Does anyone else here sometimes feel that society basically exists to suppress men's interests to benefit women?

After having read books like "The Manipulated Man," it's hard not to think this way.

Basically, it looks to me like the way society works is this:

There are two groups of (adult) people in society, men and women. A man's biggest priority is generally to be successful in a career, to change the world in some way by means of his work, or at least rise above his competitors in said work. A woman's main priority on the other hand is generally caring for the young, which naturally means that marriage is a higher priority for her than it is for a man.

Naturally women want men to be good providers for their children. So as a condition of getting married, women usually demand that men have a certain type of career: well paying, stable, with payouts for the wife should the husband die early, etc. So immediately men with creative ambitions or men with entrepreneurial ambitions that may not pan out, are at a disadvantage.

So far, you might say, this is no big deal... Just don't get married if you don't want to live up to women's expectations.

The only problem is that women have got a whole cottage industry of white knights, manginas, simps and COCKHOLDS working for them, trying to essentially shame men into marriage. Case in point, pic related. They'll say things like "man up," "abandon your dreams," and "reduce yourself to a walking husk of a human being for your future wife's benefit, it's the least you can do." But what they really believe in is MALE ENSLAVEMENT.

As anyone who posts on r9k knows, there actually do exist women who view men as property and wish to enslave men. This is fact. The only thing they're leaving out is that they actually have an entirely viable means with which to enslave men, that being 21st century marriage with no-fault divorce and massively female-biased divorce courts.

And they wonder why marriage rates are plummeting.

Attached: male enslavement.png (451x378, 40K)

Yes, but it wasn't always like this. Now days not only does the woman basically expect you to make an entire life just for her, she can also leave you at any time and steal everything from you. They do it too, women initiate like 70% of divorces. Marriage used to be a decent enough deal, as you get someone to be with for the rest of your life as well as children. Now though, nothing is guaranteed except the fact that if she gets bored your life will be ruined.

>So immediately men with creative ambitions or men with entrepreneurial ambitions that may not pan out, are at a disadvantage.
That's capitalisms fault

Yes. And people still have the gall to advocate marriage (aka male enslavement) despite all this. The conservative commentators who troll for marriage generally do tend to be more conservative on things like divorce, but they still insist that men get married in today's environment, which is basically like selling yourself into slavery. It's incredible to think that so many men will walk into the marriage scam blindfolded, not knowing what's about to hit them.

Ya know there are actually many good women out there. And there are guys who act and think exactly like these women do. If you really want this issue to go away. Ignore the shitty men and women. Cut those people out of your life or dont involve yourself with them. Ive been around plenty of men and women who have lessons about the opposite sex. These people just have experiences that we havent had that alter their view on people and the world. Just as im sure you have had. Take everything you read and see and hear with a grain of salt. Interpret it with comparison of experiences of your own and live life how you see fit. seeing women in general this way is going to effect how you interact with them. Look at everybody you meet as an equal unless they tell you stories or do things that would lead them to be lesser than. at that point you cut them out.

I guess I'll try but it's so hard with my trust issues you know

Why do you have trust issues?

>there are good women out there
Yeah but they're unicorns, and when I meet one, she's already taken. Maybe if I'd gotten lucky in high school or uni. But that ship's sailed long ago.

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female posters on r9k advocating for male enslavement mainly

>Have gf of seven years
>Been together all through high school and college
>She wants to get married after we graduate
>Tell her I love her and want to spend my life with her but I don't want to get married
>She starts acting out and yelling at me
>Her friends start telling me what to do
>My friends start asking me whats up as shes contacting them
>Tell her that it will never happen and that I don't support the current laws and legalities surrounding marriage
>Tell her that if prenups were actually 100% solid and couldn't be thrown out I would
>She leaves me over it

Worst part? Shes still single and it fucking kills me. She wont or cant move on. She just stews and ever once in a while contacts me telling me I'm a horrible person.

>there actually do exist women who view men as property

Wait what? Where? I'd like to meet one.

Literally go to any feminist or terf place ever

She's just entitled, like all women. She can't deal with the fact that she isn't entitled to get married just because she has a vagina.

Hate to say it bro but you biffed it. Relationships that start in HS work. You had nothing to worry about. Getting drained by a vampirithot happens if you date single moms or women who've already been made bitter by getting pump n' dumped one too many times, not by your HS sweetheart. You should think about it long and hard and try to get back with her.

Problem is that they don't want men that want that. Willing men are disgusting to them. Trust me I tried since feminists are hot as fuck to me and I would gladly serve one.

This. People go "durr durr it's fetishists" but it's not. You can tell how they write.

No. She left me. I will never attempt to get back with her. I will only think about it if she returns to me and apologizes for what she did and at that point I will only think about it. I would rather be alone than compromise my beliefs.

