Went to psychiatrist for the first time

>went to psychiatrist for the first time
>she said I was really depressed and anxious (obviously)
>gets prescribed fluoxetine
>she said that I should not read the leaflet
>reads anyway
>bunch of intense side effects
>gets anxious taking the medice that should make me stop feeling anxious

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So she predicted what would happen and she was dead on? Maybe you should have listened to her. Next time, listen. You are lucky that you finally got a psychiatrist who might be somewhat knowledgable. The overwhelming majority are not.

You should have her get you estrogen so you can transition OP

I've been on prozac for like 6 years for anxiety. It honestly works for me. Only side effect i get is that it's hard to orgasm. It also makes me a little tired but ironically makes it hard to sleep at night. I got ambien for that and it works like a charm. Two months after starting the meds and sleeping normal my blood pressure dropped dramatically and i felt relaxed and rested. The only problem is that now it's 6 years later and I'm still taking meds. My shrink says it's a chronic condition and if i stop meds it will come back and likely be worse than before

>trusting a female psychiatrist

She warned ya about the leaflet, bro.

She told you dog

Lol if the side effects are scarier than anxiety dont fucking take that shit, id rather just live with the condition than pay for a cure who fucks me up sideways.

Ms. Psychiatrist roast beef crotch, please prescribe me the medication of which is most likely to lethally overdose on, thanks. You would be severing a resource sucking leech from this already fucked world.

im taking it. didn't read the leaflet. no serious side effects for me. no problems sleeping cause im on olanzapine too.

yeah, this board made me doubtful of psychiatrists and I also have a problem with defiance of authority.
Anyway, I kinda trust her know, she was very empathetic with, she said she also went through similar things. And if she prescribed me those little shits then I'll take them. She also said that I might not feel that much side effects at all, its just paranoia

Your fucking psychiatrist tells you not to read the leaflet for a drug SHE prescribed you?

Wtf user.
GTFO out of there and get yourself a better one.

Also, I have a question for those who take fluoxetine/prozac/daforin. Is it too much of a bad idea to drink alcohol? I'm only taking 10mg now to see how / if I adapt.
And is it confirmed that I'll have a limp dick? Does it always happen? I have quite the low libido already its kinda scary to have a limp dick now

Yes, and here is why:
Many people stop taking their meds once they read the leaftlet, that is obviously bad. Many people die because of this.
She wasn't being unprofessional, she was being quite empathetic actually

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I can respect that.
But I'm really fucking worried where the fuck you live that this is advisable.
If you'd do that shit here you would be out of your fucking job forever.
Most of the time they try to avoid giving you meds until they figure out everything.
Not after you just got diagnosed.
And even after they figure it out they try to do it without meds if possible.
And in the severe case you get meds they tell you to go over it and it's side effects to be sure.

(source: had severe depression that I shut myself in for months without outside contact)

Well, she said that I could read it, just advised not to.
And yes, and not taking a complete dosage to see how I react to the meds, I'm only on 10mg and if everythings goes a-ok I'll start taking 20mg.
She probably gave it to me because I kinda already had the diagnosis, just not official. I told her I was suffering for years now, and tried looking for psychologists 2 times before so she knew what was going on. I also think she's afraid of me trying to take my own life.

Thanks for worrying about me, you are the first one in quite some time.

Ah that makes a lot more sense.
Especially not taking the complete dosage.
I advice you to keep doing half a dosage or work up to the point that you don't need it.
Easier said than done, I know.
But addiction or depending on it is worse, trust me.
They kept the drug usage short with me.
Took similar stuff for 5-6 months in reduced dosage.
Till the point I could function on my own.
They got me off the stuff as soon as they could.
People often have trouble with that in complete dosages. (not everyone though)

Hope you'll be alright user, and good luck.

no psychiatrist should be your nanny hiding uncomfortable information. If people dont take their meds its their personal responsibility.

>she said that I should not read the leaflet
You might want to contact a lawyer because that's super sketchy

>my blood pressure dropped dramatically
>says to not stop taking meds
I think she's trying to kill you

>Anyway, I kinda trust her know,
She withheld vital information that she's legally obligated to tell you in most countries
>She also said that I might not feel that much side effects at all, its just paranoia
There's a reason pills need to have these written on them. It's because these effects are dangerous and WILL happen to the majority of its users.
You REALLY need to cut her out. These are major red flags.

im on lexapro and i can vouch when i say it has like no side effects at all and has, so far, completely go rid of my depression and anxiety
i highly recommend it user

I took Fluoxitine for some time too, it was ok, didn't really feel many side effects - but to be honest, I was so depressed and out of it I didn't register much what happened. Kind of helped but took time as my dose was increased really slowly - be cearful w/ suicidal thoughts tho op, read that it can trigger them - not sure if it caused me to have them or that I was just felt like that normally but yeah I recommend start taking it in small doses and when you get off it, fo the same, gradually reduce it too.
Hope things work out for you OP.

Yeah, you're a fucking idort

Op try to make it without the meds. I know many who couldnt put them down. If you cant take them, but please try to get better without em.

>She withheld vital information
She didn't withheld information, she said that it wasnt recomended, and I'm pretty sure she will tell me if I asked her.
>...these effects are dangerous and WILL happen to the majority of its users.
I know user, thats why I was put only on half dosage to see how I react. If I adapt poorly I'll change meds