Does women lust after men the same way as men lust women?

Does women lust after men the same way as men lust women?

Also, i love tall girls.

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In my experience, women do lust after men.

No, they are not, they only fuck when they are horny or want something out of you


no men are too ugly and smelly

They do, its just that men are more ascertive so it has a higher potential for degeneracy

>those trips
Go away gaywad dyke

No I gotta drop the lesbian pill on all the women on here

NO. If all women become gay than I won't exist anymore and I wont allow it. Sorry femanon.

No, women don't

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tall girls > everything

I'm straight and this site makes me wanna take the lesbian pill.

You can't become gay though.
Also why? Because "wahh wahh muh misogyny"? Grow up. The shit said on Jow Forums is literally nothing compared to the shit feminists teach in universities about men and write in books that are read by millions. If you really think what you're saying, it just proves women are weak af.

t-tall girl thread?

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Why don't you go to a place with actual woman then?

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I know I can't become gay, I was joking.

not exactly on the same way men does

Haven't you ever heard a girl talk about a guy's jaw or fingers or collarbone?

I'm sorry for being dense. Here's a flower to make up for it.

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Thanks. Still a feminazi though.

! why though. Now I'm sad.

I'll thank that even though I'm not them

Cause men are meanie weenies

Wow you're funny........ sike

Men rape, enslave and kill millions of women and feminists write books saying that that's bad.

Absolutely no.

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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Your welcome :)
#notallmen tho

You a lesso then?

But that's literally a feminist lie. Women have never been the majority of deaths or slaves.
>but it's men killing and enslaving other men
So what? Why do you care what we do to each other for honor and resources?

We only need protection because men are violent. Once we get rid of men we won't need men for protection.

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I have seen women get hot and bothered by black men.

This pasta is so boring.
Its a pasta. Plus you can't make sperm, it's been tried and you need the Y chromosome, and you can't make babies with 2 eggs.
Meanwhile, men can make eggs from our cells because we have the X

This. There's anywhere from 30 million to 100 million "missing" women in Asia because of sex-selective abortions and female infanticide.
Pic related, Y chromosoid.

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Sure. I've been fixating on the same guy for while. I see qts everywhere.

>There's anywhere from 30 million to 100 million "missing" women in Asia because of sex-selective abortions and female infanticide.
B-b-b-b-but I thought women were valuable and men disposable!

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Can you name some issues with equality woman are facing in the first world?

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>30 million to 100 million "missing" women in Asia
Where are the proofs

Low key everyone is a meenie

Bruh if you don't believe in patriarchy by now I'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you.

I believe in it in other places but not in the USA which is a clear gynocentric slight matriarchy.

>Asian and brown people are savages with no empathy
Is this supposed to be enlightening?

Sure. I've been fixating on the same guy for while. I see qts everywhere.

>tfw I'm in love with a guy who will never like me back
>and honestly I wouldn't like him if he did
I'm basically Dante.


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Why not? I'm open to hear your side of the argument.

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>has never read a single work of art by a woman
Jane Austen skewered this in Persuasion.

Nice attempt to hide your fear domesticated boi

Think about it. Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome, whereas femaIes are the real compIete humans. Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do, and there's so much sperm in sperm banks, why should we keep males? They are more violent, rapists, and they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering.
I think we should get rid of males completely, or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own. They'd be much better that way and much more safe.
What do you think femanons? Let's build paradise.

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I literally made this pasta holy shit.

Dude I'm fucking female and I can sniff out your maleness through the computer screen.
OK, sexual assault, domestic abuse, prostitution, porn, majority of government being male, wage disparity (not the wage gap), media being male-created and male-focused, not to mention the whole ~transgender~ movement which is destroying the legal definition of woman and misogyny.

You radfem TERF would be cool but you hate men so you're stuck.
We'll keep using our liberal feminist lackeys to screw your movement.

Slave morality then. Sad!

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all of this is loved by men, women just copycat because they can't think of anything else

When women are out and walking around, do they think about having sex with guys they see off the street or guys they pass by during the day? Like, do they think about sucking his dick and getting fucked?

I've had girls look at me in groups and go "HEs so hot!" and they all turn and look at me.
So yes.

Yeah I know a guy who has the cutest fucking nose I've *ever* seen.
Not sucking dick but I do fantasize about having sex with attractive guys I see.

