Have you realised how horrible this board is? There seems to be a correlation between the user base of this site and obesity, neetdom, misogyny, and ugliness. I guarantee every person on this site is a loser. Threads are consistently detached with reality and quite frankly they scare me. I wouldn't feel safe in the same room with any one of you. Who knows when you might snap and kill somebody in a tantrum of incel anger. You process information with autism and excrete the most vile and putrid mentalities for this echo chamber of hate and sorrow. This is the extent of your social life and it is quite sad. Your parents loathe you. Nobody in their right mind would invest so much effort and time into raising somebody who'd become you. You fucking reek. When was the last time you had a shower? Have you seen sunlight in the past month at all? Your stench of old semon, piss, body odour, and oily hair is disgusting. Why the fuck are you wondering why you're single, you delusional fucking aspie? You have ruined your life. You ignored school, withdrew from a social life, and now you're 30 and next year you'll commit suicide. You watch anime all day and fap to traps. That's you. That's your life and it's pathetic.
Have you realised how horrible this board is...
This site does have it's fair share of messed-up people, but there are also some high level people too. Like me, I've met quite a few other people who've worked pretty hard to amass a fortune so they can escape society. Much to be learned from them.
you had me until the soggy knees. Kill yourself redditor
>I guarantee every person on this site is a loser.
What's your email address, OP? Wanna compare e-peens?
why do normies think its so groundbreaking to say "lol ur life sucks and ur bitter"
yeah i know
thats why im here
What do you mean? I only see normans here complaining about not having had sex for a month.
hey fuck u man ill probs commit suicide at a date other then next year
>all you need to do to find love is "just be yourself"
>men who are virgins are inherently losers due to ugliness
No,"Jow Forums ruins your life" is a fucking meme deviced by redditors and tumblrinas who are unable to come to terms with the fact that Jow Forums has always produced quality OC. Jow Forums single handedly has shaped the entire internet culture of this generation and just go over to reddit or tumblr and you will see these subhumans trying to emulate it so, so hard. They act like they have created everything, they'll lie, they'll steal, do every sort of mental gymnastics to "prove" that Jow Forums is somehow inferior to their cesspool, all while using memes which Jow Forums fucking birthed in the first place.
So they come up with these excuses.
"Oh, Jow Forums fags are loser virgins fat neckbeard buzzword buzzword fedora buzzword brony buzzword edgy buzzword .." . This matriarchal society , which values pussy worship above all else cannot bear seeing a group of guys having fun by themselves, they have to ruin it. Notice, to spot a newfag, you must analyze its retorts. They are always along the lines of "your lofe sucks, get out more, nogf, virgin" and the list goes on. They conveniently ignore the fact that their life is so pathetic that thwy voluntarily came here to shame the lifestyle of completely anonymous strangers which they won't even interact ever again. When they realise they cannot really piss in an ocean of piss, they just join. They come here, they bring their ignorance and naivety. They bring their ways of shitty emulation and "ironic" memery. Eat it from the inside.
Suggest alternative, free me and maybe others from the shit hole
Did you figure that out on your own? Wow you're an actual genius
This post is so fucking good
>This matriarchal society, which values pussy worship above all else cannot bear seeing a group of guys having fun by themselves
Couldn't have said it better myself, very well put, user.
I come to this board cuz it's the internet equivelent of going to the zoo
Seeing sub-human incels act like they know everything about the world when they know jack shit is pretty hilarious.
Fuck off, Fauxlacine
>I guarantee every person on this site is a loser
>posts on this site
Stopped reading here. Why would i need another losers's pointless bitching?
Nice one m8 you deserve at least an unironical (you)
i think you've got your causes the wrong way around. you're not on here because you're bitter with a shit life, you're bitter with a shit life because you're on here.
lol ur life sucks and ur bitter
you're thinking wrongly you dumb fucking faggot. kys immediately.
i'm sure that you're right, and everything could TOTALLY change while you come on here, and get told that life sucks, everyone sucks, and you can't improve. i'm sure of it.
The reason we come to this website is to create our own pocket reality that doesn't have people like you who constantly put us down. Fine we may be the way you claim us to be but look at the achievements we have made as listed by . We robots have alchemized our resentment and pain into creativity and fun. Leave us in peace, that's all we want.
>Implying I'm not a 18 year old norman living a happy life with some shitposting on the side
Shit thread OP consider at least wasting your time in a way that's fun.
When I first came to R9k it was obvious that most of the threads are made to make the user feel bad and worthless, I thought it could have even been ironic or just joking (I forget the word) as it was that removed from reality, I thought surely nobody gets suckered in by this shit. Unfortunately now I have to keep reminding myself of this, as I don't see it like that anymore.
>like me
I mean even if it's true that just sounds cocky and gay
>I wouldn't feel safe in the same room with any one of you.
We dont want you to lmao
yeah i know
thats why im here
Today user was not a faggot. Good post my man. I relate to this sentiment very much, I personally lead a very normal life, have a family, job, don't look horrible, but I'll never be caught dead in other shitholes like tumblr and especially Reddit because as you said: OC is from fucking Jow Forums and it always will be. And it isn't hard to tell what OC isn't from here because it's fucking garbage
Even though you checked off a lot of those about me.
I for one,
quit my job to take time off in May to re-organize my future plans,
2, I have cash for rent and my apartment is easily cleanable even tho its dirty rn,
3, I have an irl friend whos been messaging me to hang out, which means people wanna hang out,
4, i have a virginal gf, and since im her first, she puts up with my b.s
so jokes on u OP u ultra faggot,
at least im livin eezy breezy lemon squeezy
also started working out and am already seeing benefits
use the time u have guys even if you're old u can at least take college courses online,
like u have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I don't think so, it's just the truth, but maybe the phrasing was a bit awkward. "Myself and a few others", how about that. or even more simply "There are a few of us here that..."
user I enjoy coming here and most robots consider me to be Chad.
My life is pretty great all things considered. Well paying job I enjoy and am proud of, a loving wife that satisfies my sexual needs, family members that love and support me.
Yet I still enjoy coming here to talk shit about women, look at traps, watch anime and play video games, and discuss my hatred for the direction in which our society is going and how the Jews are essentially leading the way to a horrible future.
Basically you are wrong but I am sure you hit close to home for some here.
Inb4 lying on the internet
I got out of the hole. The fat miserable autists tear into anyone who has anything positive happen to them. Fuck that. I'm not retarded, and neither are you. Stop blaming your problems on the world. If you're an invalid, mentally ill, sick. That is one thing. If you only discourage yourself, you get nothing except failure. Failure is how you grow, and learn. You guys don't even fucking try. Chad won't be laughing when he sees you coming up behind him I'm the rearview of life. Fuck Chad. Annihilate the normies, through hard work and self love.
Crist, one Jow Forums incel goes on a rampage, and suddenly everyone hates us.
Well I don't think anyone is going to fault them if they snap and off you specifically.