
25+ year old club, what video games do you have lined up to play this weekend?

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I won't have much time to play but a few hours of Battletech probably.

I'm trying to finish TW3 but i'm losing motivation.
I might play a little bit of Magical Drop 3 and Samurai Shodown III to break it up before going back to it.

spend your time more wisely, old man

Replaying Shadow Hearts right now.Might move onto covenant once I'm done.

I only have ps1 and a ps2, I need some proper hidden gem recs

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I’m playing Adults life, featuring: responsibilities

greentext/rate shadow hearts in a few lines

Sounds boring as shit

I'm hyped for Breath Of The Wild. Just finished the starting area a few days ago, can't wait to play again.

Middle age is like 40 to 60

You don't stop growing until you turn 28, there are bones in your body not done growing.

I'm playing shin megami tensei series for the first time. Not liking it so far.
Also playing tactical games on PSP.

I've been playing Etrian Odyssey V but this week I haven't been in the mood to play. I already reached the 8th floor and I only have one quest to do so at least I'm doing good progress. I've been playing Wario Land and is an ok game, albeit a bit too slow, and Taiko no Tatsujin Dokodon Mystery Adventure, which I'm unable to beat any song in Oni yet, which is annoying.

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>Middle age is like 40 to 60
I'm 30 and i feel like i'm dying.
I'm tired all the time, and the doctor said i have an inflamed prostate, i have to piss constantly, i'm not getting any sleep.
I'm losing all motivation to do anything in my life, i can barely focus on playing video games, i can only play them 2 hours at a time, maybe.
I don't even want to imagine what a mess i'll be by the time i even reach 40.

Nothing. I beat GOW already. I'll probably rewatch the office until Dragon's Crown Pro comes out in May.

Oh ye well suck my growing bone

Lmao rekt fagit

Playing Bloodborne atm, but my friends want me to come play Elite: Dangerous with them, and I'm not sure if I have the time nor energy to learn all the ins and outs of a huge sci-fi MMO.


downloaded Morrowind and a metric fuckton of mods, some of them clashed with each other, some of them carried older versions of other ones, got tired and deleted everything

My mom is visiting me this weekend, I haven't seen her in half a year so for one part it's nice but it also takes up all my precious weekend vidya time

Alien Isolation
Its still on sale, looking forward to checking it out

God of War maybe some Dota 2.

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28. Gonna finish Shadow Tactics probably. Excellent game so far.

that's pretty much the case for any even remotely extensive modding

Playing TESO like normal. Trying to get the most out of free ESO+ week.

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>iktf i have to piss constantly
feels bad mate

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>drink 5 beers
>piss 9 times during, every 20 minutes

its ridiculous

I'm pretty sure this your own fault for neglecting your health. Enjoy, faggot.

Atelier Meruru Plus.

Hahaha old people are so lame, truly 22 is the prime age. I petition generalized mandatory euthanasia for anyone over 25, mercy is the least we can do for them.

finally decided to start playing gravity rush 2. I kept putting it off since the server time got extended, but it's getting close so I should probably get on that now

Been playing Grandia II and Etrian Odyssey 5. May pick up Gravity Rush Remastered on the PSN sale. May do some more in my Thorium run of Terraria. It's hard for me to stick to one game for too long, apparently, but all the games I like are huge. It's not doing good things for my backlog.

Currently playing RE:Revelations 2, Darksiders: Warmastered, Akiba's Trip 2, and got RE:DS the other day.

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>I'm pretty sure this your own fault for neglecting your health
I've never done drugs and i'm not a drinker.
I clean myself pretty often.
The last sexual activity i had was 10 years ago.
The doc said i have a small prostate prone to irritation and it's hereditary.

Some paper clipping without the paper clip

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I had this for two weeks and got in a mad panic cause my dad got prostate cancer a little over a year ago, luckily it was just a mild infection

Despite being almost universally hated on /v/, I firmly believe that Grandia 3 is even better than 2 and it should be played if you like 2.

>don't drink beer
>have urge to piss constantly
>don't smoke weed anymore because it makes me paranoid and makes my stomach act weird

not fair

I'm currently working towards 100 percenting God of War on Balanced difficulty and getting all the quests and collectibles done.

