I can't stop eating. Food is the only thing that makes me happy, albeit briefly

I can't stop eating. Food is the only thing that makes me happy, albeit briefly.

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>replace food with drugs my negriod

just eat ice fren

Then keep eating. Life is tragic enough already, only a fool would deprive himself of the only pleasure he can find in life.
You'll lose weight once you feel better, if ever.

>You'll lose weight once you feel better
This. Once you find happiness, you wont need that much food.

Do you also get influenced by he fast food manipulation signals

Then eat a metric fuckton of fruits and vegetables. You can eat them by the fistful and it won't be nearly as bad for you as a single Big Mac meal

>only a fool would deprive himself of the only pleasure he can find in life.
I stopped smoking weed even though it was the only thing to give me pleasure

Why don't all fatties just bloatmax? Eat hard train hard.

It's okay. Ive been eating my feelings also. Don't worry be happy !

i'm too self-aware around other people. if i had home gym then no problem.

buy some weights fool! also bodyweight workouts

You can die a fatty, or ascend to bloatlord!

Did you gain anything?
It it was literally your only pleasure, then you now live a life that is worse than it used to be, and that does not make sense to me.
I think that someone who is in our conditions needs to be very pragmatic, and live the best possible life than he can live, no matter what that entails in his specific case.

>ascend to bloatlord
more bodyweight = more attraction

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It's been around 40 days since I last had any. I didn't want to stop but i'm looking for work and everywhere seems to want to drug test these days. i'm more miserable than usual since I stopped. it's a no win situation.

feel you man

God I want pancakes now

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>more bodyweight = more attraction
mfw there are people who actually believe that thing

That's not how it works you fat sacks of shit. You're running on sugar and dopamine, no wonder you feel like garbage.
You are what you eat isn't a fucking meme.

you know that you need to go on a diet. google intermittent fasting.

we believe in you user.

>You're running on sugar
I dont even drink sugary soda.

>You're running on sugar and dopamine
>and dopamine
>running on dopamine
What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know what dopamine is?

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