Take robot test

>take robot test
>get 74
>realize that most of the points come form the Social category
>realize that if my ex girlfriend didn't latch on to me when her boyfriend moved away, I would have been at 34

How can I be a Cyborg if I've had sex with a woman?

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>tfw scored 140
hahah yeah i'm successful right

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this really made me feel good about myself.
Guess I really should get off this cursed board and try to re-socialize with women

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63, with 16 of those points coming from the bonus round.

I'm assuming tabletop gaming doesn't include shit like chess and checkers. Close to getting in the 60's though, so there's that I guess.

same as my age

there's no hope for me, is there

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This is rather nice, I think I'll pack my shit and get out now

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i got around 48

im home

51, that's a little disappointing... i genuinely thought I was more a high cyborg score at this point...

31, might as well drop the barbell on my neck

>just visiting
Meet me at Jow Forums?

Hey I'm 1 off at 73.
Description fits like a glove too.

End me.

102, most points coming from social and romance shit (literally my first relationship and im 25, 3 months ago), also got a lot of points from the NOT category like not having degenerate fetishes, etc.

I guess im just a failed normie fuck

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scored 52
robot reporting for duty

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Not surprised with result. What's mostly holding me back is 1 exam at university that I've been repeating every year over and over again. Got a lot of side education done meanwhile, though. Still feel shitty and unmotivated on a daily basis. Gotta get that degree.

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>take test two years ago
>score high 130s
>take test now
>below 100
Hoo boy looks like cutting yourself off from everyone besides immediate family and abusing drugs alone in your basement is not the way to succeed who knew

>have 37
>thanks to one time drunken pity sex
I probably shouldn't even count it really, since I barley remember it.

22 oregaddadavida

just because you wish it hadn't've happened doesn't mean it hadn't happened, you still have to count it

But it conflicts with being a virgin at my score but not actually being one.
So makes me that a fake robot or what?

70 points

Hell yeah, I'm a cyborg!

30 points, im kinda disappointed. Thought I would be lower, some of those points are too vague or irrelevant anyway

120 and im a virgin.
Fuck you all.

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2 points away from being a wizard, at least I'm not an anime fag

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I have 75 and was in 2 short 2-day relationships in which I cheated stacy with the other stacy and they both got angry

Wtf only now have I noticed I forgot to add lack of addictions.
Im slightly weird then


I had a highschool girlfriend about 20 years ago and we held hands in public once
I'll never be normal and I can never ascend from wizard to archwizard

>not virgin and had like 30-40 partners before
>decent income as a doctor and only 25 years old

am I considered a normie now?

...and later virgins

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I guess I'm on the cusp of robot and cyborg.

Damn. I'll get my coat then...later boys.

124 desu boys

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20 and im 32
anybody where i can get a gun in canada?

>im 19
Later you stupid faggots im off to enjoy life

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