We say why we havent killed ourselves yet

Whats stopping you from killing yourself?

is it hurting your family?

Knowing things might improve


We post why we havent killed ourselves yet.

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Op first.

1. it would really hurt my mum, I dont care what my father thinks but I cant do that to my mum, YET.

2. I kinda hope things will improve but I only seem to feel worse and worse.

The suicidal thoughts have been constant, but I had come to terms with killing myself in a few years just not yet although it sucks that im always thinking about dying lately.

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This post format... you made that discord thread yesterday right?
I haven't killed myself because it would hurt my family a lot and there's a few things I want to experience still.

I don't want to make anyone sad or leave them with a big funeral bill

i dont have the courage, i unironically believe ill get punished for killing myself after im dead even though at the same time i believe this is slightly bs because of people who drink and smoke or eat to excess are technically killing themselves

kingdom hearts 3 and infinity war 2

Too afraid of hurting other people, specially the ones I care about.

Undecided method
Unsure of where to be done
Fear of failure
Fear of eternal hellfire

because I'm a weak faggot too scared to kms and because of my sister

My kid
I am scare as shit once try for attention and almoste cut thrue my artery. Blood all over the place but ambulance came quick.

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I do reddit spacing because it lloks neat IDK im autistic.

Yes that was me.....

What do you want to experience?

this 100%

People make out people who are suicidal are selfish,
but I think tehy know how much it hurts people when they leave but living just sucks so much it feels like it is worth it.

Suicide should be legal,
there is ONE thing we have control over in our life and it is our own life,

What is fucked up is people dont even want people who have cancer to be able to die, that is truely selfish.

If I really want to off myself I should be able to pay for the service so I dont fuck it up.

Hell is scary, I think just the thought of it being real and eternal punishment for offing yourself
is something scary to think about.

How would you plan to do it?
I would want to maybe take a bunch of pills, hang myself or do something else but I wouldnt want to get found by my family.
If you can still find games fun then power to you man, I used to play BF1 all day and it was only thing that made me happy.

power to you man I wish I could still do that.

Good to see we all care about other people we love or know will be hurt by us opting out of life.

Why does life have to suck for some people and be good for others?
why does leaving this shitty life have to hurt other people, why cant they want us to be at peace....

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>being afraid of hell
>not being afraid of eternal oblivion

My boyfriend. I have no one else in my life who loves me. He's been there with me through thick and thin. He's the most important person to me.

>If you can still find games fun then power to you man
It's not so much the fun it's how I've been invested in these franchises for over a decade and need to see the end.

>How would you plan to do it?
nembutal if i can figure out where to get genuine and i have money at that time, failing that jumping off an extremely tall building, failing that tying a heavy object and going into the water

I don't have a platinum rabi ribi trophy yet

Im an atheist and kind of regretting it because a state of nothing will exist for me when I die. Cant convert back either because its simply unbelievable for me. Thats why I like living, because I exist.

Because if life is this shit why would death be any better

i mean if you are in a space thats just dark forever thats no good but if its just like being asleep, nothing wrong with that

>What do you want to experience?
Videogames, that 1 in a trillion chance to find a girl that will bear my children and stay forever caring and loyal to me. Some big event that changes the world.

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its not sleep though, you can't imagine the nonexistence of your own consciousness.

My only friend would be completely alone.
I haven't done everything i want to before i die yet.
Scared of fucking up and ending up in the hospital.

Oblivion > my shitty depressing anxiety ridden miserable life

i mean im pretty sure everything>oblivion but okau

brainlet here, if time goes super fast while im asleep and i wake up/proper die at the end of the universe whats wrong with that, im not bothered by anything when im asleep

because death would be no life, just like being knocked out, no pain no joy.

we can do anything we want, we can find perfect girl we just have to work hard on improving ourselves.

You still have a friend irl, thats cool man.

yeah we have to make sure we do it right, go with a mans method.

I would love to just OD on some drugs to die, drift off happy into death.

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time doesn't go fast when you are asleep, you just don't experience it. when you die you die. you don't fall asleep until the end of the universe, what gave you that idea?

I'm honestly just too scared to do it... I know that i will regret it inmedeatly and will feel even more depressed...

>because death would be no life, just like being knocked out, no pain no joy.

you don't know that, you could end up just repeating your life again when the universe cycles through again

Waiting to save enough money to avenge someone on the other side of the planet, then I'm done.

i dont notice it so im not annoyed by it going at its normal rate, the sleep thing was an example


yeah that's true, you wouldn't feel anything after death, so its like sleeping, but you have some awareness while sleeping, depending if you're dreaming or whatever

i hardly ever dream so its a shit example for most people

cant feel depressed when you dead.

well no reason not tto do it then.

I hope I reincarnate.

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I really am sick and tired of my day to day. If there was a place with a big, strong tree and knotted rope set up I'd prob do it. God should understand my frustration and not send me to eternal hellfire for this poor life.

I am scared that I will fail to kill myself. And I am also scared of pain so I want my death to be quick. At first I wanted to overdose on pills, but I found out that this is the least successful method. After that I wanted to kill myself by crashing my car into another car or driving off a cliff, but I read the story of a guy who tried this and not only that he survived but he ended up in a wheelchair.

Death is boring, life at least has the chance of something worth while happening. Its like gambling, the only way to win is play the game.

Also, decadence. That is some pretty good shit.

one day i came to the conclusion. if i wanna commit unhero and end it all i might as well go through life and do necessary things to make me feel better. i'm experimenting on myself with diet and exercises. i'm losing fat, gaining muscles and learn new things so i could get better job. right now i don't hate myself. i hate the world and humanity. best decision in my life so far

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You hsouldnt harm otehrs by killing yourself.

