Asian women are beaut

>Asian women are beaut...

Attached: not.png (253x543, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:

looks better than a white girl to me

what the fuck are these lines supposed to mean

>basicall pic related
>looks better than a white girl to me

Also no one was mentioning any white girl ITT. Why the necessity to bring them up?

Attached: 624528_shrek_the_third01_83.jpg (1280x700, 124K)



Anyway this girl is still pretty imo

She looks attractive to me, what are those lines about?

Who needs white women. The only white women who are attractive are white women with Asian features anyway.

Attached: 1510148601015.jpg (819x1024, 77K)

They are supposed to show how fucked up her face ratio is. The yellow line should be 2/3rds compared to the red line.
It's like 5/6. The green and blue line should be 2:3 ratio, it's 1:3 or actually even worse.

Okay, maybe if she is compared to normal looking people you will get what I mean, so PIC RELATED

Attached: ogre and people.jpg (1920x1080, 272K)

You're projecting your own autistic bullshit into this. The gal looks pretty to me.

Jeez, the more I look at her in this pic the more unnatural and non human she looks to me.
It's like the bottom part of her head/face (anything below eyes) was connected from another person
to the upper part (eyes and above). She looks liek a fucking ET.

I find her cute, she looks like an adorable alien! White women are so fucking boring to look at and age like milk.

Hey, how about you post your own face for us to judge?

Great "argument", but kindergarden's over already.

You have ridiculous, arbitrary standards that are overly rigid given the facial diversity of human-kind.

Additionally, this girl's face is at an angle. Her head is tilting back because she's laughing, so your ratios are wrong anyhow.

>Her head is tilting back because she's laughing, so your ratios are wrong anyhow.
t. pic related

Attached: 1506218055274.png (512x662, 122K)

Moron every human on earth have their eyes on the middle of their face.

damn that's a robust fucking skull
she must be from mongolia or some east russian meme region
hot as fuck too

Damn, your arguments are cutting edge on the other hand. You base your argument on one hand picked picture, and it's not even a good one, because people of other ethnicity don't follow your made-up face ratios.

Not everyone has such forehead-to-rest of the head ratio like in pic related.

This user sees it.

Attached: the ratio.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

What race and gender are you? Asking due to huge curiosity

I'm black actually and have always thought Asian girls are really super beautiful and wanted to be one.

I'm still right too.

What makes you so curious?

Guess it.

>and have always thought Asian girls are really super beautiful and wanted to be one.

>I'm still right too.

Then this part proves how fucking insecure you are about your beliefs.

Because I want to know why exactly did this thread drove you so fucking mad.

Everyone wants to be a cute asian girl. Everyone.

Shes not gorgeous but shes above average.

I'm not mad. Your way of presenting your arguments is just shit.

In hindsight, I wouldn't post in a thread that is clearly bait, not even well made at that.

Is her father an aryan chad and her mother an asian model?

>I'm not mad.
That fact that you said exactly that proves that it's the other way around.
Now you are literally trying to act normal and as if your heart was not racing
just because I said shit about your ET fetish girls.

ya I'm gonna need a source on these ratios...

oh wait you can't because it's made up bullshit

Why hate on Asians? They are clearly better than white women.

Attached: 65dfc1c79980920dceec52489184cfa9.jpg (1080x1349, 96K)

I don't care what you say
Asian women with American accents make me diamonds

FaceandLMS or something like that, he is on youtube, he mostly was doing this for
men but a lot of this shit applies to women too.

>let's take a single picture of a single person and generalize a whole race
I bey you're really smart OP

I don't understand this board.

It's one girl.

She doesn't represent a race.

She is making an exaggerated facial expression.

The rations are only used as guidelines and do no substitute our innate ability to assess beauty.

Some autistic child on Jow Forums uses this extreme example to somehow generalise beauty of a whole race and this is supposed to be a serious aesthetic conclusion.

I bet you're the same people that'll be screeching about niggers in another thread.

Stay mad you fat cumskinned whore!

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Nope, I post in black gf thereads tho.

Black women are for breeding. White roasties are for laughing at when they end up old and alone.

Attached: 1518410373342.jpg (400x299, 17K)

>Black women are for breeding
>tfw no black wife to impregnate 20 times

Attached: f533e8a1d4146f1aadcaebf2f4b57665.jpg (620x620, 36K)

some of them are really qt

Attached: 1524508380106.jpg (587x450, 51K)

The fuck are you on about mate I'm just saying this thread is ridiculous.

It's like finding a bad photo of a White kid and saying "le mad White people are ugly"


that white woman's big ass nose sure is cuter

Unless you start with a 12 y.o black girl she's gonna be in her 40's by the twentieth.
Do you want downs syndrome nigger babies running around?

Asians are the women of women.
Everything else is a distant second to their femininity.

Attached: 1411128456942.jpg (640x640, 96K)

Top Middle eastern and Top Latinas are way better than top Asians.

Well obviously I'm not gonna get 20

I'm sorry, I didn't notice an evidentiary picture to back up your lie.
Ahh, rapid fire abortions. I understand.

disgusting i rather kill myself

What no
I'm not killing my children

that woman is only attractive because she has white features.

Shhh user, don't fight it. Just accept it into your heart and move on with your life.

what are "white features"


Will you just fuck off?

Even if it's because of her "European features" then she's obviously an upgraded model

>your lie.
Jesus fucking christ how insecure you basedboys with yellow fevers can be that you have to use words like this in such a deffensive manner.
You are literally not any better that your typical neckbearded whiteknight cucks, who are orbiting white roasties.
Also pic related, you won't find anything that has a flat face and is cuter and mroe beautiful at the same time as THIS. It's a fucking angel.