Good on you. Imagine if the tables were turned, you'd be viewed as a pussy little shit for proposing, and her having said no. But because YOU said no, it's terrible and you're a pussy little shit.

Women don't fucking get this shit man.

A lot of the good women are sub 5/10. lower your standards a little bit but at least have a hygiene standard.

Did she know you never had any interest in marriage before telling you that?

It's pretty fucked up that you wasted 7 years of hers, if nothing else.
Now she's back at square one with nothing to show for it and her eggs drying up.

Im very much a man. Ive just known lots of good women throughout my life and i understand some people to amy not be so fortunate but to say most or all women are like this just restricts yourself from possibly finding somebody who cares for you.

Good. Don't be regretting shit, OP. Let me tell you something. I had a gf who wanted to marry me. I was bluepilled as fuck. I said yes. I spent nearly 1k on a ring. Do you wanna know what happened? She revealed she was still seeing her ex boyfriend the entire time we had been together.

Goddamn women are such fucking petty animals. All you did was tell her that in marriage she has magnitudes more legal power than you do and that you were unwilling to enter into a one sided deal that only benefits her and she left because you called out the bullshit system. Absolutely disgusting but I applaud your resolve and fortitude to hold your ground sir well done indeed

Fuck off.

You have a job and you want a raise. But you never tell your boss that you need a raise. A decade goes by and your body is too fucked to continue working this job, and you have nothing to show for it.

He didn't waste her time, SHE wasted HER time with him.

Yes. She knew for a long time. She just believed that it was because I was young and that I would "come around to it." I even explained why I don't like marriage and she even agreed with me that the laws are not equal and if she was a man she would hesitate to. That's the worst fucking part of the whole thing. She understand but still tried to manipulate me into it and force it anyways.

You don't need to be married to prove you love for them. Those first seven years were literal proof of that. I was utterly devoted to her. I turned down every girl that started coming on to me for her. I gave her my prime dating time but that just wasn't enough for her.

Oh, I see. Yeah, that's definitely on her then.
Prime dating time is 30+ for men, user.
Don't worry

>wonders why marriage rates are plummeting
>society runs on degeneracy
Maybe if society wasn't so shit things would work out. Women and men are products of the society they live in.

Not to meantion other things that society suspects of men such as...

Men are not allowed to cry or show emotion

Die for their country

Have a stable job/care for women

Have a great body, interesting personality, and huge dick

Be constantly active and not cheat on their wife

Give the women attentionand love 24/7

And last but not least, be the perfect husband/Caretaker/poet/strongman

So what was that about the patriarchy?

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What about children? Did you discuss having children without marrying with her?

Honestly I feel the same way. If you guys can stay together for 7+ years that showes enough. And if shit doesnt work out there is no lengthy legal process you need to go through.

>A man's biggest priority is to become successful in a career.
Wrong. Man's biggest priority, society or not, is to reproduce.

Anecdotal, but all my married friends are miserable as fuck.

>Men are not allowed to cry or show emotion
>Die for their country
>Have a stable job/care for women
>Have a great body, interesting personality, and huge dick
>Be constantly active and not cheat on their wife
>Give the women attentionand love 24/7
>And last but not least, be the perfect husband/Caretaker/poet/strongman

These are all good things. Why would you not strive to be like this?

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>strive to be dead
Guess I can check that one off of the list

>Implying war isn't just a massive lads holiday with the bois with a bit of shooty tooty every now and again

What im implying is that this is alot of pressure to put on a man. All the expectations pile up and dwarf the expectations of women. The only differance is men tend not to bitch about it as much.

>Just a fun stroll in the park

Attached: nice.gif (500x281, 499K)

just move on, you can still find another woman. she wasted 7 years of your life to steal your money.
if you marry her:
sex will decline
interest will decline
she will get lazy and fat
she will get "comfortable"
she will be entitled to 50% of everything you do even if she does nothing
most likely will cheat on you
your marriage will end in divorce

ignore her, put a restraining order on her to prevent her from harassing you, find a new girl and tell your new girl EVERYTHING about the old girl. Some women will get extremely bitchy at the ex if she tries to ruin the new relationship.

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>being a slave to people who don't care about you at all, and actually hate you is a good thing
Currently its like men are in an abusive relationship with society itself.

Tried that. At my age, that pretty much means single mom, and homey don't play that game. The real problem is that I live in Portland OR, and the women here are messed up feminists or suburban braphogs. Finding anyone of any gender persuasion who is both sane and intelligent and likes doing shit that doesn't involve being drunk feels like it's nearly impossible.

Like, the last chick I dated was a 5/10 who seemed like she had her shit together, and it turned out all she wanted to do was get fucked up on molly and have swinger sex in hotel rooms. Noped the fuck out of that one.