>women can't think up body parts that don't exist

Literally none of those imply a patriarchy though

>majority of government is male
>doesn't imply a patriarchy

It doesn't. It implies voters like males.
A real patriarchy would be "only males are allowed in government". If women are allowed but just can't compete, it's not patriarchal.

Nah, I'm asking if they'll just fantasize about fucking a guy during the day. Like if they were on a bus and a guy came on and they just think about fucking him.


So you don't think there's bias against women in government?

Sexual assault and domestic abuse are already crimes but I understand where you're coming from here.
Prostitution is a shady business most of the time but I don't see how it's inherently oppressive if the girls just choose to work in the field.
I don't see how porn can be oppressive at all, care to explain your reasoning here?
The government gets voted in and woman have roughly the same amount of votes. Maybe not enough woman are interested to work in the field?
I agree that woman should be paid the same amount for the same work.
Apparently men are more bold and ask for raises though which could explain it to some degree.
Media is directed at the consumer and nothing is stopping woman from producing their own media.
If you don't like some media then you also have a influence with your wallet.
Your last point doesn't have to do with patriarchy I think but I agree.

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I think de facto shit is not something that should be solved de jure.
Women ARE allowed complete equal rights to men. Any disparities are not going to be solved by marching or chanting or passing laws. Get good.
Protip: it starts by not getting off to rape and submissive BDSM shit. I know you're going to ignore this though.

Yes, just like their is a bias against women winning a strongman competition. It doesn't mean we need to "fix" it.

Well what do guys usually think when they see a hot girl walking around?

I'll accept women as equals politically once they stop being hypergamous personally. The personal is political. You CAN NOT go for men who are taller than you, and stronger, more educated, make more than you, and be sexually submissive and then demand you have the "right" to be seen as 'equal' in society or government or business or any other field.
Even second wave radfems are guilty of only going for taller, more educated men who make more than them. It's almost like there are some innate gender things...

Well for me, it's not necessarily hot girls. It's just women near me that are around my age. I'll just think about dating them and having sex and what they are like behind closed doors and whether or not they'd be attracted to me. I usually will think about 5/10 women. Really beautiful women just seem out of my league. Like they don't even register as potential dates or women I'd have sex with.

No. Not in the same way at all. Women like men because of the way they make them feel. Of course they are attracted to Male bodies with indicators of high testosterone and typical Male features (tall height, large muscles, low body fat, square jaw). However, women are much more driven by the thrill of being pursued; by the thought being found attractive by someone else.

Same but with dudes. I always wonder what men jerk off to. Even men I'm not attracted to. When I think about my crush's o face I feel nauseous.

Yeah, because men are never aroused by the thought of being sexy to women. That's why men never check themselves out in the mirror, why cock worship doesn't exist as a fetish, why women licking their lips of looking wow'ed is never in porn....

You think you're smart, but your opinions are boring.

You're completely right, but boring isn't the inverse of smart. A boring opinion isn't stupid... I don't understand your word choice

I do like to think about my crush jerking it...
>i feel nauseous
In a good way or a bad way? Cause I love thinking about it.

Boring, intellectually unstimulating, contrived, derivative, uninspired, etc. I've literally heard trannies use the argument that normal female sexuality is being wanted by men so them being degenerates means they are real womz. I've seen robots parrot this opinion constantly because female sexual pleasure is such a foreign concept to them.

Feminists will complain about female objectification, but I've never seen a male opposed to the idea of his woman treating him like a piece of grade A manmeat. You could argue the former doth protest too much, but my point is that everyone wants to be wanted. Everyone wants to be desired. Pathologizing this impulse in women is silly.

Oh, good way. The rollercoaster big drop kind of nauseous. Ugh. I mentioned this elsewhere but my current crush is my supervisor. I've never liked an older dude before (quite the contrary, last guy I liked was a year younger), but he's such a dweeb and he always dresses super fancy and the idea of him in sweatpants hurts me. Men with erections in general hurt me. It's too cute.

>When I think about my crush's o face

Why is this a thing for women? I mean, men love to see women orgasm, if it's even real, but just looking at their face while they do it is not really a thought, just seeing their whole body shake with pleasure. I would think a male orgasm is disgusting to women.

