This girl told my friend that she would take my virginity. would you let her?

this girl told my friend that she would take my virginity. would you let her?

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Enjoy being socially humiliated

she has a chad bf, but she's on and off with him and is very open. ive only talked to her twice or something and she seems nice

im not sure if she thinks im qt or genuinely feels sorry for me that im a virgin at 20. im not over my oneitis yet though, and my inner and outer incel is calculating ways to avoid her. wat do

thats why im hesitant. i never had sex before and im scared that she will laugh at how shitty i am

should i at least try to get a beej or just avoid it altogether

I guess you could sleep with her just to get the virginity out of the way, but I'd imagine loosing it to someone that you care about and care about you would be a better experience.

thats why im so hesitant. i feel like it would be 1000x better with someone i care about

wait forever then, people who believe this are delusional

Doesn't matter, had sex. Ascend OP, you may never get another chance!

another pic. her tits are tempting me

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Take the deal user before you regret it
This is your only shot to get out of here before we're all sent to the virgin "camps"

Yo why the fuck does every woman on earth have lewd pictures of themselves posted all over?

Just fucking do it, you ridiculous faggot. Do you know how many men have to pressure and lie and trick women into having sex with them?

Even Chad's do it, you fucktard. Take your fucking pity sex, or whatever it is. Don't question and just fuck.

Don't wait for a woman you care about, because then you'll end up falling in love with her and getting manipulated and abused beyond repair. Having been incel for so long, you will actually get an obsessive love for her that you won't be able to shake, and she'll cripple you, dude, trust me.

When women know they have you hooked, they are fucking ruthless.

Ehhh. Probably not if it were to be my first time.

she's cute go for it user
you are already huge faggot loser you dont have anything to lose

do it or kys
shes a 10/10 bro

she message'd me on instagram a few weeks ago. i didn't open it because i was scared i wouldn't know how to respond and she'd see that i opened it

idk what the message says because instagram just puts it as "*name* has sent you a message"

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no? why not? im debating it

the only thing i have to lose is my virginity

If you don't you're a faggot.

Her face looks kind of gross and her boobs are small. She looks better in this picture though.

>the only thing i have to lose is my virginity
that's the spirit, hunk

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this, she looks like a bit of a twig but cute face, not bad OP. although its probably gonna be pity sex but at least youre gonna get something wet

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her on the left with the black shorts. what would u guys do to her?

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