The expectations are not the problem exactly, but rather the reward or incentive to fulfill these expectations. There isn't one any more. Having all these expectations in the past worked because men would get to be in charge and get a lot of love and appreciation in return. Now days, if you don't fulfill the expectations you will be told you're a terrible person and should kys, but if you do then you're told you're a terrible person and should kys.

If you want me to fulfill any of those expectations, then give me a loving wife, a family, a good job, let me lead my household and help my community.

Society having expectations of you is a virtue, not 'slavery'. Actually making something of your life is infinitely more satisfying than wasting away for 70 years.

How old are you? Date younger women retard. Nothing wrong with going for a girl even up to 10 years younger than you.

you just aren't looking properly. single moms aren't rated because they are red flags. you need to look for a girl that's slightly weird, does the virgin walk, acne scars usually but not always but acne scars are a plus, dresses extremely well on the rare occasions she goes out for an actual social event. and does not actually belong with their ethnicity (exclusion: white pipo) usually identifies as American.

t. i am one of them, i am still invisible as always
don't drink don't smoke, don't know how to, can't drive, childhood is composed of video games, hanging out with dignified white people, upper middle class, and doing the virgin turnaround when in public and realize im too nervous to walk up to a counter (had to walk away from a burger king today) usually peruse stores like a predator and circle aisles more than once.

My face may not look extremely welcoming, but that doesn't mean i'm not nice! we're also usually skinny and walk with a slight hunch or on our tippy toes sometimes

please notice me

Attached: it all comes tumbling down.jpg (630x1200, 161K)

Good point, honestly I do see what you mean but maybe its both our points compounding? Like, you just dont wsnt to strive and go through the pressure becuase of the lack of incentive? Also some of the shit on thst list, I feel is unrealisitic.

Honestly i would totally be fine with enslavement through marriage on one condition.

>She is never allowed to say no sex. If she ever says no, i can get a hooker, but she has to remain faithful.

Would any woman agree to this?

this is like SJW virtue signalling, but from the other side

I wonder if this dude smokes his own shit

I mean yea? But that is kindof rapey.

I mean he has a point. I personally like someone is finslly saying it.

>having sex with your wife is rape

>roastie apologists
what, do you think she'll somehow see your posts and come fuck you for defending her?

>Those who will love women, treat them as they would their own daughters and lead them in a way that honors God.
Christcucks are so pathetic, Hitler was right.

You fucked up. At least you could tell her that you don't believe in need of formal marriage or state and church mixing in you life or something like that, not the financial stuff. She could just get mad for you not trusting her, or she really wanted to rip you off.

But does it matter where you live if you are married or not? Here after living together for few years its legally equal to a marriage, so living together unmarried wouldn't save you anything.

what a selfish cunt, you dodged a bullet there, stay stong

No matter who it is if she saies no its still rape you troglodyte

As a man that snag a "unicorn" I'll be blunt, you got to get them young. I've been with my wife for 11 years, she loves me cares for me and has been the best for me. I met her when she was 16 and I did not risk throwing that away, and that's mots men/women, you find a good mate? You are not tossing that back and as time passes all that's left in your age rage of 20s and 30s are the bad eggs no one wanted.

Late 30s. A few years ago I tried dating a college aged girl and it felt weird to be going out with someone at such a different stage in their life.
You're right, I'm not. Right now I'm just starting to look again. Work had me travelling all over the world, to war-torn holes, and now that I'm back in the States I've realized I changed a lot over the last few years. So I'm kind of starting fresh. I'll keep an eye out for you. Or, what the hell: plorpform at gmail

Yeah, that's why I told that guy to swallow his pride and get back with his gf from HS. I'm hardly a part of the Roastie Internet Defense Force, but I did something kind of similar, and realized way too late that I'd done goofed because I didn't suck it up and cave on one thing, even though I thought I was in the right the whole time.

So why is it wrong then to seek release somewhere else? Like a hooker.

I sent email pls response

If you get off on a woman owning you, get a gf who's into bdsm. I have a friend who's gf a dominate and she NEVER even thought of thkeing advantige of him, even tho they live a bdsm life stile.

What's the problem? Don't marry.

30 became the new 15 when women refused to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. They just don't get it. Human beings change behavior and adapt to situations to survive and benefit as much as they can. So when it became dangerous to get into a relationship, men sought companionship with their guy friends, who at least give them something fun to do and some support if they need it. Meanwhile, women are confused as they're more miserable than they've ever been despite having nice careers, and wonder why no one will try getting into a relationship with then despite their success. Surprise surprise: it's their own fault.

There are going to be eight billion goddamn fucking people on this trash heap of a planet within a few years. The idea of the "nuclear family" needs to die in a nuclear fireball. There isn't enough room or resources for all these shit suckers. Having children in this day and age is selfish and destructive.

especially if they're black, asian, mexican or jewish

Roastie detected. Please kill yourself.