Well it was real for me half an hour ago. And theee hours ago. And twelve hours before that.

Well, that's limerence for you. It's not just the face, obviously the whole package is great.
>imaging qt bf collapsing and immediately being sleepy
>he looks at you with semi-glazed eyes and mumbles
>penises twitching
RIP in peace me

I don't find cum all that appealing. Apparently it tastes nasty. But boys being messy is cute.

I can imagine you thinking we'd be indifferent, but disgusting?

Really? Men don't like to see a woman's orgasm face?
Anyway it's just really hot to see what a guy looks like when he's at his most out of control ;P

Yeah I do like thinking about what a guy jerks off too (even though it's probably not exactly my taste kek)


This is why I love grumpy cynics and quiet types so much. Those sorts of people fancy themselves so self posessed. It's funny to imagine them being insecure, vulnerable, screaming, giggling.

Well, men have garbage taste in sex. Me and my friend were laughing at how dudes love knee high socks and fingerless gloves for some reason? I don't get it. Garbage taste. It's funny imaging them liking something dorky and bullying them.

It's not that men don't like seeing their face, in fact most probably love to see her face as she does. It's just that for men, it's the whole thing, not just the face. And for me, it would be more seeing her whole body shake with pleasure and the feeling that she's doing it because of me. I mean, for women, you don't really have to do much to get men off. We're very easy to please. But for a guy to get a woman off? It just makes me feel really good about yourself to do that and to see her feel good. And that's if the guy really cares about the woman, some guys just pump and dump and don't give a shit about the woman he's with.

Well all I know is that some women never feel an orgasm. I don't know why or how that is that some women can cum and others can't.

>I can imagine you thinking we'd be indifferent, but disgusting

All I've ever heard from women is that the sight of cum is disgusting and a mess.

(I think user was talking about whether or not women are faking it)

>tfw you'll never have a qt bf to fall asleep on top of you post-coitus

>insecure, vulnerable
This is why I have such a sexual attraction to INTJ-types, I know it's a fantasy but goddamn it's a compelling one.

Yeah in general women are much more turned on by, say, a guy's o-face than his cum (contrary to what porn says).

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>Well, men have garbage taste in sex. Me and my friend were laughing at how dudes love knee high socks and fingerless gloves for some reason? I don't get it. Garbage taste. It's funny imaging them liking something dorky and bullying them.
men have objectively better taste in fetihes and sex. All women are the same: rape, "choke me daddy" submissive shit.
Meanwhile, men have everything from normal stuff, to absolutely crazy shit like inflation and giantess vore. It's not even comparable.

Cum has the consistency of mucous and tastes like a salty and bitter mucous thing. I mean, it's not enjoyable to swallow but it's not THAT bad either. And for guys, there's almost nothing hotter than cumming in women and seeing them swallow or a creampie.

As a guy I've always wondered what women thought about porn. The amount of it, what's usually involved, if they liked it themselves, what they liked, etc etc. Like there is so much fucking porn of anything and everything. Do women even have fap folders like guys do? And then that brings up, what do women think about when men talk about fapping and sex and their fap folders and shit like that?

Look up some forums about male actors and you'll see some body worship and stalker-esque lust on par with any other male. Perhaps worse, because they take it further and presume lesser consequences if they're caught. I've been on some of those websites, it's some legitimately crazy shit.

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i can't NOT imagine planting my seed in anything above a 4/10. it is actually fucking debilitating. makes is hard to do a lot at work DESU

Yeah, do women ever feel intimated by porn? I mean, 10/10 perfect looking women do porn and do the most imaginable shit possible. Sometimes I wonder if women feel like the just couldn't compete, especially average and below average women. You can't blame men for getting addicted to porn when it is so plentiful, you can see anything you want to see, and you can see women that you could never, ever imagine yourself being with or dating getting fucked and naked and doing things.

I don't like video/3D porn, so much of it is focused on either "look at this bitch's huge tits" or "look at my huge dick". Just really impersonal, no passion involved, plus it's so fake and performative. The most ridiculous extension of this is when a girl is giving head and she's moaning orgasmically while he's not moving or making any noise at all. Plus how commonplace deepthroat, anal, choking, slapping, etc is. I jack it almost exclusively to erotica/fanfic. And I don't have a "porn" folder, although I do have a folder with non-lewds of my husbandos.
I'm pretty against porn, I think it is harmful to both the actresses (and sometimes actors) and the consumers.