Once I get that down, I'm going to go back to playing Monster Hunter World, because I need Kulve Taroth gear. I've only done her quest like once on the day it came out, because the day it came out was the same day God of War came out, and God of War, being a new game, had more priority for me. Also, I need the new Dante gear.

Once that's done, I'm going to play Alien Vendetta for Doom. One of my favorite LPers, BigMacDavis, recently returned to YouTube, so it's given me an itch to play some nice Doom wads.

I have 1k saved up to buy a new prebuilt desktop, what should I get niggers? Building is not an option.

>building is not an option

literally why

Exercise mate. You only need to lightly jog like 30-40 minutes per day every day. Nothing fancy. Trust me, if you do this regularly, you'll start to feel much better in 3 months.

Regular exercise, even light exercise, can do WONDERS in making a person feel better.

>I had this for two weeks
Been 1 year for me m8.
Pretty sure it's prostatitis and i'm fucked for the rest of my life.
I'm happy you didn't suffer the same fate, it can drive you insane.

FFXV or MH3U in between bouts of wuxia webnovels.

i dunno what to play now and i hate br games
is smite worth it ? ;(

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I already played 3. 2 is the only one left for me to play because I didn't have a Dreamcast. 3 pulled a lot of storyline stuff I absolutely hated, but the gameplay was still pretty fun. It was hilariously easy because of how OP all of your party is, but fun none the less.

>I'm 30 and i feel like i'm dying.
Your diet probably did a lot of damage or you have severe stress/anxiety because of a wrong outlook on life.

DoW: Soulstorm and maybe some Crusader Kings 2.

Imma replay Doom 4
Than play some D&D with my brother and some friends
Maybe make some mulled wine

I'm way too old for this shithole

System Shock 2

health isnt just what you put in your body
meet with other people, hell just go out with other dudes that might share some of your issues.

If someone you know makes fun of you for that then fuck them. They were never meant to be part of your life.
as for me
Damn, i replayed Actraiser after 10 years and its so easy now. Gotta finish the final boss but SIM shit can be easy but not as tedious Action mode.
Dark souls really impacted me.

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I need to finish doom 4 again in it's arcade mode, i heard good things, i've only finished the normal SP so far.

Because I don’t have the money to accidentally fuck it up and I’ve never done it before?
>inb4 it’s easy
I don’t care, I’m not taking any chances.

I bet you are the type of cuck who pays for extended warranty too
You can literally get a 20% faster/better build if you dont go down the prebuilt road, and there are fuckton of forums where people have stickied monthly recommended builds (reddit)

Faggots like you are really annoying desu

You can do it user, we believe in you.

And then start Nioh after.

Gonna sip some booze and start Prey. Will probably download something cheap too.

FFXI, The Witcher 3, and Minecraft.

>what video games do you have lined up to play this weekend?

Nothing actually. I barely play anything. My hours in total can maybe be summed up to under 24 hours worth of time this whole year so far. Probably actually just 12 hours total for 2018. I find myself watching and talking about games more often instead. I have these sudden nostalgia spurts that come out of nowhere for certain games. I'll post about it a bit, maybe watch some videos and then I move on to the next thing. I have been thinking of trying King's Field 4 though through emulator. I will probably never get around to playing it at this rate.

I do buy extended warranties, and they have payed off multiple times. And if I actually ever get a decent job and some disposable income I’ll probably make it a project. But right now I need a quick fix and replace my shitty decade old craptop.

there's basically no way to fuck it up, most stressful part is securing the CPU without bending any pins and even that's almost impossible nowadays

unless you're some kind of tard

Continuing Nier Automata and some SRW X missions.
Grinding on mobage and trying DOAX Venus Vacation.

The game where I work overtime and then I'm too tired to actually do anything

I started VV on release, the game fell into the swing of basically every other week being an event and it's just so hard to care about.

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Literal women can do it mate.

31, will probably play some hotline Miami, Bloodborne, or Persona 5 while my lady watches and we make fun of the games.

Gonna replay HL2 completely with the 2 episodes included. Not speedrunning, just relax a few hours.

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Started Everybody's Golf on ps4 a few days ago and slowly progressing through the single player. It's getting repetitive since I'm playing the same courses to get xp to unlock the next challenge boss. I just want to get the kart and fishing functions unlocked and then I'll take my time.

Loaded a bunch of stuff into the SNES Classic this week so I'm going to try going through Secret of Evermore. Never got further than the pyramid as a kid.