>drive off cliff
>????? drown????

yeah im doing this myself.

starting gym soon.

pyschs tell me you just have to exercise to not be depressed and I know it an make you feel better after you do it but fuck that is so wrong.

>Why cant they want us to be at peace...
Maybe it's because we somehow make them happy in a way and they don't want us gone from their lives

can't take bitches mourning for a couple of days , then pissing on my grave. would rather fuck them.

>trip fags
>talking liek chad

Why are you here

True but thats selfish really

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don't want to hurt my family

their lives have been thousands of times harder than mine, I don't need to make their lives any harder by taking my own.

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Because I have enough false hope to lie to myself that it will get better.

>is it hurting your family?
Yeah my parents would be devastated, thinking of them sad makes me cry, also younger brother, he'd be really sad I think
>Knowing things might improve
Kind of, hope keeps me going
>religion ?

Most probably it is because I am hoping for AI robo waifus, artificial wombs and femake genocide. That is pretty much it. They day women are slaughtered like cattle will be the happiest day of my life. I fucking hate them. In a way, my hate for women is what keeps me alivem

Yeah I want waifubots as well.

but I wouldnt be allowed to get a lolibot because it would be against the law in my country, fuck me.

Why do you want females hurt user????

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I'm happy. Sure I don't have a GF and at this point I don't ever expect to get one but every other part of my life is fucking great.

>Have a best friend I know would die for me
>Have a job I actually enjoy going to
>Make more money than I know what to do with
>Live in a nice place
>Have literally everything I want and can easily buy anything new that I want

Shits great. Sure I wish I had someone to share it with but I'm perfectly happy as is.

>Whats stopping you from killing yourself?
Actually, genuinely, unironically, crypto.

Because I hate them. Simple ,really. Their suffering brings me joy. I'd instruct my robo waifu to tear them limb to limb. One cannot want robo waifus and not hate women. Both are inclusive.
Also stop using multiple question marks, it makes you look like a retard.

1) I love my cat and she has nobody but me
2) It would hurt my mom

I'm already dead anyway. All I do is think the same thoughts and feel the same things (nothing really) every single day without fail. Actual suicide would be something new and liberating, so I don't do it.

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but you'll reincarnate as yourself, leaving you in a loop of misery followed by early suicide forever

I believe in the Bible/Jesus Christ+I'm pursuing art/music and trying to make a life for myself out of that. My attempts at that overall though are still pretty pathetic and my chances of anheroing are still at least 50/50, if not higher.

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Megumin is cute.
I don't have any other megumin pics. Post more, bros.

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1. I'm terribly afraid of dying
2. I have a job and a nice car
3. I don't have a lot of money but I'm financially well off and can buy things that I like for the time being. I'm sure that'll change when I get my own place.
4. I'd hate to miss out on movies, music albums, and books that I could potentially enjoy. There's a lot of things in this world I haven't experienced yet and I'd hate to miss out on something that could have a great impact on me.
5. My mom would be devastated

I'm not a happy person by any means, but I don't want to kill myself and I want to do better in life.

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I care about my dog. Also possible collapse of capitalism/civilization and ensuing social revolution.

bro heres over 500 megumins

lots of lewds as well for faps

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If I kms I won't ascend to Australian heaven and eat Megumin's ass after we go out for daily explosion practice.

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you australian user?

Lack of access to a shot gun,
Wanting to complete more anime series,
The fear of pain drilled into me over my life telling me dying would hurt.
My recently ordered megumin body pillow.

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op here.
yeah i wanna watch more anime too before i die

man you getting a megumin pillow im jelly

oneitis might love me back

pulled the trigger but it turned out to be a dud, I took this as a sign from god , the universe or whatever that I still have a purpose in this world, though I'm still trying to figure out what.


Yeah that is pretty cool man, I hope you feel better but if you CANT after trying and you really want to then I cant blame you if you did decide to do it.

It'll hurt my family. It's the same reason I'm still in college and trying to get a degree. If I had no one left, I'd either end it or just get some wageslave job and fill the rest of my time with vidya.

I hope you enjoy yourself at least ope I'd recommend Vampire Hunter D(2000)!
I already got the body pillow and it helps me feel less alone and recommend it, it's not magical though It's like hugging sexy pillows.

I'm scared of the pain and failing. I have to make sure I get it right the first time. It's fucking crazy how all-consuming suicide has become for me. I fucking look at bodies of water and ask myself how high up I'd have to be where if I jump it will be like hitting concrete.

Fear, my backlogs, my family and friends (even though I rarely see or speak to them) and I guess evolution. I would like to entertain and help people and make a difference of some kind, but most people don't so I suppose it's no big loss.

Im scared of not existing.

yeah man I know whta you mean.

If you gunna jump wanna make sure you die on impact not drown.

TFW sexy megumin pillow is considered CP by the government.

yep 100%, if my family well my mum was dead id be gone already.
but my mum said if I die my sister said I can live with her....fuck im pathetic lol

Its kinda funny how fucked up we are, ever laugh at how your so fucked?

>Go to dinner with mummy
>all you can eat but no tendies :(
>first time out in a month, never go outside,
>cant eat because feel sick from being outside
>"user you made me waste my money on buying you food I wont do this again"

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i dont life in merica...
you know guns

The reasons I have to kill myself heavily outweigh the reasons not to, but I can't go through with it.