Attached: 8788366.jpg (1000x541, 106K)

yeah but her face is not pointed straight at the camera. its at an angle and she has her mouth open like some liberal cuck who's playing a nintendo switch

cope harder, lol asians are objectively prettier than whites on average, they're also tighter and nicer to be around

now dont get me wrong, i dont encourage whites to racemix, and asian womes are all disgusting soulless whores, but still its true

big nose, sunk in eyes

>you're mad
>i'm not mad
>ha I win
this is retarded
you're retarded

>cope harder, lol asians are objectively prettier than whites on average

Please tell me, how was it measured and where is the data, ching chong ping pong lee? Also:

>Do you find asian guys sexy?

why do you dumb faggots fall for the asian meme? there's no one better at deceiving you with make up than chink women

those features aren't exclusive to white people

Shhhhhh, let them live in their fantasy land where elves exist.

Dream on loser.
Gaze into the eyes of perfection whilst knowing you are forever cursed with a fetish for inferior girlmeat.

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first of all im white, second of all im a virgin volcel and i dont want anything to do with females

Attached: why do dumb roasties complain so much.jpg (2000x1000, 119K)

>gaze into the eyes of perfection
>clearly wearing colored contacts

Is that your best? She's cute and nothing more, I can give you hundreds of better looking WHITE women than that.

Attached: bab52b57b57823d65c8a554c65b889e2.jpg (2048x1365, 365K)

Also, white features are showing on her, like her nose. She isn't even fully Asian buahahaha
what a loser.

Great "data".

I dont really understand, standard Asian features have many similarities with black ones; protruding cheekbones, wide noses, flat/lack of nose bridges, common face shapes. Basically theres more similarities than not; the only main difference being skin color and eye shape. Yet black women are supposedly considered the least attractive.

Yes they are. Blacks have big noses too, but that's a totally different kind.

>buahahaha what a loser.
How much s o y milk did you drink today?

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>How much s o y milk did you drink today?
Are you retarded or just acting like one? I was immitating your style of "responses", let me remind you:

>Dream on loser.

That was literally your first words in your response to me. Also:

>acusing others of being basedboys
What? "men" with yellow fever are known to be the most soft basedboys out there.

Also who the hell is that downie in your picture and can it have any more photoshop filter?

s o y boys of course, fuck the stupid filter

They always pick such onions white men who are completely undesired by other races as well. Gives us effeminate incels a chance.

asian woman are superior

Attached: 173_thebestnihongirls-gravure-miku_himeno.jpg (531x759, 71K)

This motherfucker understands.
>They always pick such onions white men
>"men" with yellow fever are known to be the most soft basedboys out there.
You sound like you've got buyers remorse.
How fat did your latina wife get after you put a ring on it?

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They just look like white women with down syndrome.


Attached: d52ff9d4a823dc2a45c66c06623cabaa.jpg (1200x624, 87K)

>They just look like white women with down syndrome.
*black haired black eyed white women. This though.

Something you can only dream of, gaylord!

Attached: 7a0ccdf87633c9a5b0b5b823d1663d3efe56e6897318275a8b4e70daaea30ef5.jpg (255x185, 15K)

>White women are beaut-

Attached: white women.jpg (671x579, 135K)

ching chong women are just board-shaped yellow niggers with slanted eyes, if they look different from that it just means that they altered their appearance somehow or are not fully chink to begin with

lol what the fuck is this retarded coping shit
you totally tried and failed her user I will continue to fuck asian girls regardless of your autismo opinion
I kind of wish we had IDs here so we could make more fun of your posts eventho they are sort of obvious

Trips of bullshit my friend.
Pic related, poofter.

Attached: 1412776024715.jpg (1024x680, 139K)

just looks like a fat downsie

Go be a virgin then. I'll make sure to avoid any schools in your area you incel freak.

holy shit, too much make-up. no thanks

Need some proof asians can be real women too. They are peak femininity.

>you can't tell me you wouldn't lick her sweaty, salty armpit after her hot midmorning cardio on the beach.

Attached: cremesupreme.jpg (901x1280, 80K)

Desire to impregnate engorges.

i dont understand dude. like asian women ARE supreme but why is your taste in them so bad? post better asian women you fuck

>t. pic related
But didn't pic related make those drawings?

Attached: Photo Apr 24, 8 05 24 PM.jpg (350x560, 76K)

nice autism

Those guys are stereotypical chads and the girls they're with are stacies.

Attached: IMG_0367.png (1334x750, 647K)

Looks like an empanada

Attached: IMG_0386.jpg (1070x600, 294K)

You are literally trying to prove that someones subjective opinion is wrong.
>i like green
>stop liking green, here's why you shouldn't like green

I like these frumpy Asian girls so much for some reason.. seeing nude or lewd pics of them is insta boner for me.

this picture is clearly the result of a white mixing with an asian
this is why race mixing is bad

Looks like a white ape to me.

his ape-like features probably came from his asian mother since...asians are the ones that look like yellow niggers

All of the negative features you see are features of whites, not asians, including the tiny eyes.

Still gonna get yellow fever. Korean-Americans are gun nuts and if your successful in the way of being fiscally responsible you are guaranteed.

So long faggots I'm totally not setting my aspirations or aapergers to high!

please look again
>small BROWN eyes
>weak jaw
>big gook nose
his worst features are all very asian looking