Why is it so difficult to find a white, conservative, Christian woman who wants to bare children before she hits the age of 30? It seems like most women these days put on this bullshit exterior to make themselves appear respectable, but are complete whores in private.
Why is it so difficult to find a white, conservative...
>wanting to marry inferior white women
Let me guess.. you don't go to a church, must less a based church.
>Slut clothes and pose
I think he wanted something without the bullshit exterior, user.
Must be trolls or insane people: want a perfectly loyal Chad level woman who won't cheat on them with Chad.
Lets face it, too many guys are wannabe cucks.
just become a muzzie, mohhamud
Polish catholic, although mainly just cultural Christian, kind of a Christmas and Easter type deal
Implying asians aren't more loyal than your average white girl.
Have you tried actually going to church?
I would try joining a church
>conservative christian woman
To tylko mem anonku. w tym bezboznym swiecie juz takich nie ma.
Lol get fucked idiot
Not him but churches are full of born-again single moms trying to make it seem like they weren't total whores in the past and find some beta bux to latch onto. The type OP is looking for, which do exist at church but in smaller numbers than the single moms, can get church Chads.
It feels like anyone decent was already paired up with their future husband by 14
have a (You), sweetpea.
Are you underage? Origianal
>Sister between 16 and 26 NEVER wants to have kids, get married, settle down
>She's a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man
>Hits 26
>Scrambles to buy a house and desperately begs her boyfriend (who also never wanted kids) to give her a baby before she hits 30
Well, at least she caught on before it was too late.
I am 23
All the people around me who are my age that are church-going folk are already married or engaged
>It's the company you keep, user
IT really could be a change of friends/meeting new people
>Move into new apt. New roomies
>Both roomies started dating girlfriends in college
>1 couple worked in the same project
>1 couple met when parents were impressed with the guy and introduced him to their daughter. Good, church going christians (he's agnostic)
Started hanging out with them
> Introduce me to their friends/relatives
> Find girl who is 7 years younger and wants to be a stay at home mom and raise kids
> MFW I realized all the stress of the past few years on how to find someone evaporated, and it was just the networks.
It's not. Go to a church. Flirt with a 16 year old. Make her fall in love with you, but don't do anything for two years. Make sure she doesn't go to college.
>3 years of effort
No wonder most of people here are single
If you go to church every week on Sunday and also when the younger crowd meets then you're guaranteed to meet some young conservative pussy.
>Thinking you can avoid thots by going to church
You naive little child.
Nowadays thots are all over church because they think they can be reformed thots and trap some dumbfuck beta churchgoer.
Going to church just to pick up a girl makes the whole thing an excecise in cynical egotism. I couldn't bear to do that, I'd feel like a sinner straight away.
there's your problem. face it, jesus was a cuck and saved a cheating roastie from being stoned, there's no reason why a chrstan woman would save herself for marriage to some beta when she could ride the cock carousel and be forgiven by god and jesus by repenting and saying im sorry.
What do you think the other men are there for?
To worship the Lord?
because they hide from retards who can't spell their native language
>t. non-anglo yuropoor who took virginity of 10/10 american qt
I don't know, but I used to go to church because I was an earnest believer and it felt right. I liked the sense of community too, but that was ages ago.
no. to be beta bux for some washed up 30 yo born again virgin.
>Flirt with a 16 year old.
Umm sweetie, that is called grooming and illegal under Federal law.
American girls are the biggest sluts on the planet, taking one's virginity isn't much of an accomplishment.
Not everyones likes in the united cucks.
>Christianity is evil and a blight and cancer on society
>If I have a child my life is effectively over
Isn't it obvious op? No one wants to give up everything and raise a screaming brat for decades just so you can live out your stupid narcissistic roleplay fantasy
bloody autocorrect
16 is legal in half the states in the US, that other user is just a retard (or a Californian or something, which is functionally the same thing).
>wants a Christian
Maybe they don't want to breed with you due to your sub-100 IQ? Not joking by the way.
This, Christianity is evil and deserves to be replaced by the one true religion; Islam.
Evil is naturally routed in our societies, and Christianity is being replaced by Islam because Islam is the one true light.
Plus, they know how to keep their roasties in line, unlike christcucks.
>trying to find the right spelling because brainlet
>accidentally typed "bare kids" into Google
Please die
calm down there elliott, nobody said it is. if you scroll just one post up you might remember the topic is about a retard's musings regarding a supposed drought of white conservative christian women
Nah, that's for the christcucks and atheist dogs.
Islam will take over Europe, then it'll come to American shores.
Why? Because whites are weaklings ruled by retarded women, and any society ruled by women eventually falls to stronger, more virile societies.
Not to mention white women are disloyal whores who may as well not exist.
>I have never been inside a Trad Catholic parish
The post
When I do, I will be rewarded, inshallah.
At the end of the day, women don't give a fuck about society, they'd gladly let it all fall if it means they can have consequence-free sex for a few decades.
Giving them rights was whites' biggest mistake, and now they're suffering for it.
Soon they'll be dead though.
fuck off cuck he's right. islam is way better for robots than worshipping a guy who literally saved cheating roasties from being stoned.
You know what's even better for a robot? Thinking for yourself instead of letting ancient goatfuckerstupidthink brainwash you
If you are religious you are a fucking disgusting normie and you need to die
Atheists are already a dying breed, you'll be drawn out and killed once we take over, something christcucks are too pussified to do.
>hung out with fellow soldiers at strip clubs, dives, and mama-san bars, female soldiers, strippers, and skanks chin deep
>All Women Are Shallow Whores
>hang out with religious neighbor, go to community dances, church socials, and neighborhood cleanup
>Wholesome girls that cook, sew, and want to stay home everywhere
>married in a year
The company you keep, men
I wasn't serious calm down autist lmao
It's really funny picturing the fat neckbeard permavirgin typing those words
It's inherently illogical to be religious, why would you want a woman who is even more illogical than what they are born as?
Inb4 fedora tip - faith is objectively not logical, it is an emotional want
women are free --> women are financially independent (don't need no man) --> women choose to slut around before settling
Isn't it?
Fat neckbeard permavirgin fedora-tipping atheists are always pathetic, but at the end of the day they'll be dead soon.
ultra-religious people are the biggest robots dude, that's why normies and cucks hate them so much. that and they btfo roasties.
>be religious
>instantly have a loving community of millions that will accept you no matter what
Good joke normie. Go back to fellating your jewish space zombie that surely exists and loves you and will reward you with a cute girlfriend if you just pray hard enough
just convert to islam and find a white looking girl from a shithole in Asia or North Africa
You guys are going to marry cum dumpsters guaranteed. Have fun when she sleeps with Alejandro and Jose
damn i hadnt seen that one before. Kind of misleading though, I'd rather see a pie chart for each generation that showed percentage partner counts.