Why does this happen to me? Like, why do I have to be fucking stuck with a shitty minimum wage...

Why does this happen to me? Like, why do I have to be fucking stuck with a shitty minimum wage, part time job and NEVER get any full time jobs? I look at my friends and they have it all, come look at me and I'm making UNDER $200 A FUCKING WEEK this is why I can't move out of my dad's house yet, why I can only afford to pay some bills and for food, $10 in gas a week which almost doesn't last me, I'm over here really wanting to off myself because everyone I know is doing well and going to college and living great lives but I'm in a constant struggle coming from a low class family who was always on the edge of being poor and it's even worse that I'm making less than everyone I know.

My dad is disabled and gets paychecks from SS but recently came out of the hospital after plenty of shoulder surgeries and he's got bills out the ass and can't pay for shit in this house, so it's all up to me to fend for the both of us.

I just wanna know why it's so fucking easy for others to get full time, well paid jobs but I'm stuck over here making $7.25/h and not getting anything. Like okay I have long hair but it gets trimmed at least every month and is very clean, I shave every week, I dress nice and shower every morning, I have white teeth, what is it that employers don't like about me? Do I just look funny or some shit? What the fuck is wrong with me?

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Hey OP, have you thought about running some kind of sideline in your spare time?

I keep shilling shit like trymyui.com/worker/signup, which will realistically work out to about $15/h, Uber has an effective wage of somewhere around $15/h, you can make a bit of money by finding weird little niches like importing cake stands or making 3d printed "jewelry" in blender, there might be some shit you can do.

Thanks, I just signed up for it, I also Googled it and people are saying it's pretty much a scam because it doesn't work. I don't have the time right now to try it myself but how true is this?

To answer your question of "why", it's because you're competing against literally hundreds of other people. Out of all those hundreds, maybe a quarter will have their resumes read by a real person, and then a dozen or two will be selected for an interview. That's just how it is these days - utter shit. It's all a numbers game. You have to keep on applying and eat the sense of loss and desperation each time you get rejected until you finally get something.

I've never used it as a tester, but we used to use it at work, so it's not an outright scam. There are probably far better ways of making money online, but it takes effort to keep up to date with that shit and I don't bother.

Or just have connections and you basically get the job for nothing no matter your skills.

I'll check it out throughout this next week and see where it gets me, I doubt I'll be making /that/ much but we'll see what I get.

there being more jawbs doesn't mean you'll qualify for any of them. improve your skills and education like a valuable human being and don't believe the garbage cuckservatives feed you about there not being enough

It depends on how good those connections are. Most of the time they can get your resume into the "actually read it" pile, but getting railroaded into a job is harder and harder these days unless you have a wealthy relative or something like that.

also, if you want to show you're responsible, a good tip is to volunteer and get the organization to say great things about your work ethic. that will put you in the top 10% of candidates

Thing is, I completed high school already, but with a 2.9 (almost there, but just .1 away from university acceptance) and I do have two years of customer service (the job I applied for here required just one) and unless I really want to go into debt badly, I can't afford college.

Besides that, I really can't get any more experience than customer service in my area since everything requires at least one or two years of professional (not at home or learned from school) experience in another field. Maybe at this point I'm better off getting an overnight McDonald's job that will lead into my morning grocery store job. Hate that idea but that's all I can think of doing right now

Hmm... Wow its almost like Capitalism is absolute shit?

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>I can't afford college

Your parents are poor. You'll qualify for Pell Grants and other varieties of need-based student aid. If you wait until you turn 24 and are classified as an independent student by FAFSA, many universities will cover almost all your expenses.

Even if neither route were an option, you could still take loans -- either to obtain a bachelor's or at least a trade degree. Going to college is essential for being competitive in the modern American workforce, especially if you're young and don't have the skills and connections to break into any particular field.

If you aren't actively having to support your household through your income, then you have to ways to get out of your position. If you can't, then you're either unimaginative or stupid or living in a place with so few opportunities that it's not worth living in.

Figure it out and find a way to get a degree.

it's luck of the draw man, don't take it too personalyl, getting work is shit for everyone, some people get luckier than others, your day will come, please gon't give up, keep trying, it's shit, we all hate it, but it's the way of the world unfortunately, i wish i could be a NEET forever and not go through the pain of any rejection, but life ain't kind like that.

you have to be an absolute retard if you can't make anything above minimum wage. Like just get another job my dude

I was a poor kid with bad high school grades.I enrolled in a somewhat shit tier but legit university and majored in business while working a full time factory job. I had so much practical experience that they hired me straight into a supervisor position. That was the shittiest job I ever had, but I worked my ass off for about 70k (like 60 hr work weeks) for 1 and a half years and now I've been in cushier management jobs where I work less and pull in a 100k. Like I barely work 40 hrs a week now. I also completed a graduate degree while working my first two years out of undergrad and earned my Six Sigma green and black belts. You have to be a bitch for a couple years then you get the better jobs.

Also i am autisitc. I got on Klonipin to help with my anxiety. If I can do it any retard can.

hit the pavement and start talking to managers

As an independent adult that went back to college- the grants will cover fees and tuition. That's it. Cost of living still comes out of your own pocket while you're attending. You still have to pay for food, housing, transportation, etc. I think it's worth it to soak the debt and get a degree, but to be fair it's a LOT of debt. Like $10k+ a year. Ultimately the difference in earning power over your lifetime overwhelmingly makes up for it, but I can see how he would be reluctant to take on several tens of thousands of dollars of debt.

OP, you're feeling the constraints of the lifestyle. I did too. Being limited to shitty jobs is awful. The conditions you work in are bad, the pay is poor, there aren't any benefits, no chance to move up and earn more. It's not a good place to be if there's any possible way to get out of there. It took me five years to realize that I couldn't survive like that, it just wasn't sustainable long-term. I wish I'd stayed in school to begin with and taken it seriously instead of fucking around and dropping out.

what state?

what state aswell? just get a nigger job at 12/hr