course its not impossible for a ugly short guy to get a gf, but him getting that girl means some other guy isn't gonna get a girl. Inceldom is a revolving door, if one makes it out someone goes back in.
Normans just don't want to be reminded of the ugly reality. They prefer to live in their sunshine and rainbow world where everything is double plus good :)
Any day now (yes, day), you'll wake up with an overwhelming sense of dread you've never felt before, and you'll come here to cry us a river because of this sudden insurmountable feeling of tfwnogf. I, too, was like you, until it happened.
OP's pic is dumb as fuck. Doesn't have to do with feminism, rather, has to do with movies, social media, showing women these super hot guys all the time that in nature, they may have never seen in the entire life. This is why Muslims are right.
>top and bottom women not getting dick
But the nice nerd guy always gets the hot chick in the movies.
That would be amazing. Honestly. That would make me feel somewhat normal for once. I've always wondered why I was immune to those feels, but I honestly don't give a fuck. Woman seem like a headache when you factor in everything that comes with getting and keeping them.
I know, its just an example of what I mean. I doubt its that extreme, and I believe it balances out a little as each generation ages and settling down becomes a priority, but 20s are gonna be rough for low tier men because that's when girls go through the slut phase where she uses her SMV to fuck chads.
You're exaggerating somewhat, but it's completely true that there are large distortions in the modern sexual market that only continue to get worse.
Ok. Problem. There are more women than men in the United States. Even if every male paired up with one female there would be females left over that had no one.
The problem is the way men and women pair up. Women tend to marry men of equal or higher socioeconomic status. Since more women are getting degrees than men, this means there's a systemic gap in the number of "suitable" men and women, with more women than men. Also, because women have jobs and careers now they're insulated from the hardships associated with not having a husband until later in life when the sense of loneliness starts to kick in.
It is literally the easiest time in history to get laid. OP is just a lying tranny psyops poster.
Yeah, the 10/10 nice """nerd""" guy that's really just chad in glasses.
>It is literally the easiest time in history to get laid.
This I have no problems getting a girl If I try at all. My problem is that I don't want any of them. None of them have the traits that I want in a woman. So I just stopped trying.
Yes, but there are more YOUNG men than young women in the United States. The discrepancy is caused by elderly women.
Again with this bullshit, I forgot how many times I have read this. The idea that there are "more women than men" might be technically correct but it's meaningless when you look a little closer.
Yes in the overall population from 0 to 110 years old there are more women than men. Once you look at the actual age brackets however you will find that up until around 60 there are always, without fail more men than women in every age bracket. Men are fucked in the sexual market, just by the pure numbers alone.
No it's not.
Yes you do stop fucking lying.
Wtf you on about
Famines and diseases mostly killed old cunts and young cunts and women, not healthy 20-30 year old men. The amount of war-deaths are nothing compared to famines/diseases.
I agree, it is for Chad
>OP is just a lying tranny psyops poster.
This is true, but this post has nothing to do with that. I'm genuinely frustrated that so many people fail to see the real issue here, that a sexually free society will always lead to excess men being alone because of the huge difference in SMV between the average woman and the average man, and the females tendency to share "alpha" males during their prime. Even if sex is easier than ever to get, that doesn't solve the issue of long term loneliness. Easy sex is of no benefit to a man looking for something long term or to start a family and build a stable foundation for their offspring to flourish.
Chick-flicks don't help, have guys seen the average chick-flick?
>usually 4-5/10 girl
>manages to bump into male model guy who also is a billionaire CEO
>male model billionaire CEO is interested in her awkwardness and quirky behavior attractive
>malea mode billionaire CEO drops his current 10/10 (whose always portrayed as a massive cunt)
>male model billionaire CEO asks the 4-5/10 girl out and sweeps her off her feet and they live happily ever after
This is what women watch, its what they want and what they dream for, movie producers copy and paste this story-line in 39,539,932 different chick-flicks.
