Uncomfy introspection edition
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Lads, where are your waifus?
nth for the complete opposite and an even better (worse) one, want to punch this autist cunt right in the teeth
most obnoxious voice ever
so? same shit occurs throughout history for different causes.
better dead than red.
Introspect this: Being gay is okay!
6th for dabs so volatile they take 10 years off your life every time you perform them
^^^ right here, i love you you creepy little lad.
iiiiiiiiii love sixteen year old boys
they make me feel so good
iiiiiiiiiiiii love sixteen year old boys
they make me feel so bad
what was it about you that Crona was talking about?
They are both pathetic.
why is your waifu geting minge munched by a gulpin?
oh god.
>Being gay is okay!
I totally agree lad I'm glad we see eye to eye on these thi
>better dead than red.
my husbando is Narancia
If he never existed, then why was he made up? i dont see why a handful of jews would conspire to make a new religion when they would have been aware of the consequences at the time. Its a miracle that Constantine converted to Christianity. Unless of course you're suggesting that the jews were secretly working with the romans, but even then why would some roman emperors try to bring back paganism if christianity was the grand plan
I'm dying
y-you too
I'll try and open up a telepathic link ASAP and find out lid
SP lad, your lack of knowledge with women is showing
It's not anywhere near her private places
Good choice
Jun may be a Godless degenerate freak but I bet he's a decent lad to get a drink with
I unironically think religion was created by aliens and they didn't think we'd get so advanced that we'd be able to figure out certain places didn't exist
He's pathetic. The mother did nothing wrong. If that anyone else's kid they'd take away his stupid games or just kick him out of the house.
I'd personally beat his shit up.
thinking about filtering all anons, just seeing what britfeels like with only tripfags for a day (anons replying or talking to trips would be unfiltered)
your waifu is dabbing pepe?
do you think he can carry 3 pints at once?
Ironically even though this is likely a misplaced post, it still fits quite well.
>tfw even here surrounded by virgins and abject failures in life shunned by everyone
is this aspergers?
haha *dab* nice one mate.
I want to make them feel good, set them down the path of pure degeneracy :^)
Come now user, Tim has cummies for you.
i meant; better dead? than red! (Join now)
Very true fren.
Wayne seems like such a bizarre name given the posh accents which are omnipresent in the video
I love the way he literally Reeeeeees
Just noticed you can post straight from the desu archive, dope
its an allegory, for how one man performing good deeds can change the entire world
he was most likely real though, obviously embellished/details filled in ect
What's the story behind this video? Why is the squeaky kid being kicked out?
>posh accents
are they?
t. surrey pleb
>little kid doing the neenaw police noise is so cute haha
>i meant; better dead? than red! (Join now)
Made me laff la
He'd be fun to get a drink with precisely because he's a degenerate fren
>What's the story behind this video?
it's you in a year or two
>doesn't know about the lower thigh boosey
haha what a virgin. I bet you've never even fingered a girl
>lewding tim
Right that's it you're coming with me sunshine, get in the bag
He's just mentally ill lad. They just wanted him to fuck off to college but he was off his meds and he cracked.
I think I'd be a bit more accepting than that human dog whistle.
36th for kill all nonces
Fink I might be gay lids, not comfy at all
s-sorry chad
mumi sed my time will come
>>little kid doing the neenaw police noise is so cute haha
i know, bless the poor kids and the parents
if i had a kid like this I'd drop him off at a motorway service station and leave him to fester, such a tist would probably never make it home
lads why do girls keep staring at me when im at the bus stop
He'd get fucked by a Curly Watts lookalike.
can some people not?
>full winky coverage
What did Tim mean by this?
haha classic reference there lad
whatever happened to marko and that
is this louie?
So he just had an autistic meltdown but recorded for some reason?
>worse than a jihadist
not fluent in autist I see
prefer yours though tbqh
they're casing your phone
>going to have to redo my driving theory because I've been fucking around for so long
fuck sake why does he have to wear his guitar straps like a spacker
Isn't word salad strongly associated with schizophrenia?
think you might be a nonce?
