There are too many normalfags raiding our board. In this thread, we post inspiring quotes from Saint Elliot Rodger to uplift our spirits.

I'll start:

"As the phrase that I had coined goes: If I cannot join them, I will rise above them; and if I cannot rise above them, I will destroy them." - Elliot Rodger

Attached: ElliotRodgerMartyr.png (770x732, 771K)

>Men shouldn't have to look and act like big, animalistic beasts to get women. The fact that women still prioritize brute strength just shows that their minds haven't fully evolved.
As always you can find truth in the most unlikely places

"Women are like the plague. They don't deserve any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order to prevent future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be treated as such." ~ ER

* The above quote does not apply to Nasim Aghdam, who righteously died as a pure, unkissed, hugless, handholdless, glanceless, dateless, near 40-year-old virgin. Perhaps the only female in history whom I hold in high esteem.

Attached: young nasim ascended .jpg (499x555, 215K)

This faggot litterally was subscribed to the Young Turks.

how much of a cuck do you have to be to really subscribe to them?

I sincerely hope their findings will go along way toward helping avoid future tragedies. - Eliot Rodger

Where is this quote from if legit?

part of me feels bad for the guy because he was clearly fairly intelligent. i mean the manifesto he wrote is at least well written and coherent. but obviously he was so full of himself that he just expected women to flock to him. he didn't really try to get a gf he just expected one and it doesn't want that way. he could have had a qt gf if he just tried.

I dont know i pulled it off a website to lazy to look for something from the manifesto

God I can't wait for this year's retribution day. I hope some one makes another Elliot tribute song.

this Elliot quote is based as fuck.

Attached: Elliot quote.jpg (900x400, 242K)

I wouldn't say full of himself he was autistic he didn't understand how relationships worked

He didn't understand how to form relationships he wasn't taught how to

>I spent every afternoon for two weeks working on this goal. My time at college was miserable. I often
cried on the way home because I was envious of so many couples walking around. I poured all of my
energy into coming up with a way to make this goal work.

what a complete faggot

Go back to slurping out Chad's cum from the vaginas of roasties, cuck.

I like that part in his manifesto where he's jealous of the 10 year old kid at karate class. What a fucking loser he was. Good riddance to that waste of skin.

His channel was taken down after that Toronto attack.
No more watching videos uploaded by the Rodge himself.

The people in those
classes angered me to no end. That was the last time I would ever see that college. On the drive home, I
cried to myself as I listened to music on the radio, as I always did. I failed to get the life I wanted at

What a little bitch. He's burning in hell forever.

Eat shit. Millions of people, even complete strangers who never knew him, will remember him for decades to come, while you will be completely forgotten.

He's in heaven, enjoying sweet bliss and eternal rest, while normies will end in hell for their degeneracy and faggotry.

You worship a pathetic dead virgin who couldn't do the most basic of human tasks. He's sucking
on satan's ass as we speak.

Didn't he send some normies to hell? How's that for sucking at the most basic of human tasks?

>in hell

you clearly suck at life too

Normies are in hell for having sex outside of marriage.
Rodger is in hell for murder.
If you think any other way, you're fucking retarded.

Normies would definitely end up in hell. Degenerate pieces of shit that live only for hedonism and pleasure. The definition of evil, they will surely end up in hell if it exists.

I also like the part where he cries to his mommy about that black kid fucking a white girl. Holy shit Rodger was so useless. Should have been aborted imo.

You normies claim Elliot was useless, yet you speak his name in fear. The very word incel terrifies you. The notion of angry lonely virgin men is a deeply fearful prospect for normies, so eat shit, Elliot is a Saint.

digits confirm. normies BTFOed.

>The very word incel terrifies you
hahahahaha holy fuck you are delusional. seek help.

I hope you get vanned, dumb ass normie prick.

vanned for what? you're the pathetic incel making threats.

I hope you get mowed down by a van you stupid normie fuck. Did you not pay attention to the news? Another incel rekts normies.

Fuck instagram should be illegal.

>another incel rekts normies

couldn't even confront them one on one. had to run them down with a fucking van because he was such a retarded piece of shit. if only you had the basic skills to talk to people in a normal way instead of being paranoid and threatening maybe you wouldn't be so hated you fucking pile of human garbage.