I am literally only interested in dominant women. Women with ambition that wont just sit around the house doing nothing. A woman that will stand up and say "Were going to X right now." And I have no say in the mater.
Instead I get lazy submissives that only want me because my bank account is full of money that I will likely never use. Off the top of my head two of my exes would literally say "Lets do something!" Then when I asked them what they wanted to do would say "I dunno, you think of something" then she would shoot every idea I had down and we just spend the night in bed or on the couch doing fuck all.
Also I immediately dump any girl I catch lying to me about literally anything. Which is a huge problem.
Sex is easier to get for the highest SMV men, and all women.
For average SMV or low SMV men, it's an up-hill never ending battle where you must sacrifice and risk to get the chance at it.
eh, i believe there is someone out there for me
and if not fuck it we all die anyway
If you consider people aged 0-25 (so the ones that feel sexual urges the most) there are more males than females
A dead young cunt = one man less in the mating pool in 10 years.
And war deaths might have been less numerous than ones caused by diseases, but they affected only men pretty much so they were a very discriminating factor
You should operate on a 3 strikes system like me (lie 3 times, with 2 explicit warnings, reduced to 'second chance' in case of highly damaging, repairable behavior). The logic in that is that in real life, people cannot be honest without very dangerous repercussions. Until the relationship is in the later stages, neither of you should be trusting the other enough to be fully honest yet. Also, it's very rare to encounter someone who actually cares about lies as much as you or even me.
Not sure why you keep flashing your money around though since you don't want to attract gold-diggers.
Finally, fuck off normalnigger. You don't belong here.
No. I make it VERY clear that I will not stand for lying. That I do not even like little white lies. If I'm lied to I don't know where I stand and I cant fix any problems that exist.
I am also completely honest and will never lie to a prospective partner to the point I know I've driven some away because they didn't like my answers.
I give nothing but the truth and I expect the same in turn.
As for flashing my money around I don't. The problem is above. At some point the topic always comes up and I answer truthfully.
Not only that, but the actual male to female ratio is 1.05:1, which means for every 100 females, there are 5 excess males.
Combine that with them flocking to Chad's harems, yeah, probably like the bottom 50-60 guys aren't going to get laid except as beta bux for a used up 30yo roastie.
You do know that it has always been this way right? Sure the millennial's entitlement has made it worst but for the most part, women have always wanted a strong male. So instead of complaining about being an incel why not put in the work to become part of the 20% build your wealth; then you will get to choose whatever you want.
>Settling with a woman whos with you because of your wealth alone
Yeah sounds like the recipee to a happy loving marriage for sure.
The other point is that the bottom 50% or whatever percentage of guys are literally unnecessary to modern society. We import H1Bs for tech jobs, offshore all our manufacturing, hire illegals for construction and other low-wage work, and keep finance jobs available only to graduates of Ivy League business schools. There's no need to appease men with promises of a wife and happy family anymore because their relative contribution to society is no longer valuable.
newfag here. this board is getting hit pretty hard with some social and cultural engineering. it's as though one group has divided themselves up into teams, each taking on the role of us v. them, and they battle one another. total roleplay where it's a skit that was developed in advance of "an event", and now it's being acted out in an echo-chamber to make something not real appear valid
>anyone else notice any recent changes to subject matter being discussed?
Most of those excess males are in china dumbass.
No, the "natural" human birthrate always results in slightly more males than females, even without sex-selective abortions.
What I'm saying is that money will give you choice, something that you didn't have the liberty of having before. I did not say that it would guarantee a happy marriage; not that I think its worth having one nowadays seeing the quality of women - good luck trying to find one that will do domestic household duties well.
Incels are just a symptom of a broken society.
>For average SMV or low SMV men, it's an up-hill never ending battle where you must sacrifice and risk to get the chance at it.
That's why I don't even try, even if you get a gf you basically have to become her bitch to keep her.
If i had to choose between being a rich incel or a pussywhipped husband to a bitch entitled to half my shit who only married me cause my wealth to begin with.