Yeah, like it looks not-fun to get on you. I think boys getting it on their tummies is adorable. I dated a dude for a bit and he kept trying to get me to have sex with him. I was like no, nah, no thank you. He started asking for a blowjob and I was open to the idea of trying oral sex. Except he said that me not wanting to swallow triggered his depression because apparently I was "rejecting him" and he refused to return the favour and give me head. It's been five years, I'm still single, he's dating a tranny and regularly stalks the few social media accounts I have.

>i said men have garbage taste
>"vore tho"
Is tha supposed to be a rebuttal? And I don't like any of that stuff you mentioned.
>except choking
but I'm not the one being choked

>gay earth
Solidarity, my sister.

Truly euphoric. I'm an INFP. I think ENTPs and INTPs are funny. Another INFP or an INFJ would be nice.

It's not disgusting. It's cute. But when I'm watching a blowjob scene and then chick starts swishing it in her mouth.... I gag. It's too gross.

>easy to please
You sure make a girl feel special.

>never orgasm
That's beause sexual education is fucking garbage and sexual dysfunction is rampant in women.
>I mad


The opposite. Women in porn aren't beautiful, they're usually fetish objects that make one feel sick when you're done. I've definitely watched porn and thought, "and men get off to this? Fuck, maybe I'm not so bad after all."


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Samefag of (2/2)
What hurts my self esteem is going on /tv/ and seeing them nitpick a goddess's elbows, or "average gf" threads here even though I know it's trolling.

>fap folders
I try to keep porn off my devices because I am a poorfag who uses my stuff for work and I have such bad luck I KNOW my most degenerate shit will start streaming during my doctoral thesis defense or whatever.

I have serious ethical issues with porn, which is why (along with most 3DPG porn being shit) I am switching to hentai and writing. That's boring and no one cares. Most of it is garbage and I get annoyed because I wanna get off but then some dumb shit happens because it's not made for a female audience.

>men talking about masturbation
Makes me horny.

Yeah, porn is so casually violent against women. Sometimes I'm kinky and don't mind some femdom or maledom, but most of the time it's like....I wasn't even looking for rough porn and you're hitting her. Stop.

>husbando folders
You know what up.
>non lewds
Same. I get upset seeing my husbando defiled. That's my job.
>no but seriously I get embarassed please tell me I'm not crazy

>against porn
user. I like you too much.

>Is tha supposed to be a rebuttal?
Yes, it is.
>And I don't like any of that stuff you mentioned.
>except choking
>but I'm not the one being choked
No you don't

>it is
It's very bad one.

>you don't
I can't talk to someone who does not trust me to be an authority on myself. Later 'nonny.

Pic related.
>It's not disgusting. It's cute.
I always wondered what kind of psychology resulted in things like this. Men were meant to be masculine and recognizing them as cute just shows a lot of inconsistency.

I'd say social contrasts really did twist women's objective aesthetics. That's also why so many women like yaoi while men mostly find it disgusting.

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Hillary Clinton won the popular vote you idiot.

Oh my God, relax. Masculine and cute are not mutually exclusive. You'd have to be super insecure to have your gender identity throw through a loop because a woman finds you endearing or loveable.

*tips Merkel*

Why do woman like lesbian porn? Is it merely because lesbians watch more porn compared to straight woman? Just genuinely curious.

Yeah I refer to "hot" or "sexy" guys as cute all the time, and sometimes I will find a guy's mannerism or feature "adorable".

Lesbian porn has more focus on female pleasure.

Giantess vore is better than any common female fetish

As a straight woman it's cause they get the titplay right.

Pic related.


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Women lust includes deep romantic infatuation of the male individual we confuse it with love, we are more emotional, we create more romantic reasons in our head as to why he could be the "one".

With male masculinity it's more of like a "she's so gorgeous, hot Beautfiul thing" I just want to bang her. I don't believe it enters the female realm of lust becoming romantic.

>Pic related.
I don't get it. What I said is true, rape fantasies etc. are boring as fuck compared to anything giantess related especially vore.

I love men and I think sex makes the world go 'round.

How in the world does fidget spinner porn work? I really want to know but I don't want to google it and mess up my ad algorithm.