Haha that makes more sense. I wondered why he had it in for journalists.
Mine expired too. After 2 years right? Oh well, it's easy, although it's a waste of 20 (?) pounds having to do it again.
He meant the winky had full coverage, evidently
the amount of times he basically resorts to no u is fucking hilarious
Sounds a bit far fetched. I think its more likely that most religions, maybe all, came about due to a lack of scientific understanding and to reinforce cultural ideas. My dad believes in this sorta thing, he thinks aliens build the pyramids and all that shite.
>its an allegory, for how one man performing good deeds can change the entire world
Goes back to my prior points really about Christians being persecuted by the romans. If it was an allegory, i dont see why the early apologists would literally burn for it.
what does thou mean
Is Sagiri chad? Wouldn't be surprise
or is he at least not a festering khv
>Isn't word salad strongly associated with schizophrenia?
yes unfortunately
what's a winky?
>Iewding tim
Right that's it you're coming with me sunshine, get in the bag
watch the video ye melon, he thinks it's some kind of evidence (of what lol) which he can take to the police
just get on with learning to drive you knob
>Sounds a bit far fetched.
I know but the way everything in the world sort of works perfectly together, like the ecosystem is so incredible makes me think it could only happen if it were designed
oops meant for bus lad
as you were LG x
He'll probably be the one accused of abuse, since he said "you're making me want to kill you"
literally tims face when
A wimbus lad. A pecker. Rictus Erectus. Trouser meat.
I would but the next available test is after it expires
Yeah he recorded it and then uploaded the vocaroo here.
It was years ago. He got back on his medication and he's now fine, works as a junior soil scientist for the National Soil Resources Institute near Milton Keynes.
Lads here seem to think I'm normie which I'm alright with, happy with even
I've had my moments but I don't think I'm chad
it's for reference
fed up of girls staring at me for 20 seconds then quickly turning away when i notice them and then they turn back and look for another 20 seconds
think it might have been my awesome new tracksuit
staying at a girl's house this weekend
how can i make sure i shit as little as possible or that it doesn't smell too bad?
Immodium lad. It will stop you shitting entirely.
don't eat for 48 hours prior
Just bite the bullet and shit. She doesn't expect you to be some inhuman, no shitting robot. She knows everyone poops; she probably learnt that when she was 5 lad.
If you're really worried, get some air freshener or something.
>not letting out smelly dumps at your gf's house like a true alpha
just have you're bi weekly shit before you go
>NHS website uses the word "poo" instead of faeces.
I now firmly believe we live in a nanny state. No country in the world would treat its people so condescendingly.
What do you think Jun's parents were like? I reckon raised by a single mum or by old school religious drunk parents who beat him all the time
You should read the book called Gods of eden, it is about all this kinda thing. I dont really believe it myself but there was a time when i was into it.
I did a shit when my gf was round mine and it was fine. Just put the fan on to cover the noise of the splash then subtly sprayed some stuff in the room. She probably knew what I was doing but she didn't say anything
Dunno if pooping at her house would be different though
No country in the world would have citizens who get so irate over something so inconsequential either
God bless dear old blighty
Ah ok so you have slept with a couple of girls then?
what about mates, do you have any?
>being this much of a beta
tell u wot lads that sixteen year old boy user is a roite nonce
if was in pen id kettle him mate
It just speaks volume about how dumb the state thinks we are.
I remember in a high school project we had to look up indicators of illness i.e this means you might have this and I looked up autism cause I have it and NHS website said something along the lines of "an interest in or enjoys licking windows" made me kek to imagine people have an interest in licking windows but don't actually lick windows
Real alphas shit right in front of their gf on her bedroom floor, and then they command her to clean it up.
Well it was that or hold it in
>I should not be getting a chub over this, I should NOT be getting a chub over this...
tbf i can think of a lot of grown adults who are too stupid to know what faeces mean
I'll pick it up but it seems very history channel ish, i.e just makes tons of ridiculous unsubstantiated claims