Take a wild fucking guess which "choice" ill pick, its not even a fucking contest.
Dummy you missed the whole point. Even if I get my shit together and get a gf I'm just cucking some other guy. Incels are gonna be like a plague that never dies because as one leaves another replaces him. There is no solution, we're just seeing them congregate for the first time.
Nope, in China and India it's actually 20 excess males for every 100 females because they kept aborting their girls. Without sex-specific abortions the rest of the world is 5 excess males for every 100 females.
Doesn't amtter since woman have time and time again shown that they're a-ok to share Chad with multiple other woman.
Only their provider is supposed to be hers alone.
So even with a surtplus of woman, incels will be left over.
Not as inevitable as Wizards
Yeah it's no longer just cuckposting about asians vs blacks vs whites. There's actual discussion now and not just mindless porn.
People spreading these memes are literally the worst kind of faggots on earth
The fundamental problem is that we still think women are the ones who can be the sexual selectors. There is no reason for us to continue this. We ignore and conquer nature in all other fields there is no reason for us to not do it in this one.
Women think they have a right, just by existing, to select for men who are better than them. Who make more than them. Who are taller than them. Who are more attractive than them. And then they go on to say it's MEN who are entitled.
If we are going to throw away gender roles, then women must throw away hypergamy. If they wont, then we have no reason to respect their "rights".
>he thinks 70% of men aren't getting laid
The cope is real
just change the demon in this pic into a van and it will be spot on
All the MRA stuff, incels, TRP, MTGOW are symptoms of a far larger problem. Namley how "equality" in the workplaced caused severe inequality in relationships and that is not something that can be fixed with a few lawsa, unless it means restricting workrights and changing divorcelaws back to what they were 60-70 years ago.
The reason for the question is that now suddenly this is an issue? We've known about incels for years, and they don't do anything except bitch; as opposed to driving a van of peace, striking out against anyone for no reason because they "can't get their antenna adjusted"
>it doesn't add up
>the same discussion(s) are talking place on other boards
Sorry for derailing but there is something going on here outside of the normal paradigm and it's obvious
>8,000 Years Ago, 17 Women Reproduced for Every One Man
Yeah, it's not like scientific research is backing it up, right?
>archive doesn't load
Well obviously there's some alphabet groups doing their own will. Or it is just huge influx of newcomers who are interested in this all of a sudden. I mean before internet government had all control over the spread of information, it would be stupid for them not to manipulate imageboard.
>sexual revolution happened 8000 years ago
>nothing changed since 8000 years ago
What happened is men, from "chads" to "incels", simply forced women into monogamous relationships. the top male may have taken a little more for himself but nothing crazy.
>not even tryinfg to read past the title
>In more recent history, as a global average, about four or five women reproduced for every one man
Are we redpilling the normies about 80/20?
DELET THIS origaminigger
Becasue it's the first time they get linked dorectly.
Something any historian could've told you, that secually frustrated men will cause violance, is now breaking more and more out, and normalfags who never read a history book don't understand it.
Only that that doesn't show up anywhere in the cited study.
>I don't know how to scroll down on a page
and the most risky time in history to have sex. women have the power to destroy your life on social media with no evidence and no police report.also the government will point a gun to you so you pay child support.
Show it in the study.
Incels are too blinded by the self to come up with good resonable solutions while the other side are too selfish to give up what they have and are unwilling to try and understand the incels, they would much rather resort to calling them monsters losers and weak.
>Normies need to realize that it is literally impossible for all men to have a mate in a sexually liberated society
It is mathematically impossible. There are simply more men in the world.
You do realize that many men are fucking homosexuals? So it is possible for heterosexual males to all have a female partner since men can become so degenerate they fuck each other in the ass.
I you go down that line of argument then your have to acount for lesbians, then bi sexuals with the bi sexual people messing with any conclusions as they could decide to be with a male or female partner and we have know way of determining who they would go for.