Drakengard. I missed it when it came out. Also playing hyperdimension neptunia mk2. Drakengard is so fucking fun though.

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Drakengard is many things, "fun" isn't one of the terms i would describe it with tho.
You must be a seasoned musou veteran to manage to actually squeeze any fun out of this thing, i suppose.

maybe it's better on an emulator where you can speed it up?

Not at all. I like dynasty warriors but that's it. I just always heard the gameplay was a bit shit and ended up being pleasantly surprised.

If you can stomach D1's gameplay you can pretty much get into any musou ever made and have a much better time with them.
Not that i'm dissing Drakengard as a game, it's just that it's gameplay it's basically the worst musou ever made, so by logical consequence if you play a good musou you're probably gonna love it.

I'll look into it then because I have basically played none so there's decades of potential entertainment out there for me.

>tfw no christmas cake fujoshi fembot gf

If in the future you want to get into basara make a thread and i'll give you all the resources you need, i'm always around for basara threads.

playing civ2 medal of honor 1 and 2 on the ps1.
b-better days...

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I still firmly believe that those two MOHs are among the best shooters ever made

Playing Mankind Divided, New Vegas, nu-God of War and Guild Wars 2

My dad's in hospital following an op to remove what they could of his brain tumor. This morning I had to go to hospital to get checked out because I've had bad chest pains since yesterday afternoon. One day soon we will all become old men, crumbling and falling apart.

Dunno what to play in the face of all this, I keep jumping from game to game and can't get into anything.

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Silent Bomber and Metal Arms


>One day soon we will all become old men
And we'll be running the world.

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I just got Yazkuza 0 and Kiwami on PSN for 30 quid

why the fuck are you still playing video games and posting on Jow Forums at age 25+!? get a life old man, this is just embarassing

You know whats even more embarassing? 30+ people without hobbies.

What to play /v/? I've started so much recently and enjoy all of it but I get bored easily
>FFXII (vanilla)
>Dead Space
>Castlevania: CotM
>Shadows of the Damned

just turned 25, in my last year at uni, work part time, flat with my bros life is good you young cunt.
Plus I've been on Jow Forums since 16, I cant escape.

Currently Playing Nier: Automata, trying to beat Emil.

>ywn climb bear user like a mountain

Finished the rest of my weed last night and my best friend from high school is in town so I'm going to try to go out and be social. I was using winter as an excuse to be a hermit but it's pretty warm today.

Whenever I stop smoking I have no desire to play games for a couple days so probably won't do much gaming except possibly on Sunday.

Could see myself coming home drunk and playing some stupid sports games with my friends at most. Ideally I'll be getting my dick sucked instead though.

So yeah basically just trying to come out of a 5 month period of constant gaming, smoking weed, and being anti-social. Wish me luck.

what are you studying dardy?

I find I'm less likely to play games when high. Once I run out of my stash I'm not gonna smoke for a while. On a positive note I'm listening to more music
>tfw turn 27 next month

Dead Space, easily. I replayed it a bit ago and it's a bit better than I remembered it to be. Just make sure to get a mouse fix and an FOV fix (check pcgamignwiki)

what causes this..is it prostate probs? cos i piss constantly and thing about drinking 5 beers pissing out every bottle after the third rongs true to me too...fucking worried now. i wank and fuck a lot too, is that a good or bad thing in relation to this

not video games fuck off back to Jow Forums

not video games fuck off back to Jow Forums

not video games fuck off back to Jow Forums

not video games fuck off back to Jow Forums

not video games fuck off back to Jow Forums

not video games fuck off back to Jow Forums

just natural, getting older and shit

probably playing all the old tomb raiders(1 to chronicles) to try and forget the awful reboot after seeing the new trailer

coincidentally I'm playing through Resident Evil 1-3
Loved 1 and 2. Never played the third part. Third one seemed like it was made by bums from a B-Team.

I get excited to play games when I'm high but I smoke so much that it knocks me out pretty quick. I have to drink a red bull or coffee to get through a serious gaming sesh while smoking.

One I get through the "withdrawal" I'll be able to play games sober but I think the all day every day smoking lifestyle fucks with my dopamine.

My issue when it comes to being anti-social is definitely more weed than vidya related.

And yeah I'm 26 too but my bday was in January.