>implying getting laid is the same as reproducing
>implying men want to reproduce as much as women and not just get their dicks wet
>I think its possible if they redirect their energy into humanitarian efforts and creativity.
What do I get in return for that, Mr. Shlomo?
sick diagram man
it all starts to make sense now
>You do know that it has always been this way right?
Why not change it? Men didn't have automobiles for thousands of years, then men changed that.
>the females tendency to share "alpha" males during their prime.
this and this
>For average SMV or low SMV men, it's an up-hill never ending battle where you must sacrifice and risk to get the chance at it.
what is happening here is that our society is regressing toward the state of nature. Harems of females "protected" by an Alpha, who is continually challenged by Betas is how most mammalian species work. Humans broke away from that with culturally enforced monogamy, but that cultural tradition is being eroded.
spoken like a MGTOW, not an incel
in 'Assembly women' by Aristophanes he makes a mocking solution for this problem 23 centuries ago. The women install a sexual equality dictatorship where the attractive(both men and women) must lay with all the ugly before getting to the desired mate.
gimme shekels if you like
Well of course. Betas have to exist in order for there to be alphas. Some guys are just doomed to be alone.
"Before" in pic never existed
>Some guys are just doomed to be alone.
If all these people criticizing incels would just realize and admit this, we could move forward, but as long as they keep suggesting self improvement and personality bullshit we're never gonna get anywhere. No matter how much you improve your situation there are just some gaps that can't be filled.
I'm not saying we should go enslave woman or go back to near enforced monogamy, but we will have to accept that pissed off betas are here to stay. Maybe we could have some type of beta welfare to make up for it lol
Inner fulfillment. Helping people makes you feel good. Men get great satisfaction from being useful to a cause they are passionate about.
The criticism against incels is more about normies trying to make themselves feel better. They think incels just need to work on themselves because that's what they've been told to believe their whole lives. If that illusion is shattered, they'll realize that maybe the world isn't fair and that they didn't actually earn the place they were given, it was actually just genetics or being in the right place at the right time. Normies don't want to accept this uncomfortable truth so they try to make it seem like the world is completely just and fair and that everyone deserves what they get.
wtf is a mgtow, sounds like a fucking videogame or some shit.
Seriously who cares, sex is overrated
I would gladly trade my youth of fucking like a rabbit for better art skills
Scroll down half the fucking page, or even easier, use the search function of your browser, little brainlet.
If you're too fucking stupid to do even that the ngod help you to make it trough the day
Not the article you nigger, the actual study.
Its understandable why they feel that way. We all know someone who isn't exactly attractive or genetically blessed who managed to overcome the odds and be happy or get a wife, so in their minds there is no excuse. But as I already said, inceldom is a revolving door, you can't improve without making the next guy look worse by comparison or taking a girl that someone else would have had. We're all trying to mog each other and our genetic limitations aren't helping. You could make it all the way to having a cute gf only to get dumped for having a small dick. Its sad.
>being this illiterate
Hope you don't trip over when you get up.
>still not sourced
You faggots just need to go back to playing your pokemon and watching naruto. You have no place in society.
Rape was unbelievably common in olden times for this reason. Undesirable men weren't always looking to have families. Incels of the past would just join badass roving gangs of raping pillaging marauders. Maybe we'll get back to that point someday, eh?
So that came from Tinder... I wouldn't be surprised if the ration female/male was also 20/80 on Tinder.
How can you reverse that?
Men care for the quantity of the species (the more I fuck the bigger my offspring will be), women care for quality (the better my mate is the better my offspring will be)
80% of men should be converted into girls.
this world has simply too many men to womenz
WWIIII will solve the incel situation
Plenty of girls use Tinder, I don't think it has a huge gender imbalance.
FACT: The majority of incels are not as ugly as the ugliest dads you see when just walking down a busy street.
CONCLUSION: Incels are incels mainly because they have undesirable personalities, and their extinction from the gene pool is a net positive for society