Did you actually read his manifesto? You're pathetic dude.

>implying it's not your Bible


I've literally never read it because I don't give a shit about incels. I use Jow Forums to post about giantess shit. I'm in grad school and have a gf.
You're pathetic you loser. You actually come here to mock virgin, you're more of a loser than incels lmao

Please, faggot. Normies always bully and pick on more autistic kids since kindergarten. This is your nature, normie faggot, to abuse and hurt those shyer and more autistic than you, for your own sick pleasure.

>lying on the internet

oh boy

Indeed a based one.

Attached: 1524148930333.jpg (466x601, 48K)

why would I lie on an anonymous image board?
Keep coping loser, you and everyone knows everything I just wrote is true lmao

what the fuck are you going to do? cry to mother? go fuck yourself you pathetic shitstain.

this is bait fosho nig nogs

lol ok

damn right to the fucking point. I have a therapist meeting next week and I might've mentioned women are vile creatures in that meeting. Should I control my power level in the next session?

>grad school
is this a YLYL thread?

Elliot was right!

this was not original somehow

Seems someone looks irrationally angry. Hmmm... If incels weren't a threat, why would you seem so upset and feel the need to 'counter' them on some random forum? I think you really do fear people like Elliot Rodger. You just don't admit it to maintain your machismo.

And here we see the normie filth admits to his openly depraved nature, and yet the robots and incels are somehow the problem, and not him...

Not from MTW.

And these digits confirm the confirmation.

I think I'm in love with Elliot.

Attached: 1484264434917.jpg (500x375, 26K)

look at these angry losers, have to mock virgins then get mad when a superior male mocks them lmao

"Well, he's a loser in my opinion" (Elliot about some Pajeet with two girls in front of Trader Joe's)

Attached: xPpZEry.png (3300x300, 822K)

he was too good, supreme gentleman

Attached: tumblr_p7n0wzTkF41xqn6m6o1_1280.jpg (681x573, 90K)


Backup channel? Torrents with all his vids? Anything?

Someone must have his videos. Or at least they must be archived online somewhere so that they can be reuploaded for our viewing pleasure.

>Perhaps the only female in history whom I hold in high esteem.
She is a trap my fellow robot.

Does anybody here sometimes wish that elliot would be still alive to teach us? I know this is selfish because he suffered greatly but the world suffers without him

The paradox is that without his martyrdom we would have never been aware of him and he would have never been able to teach us. He would have just been another nobody. The cruelty of the media is that it takes an incel to die and make normies die before they ever care about us. Even if he just killed himself quietly, no one would have cared and he would have just been seen as some loser that topped himself.

>Sex is by far the most evil concept in existence. The fact that life itself exists through sex just proves that life is flawed. The act of sex gives human beings a tremendous amount of pleasure. Pleasure they don't deserve. No one deserves to experience so much pleasure, especially since some humans get to experience it while some are denied it,"

-Saint Elliot Rodger

Attached: Elliot Rodger shades badaass.jpg (624x351, 27K)

my only motivation to live anymore is to spread the ideologies of ER because they are TRUE and have YET TO BE DISPROVED. OUR DIVORCE RATE IS HIGH AF BECAUSE OF THE PLAGUE KNOWN AS WOMEN.

He was very far ahead of his time. He's right, sex is a primal pleasure more fit for animals than real humans. Do you think 1000 years in the future, IF we can still advance technology, that robotic, augmented posthumans would still be having sex? Lol no.

"Nazi anime"
-one of St. Elliot's online searches

Therapists provide a controlled environment to test your power levels.

You could reveal it for shits and giggles, just be wary of the therapist trying to brainwash you into accepting females as human beings.

murder in war isnt a sin. the beta uprising war has been started since then. hes fine

toss me ur address and we'll see if u can say that one on one.

>he fell for the "sex before marriage lands you in Hell!"

That was Brad's trick to scoop up any competition he has from you.
All Chads Go To Heaven

i don't fear them. i pity them, and don't get surprised when they sperg out and kill people.

Tomorrow is the day of retribution. The day in which I will have my revenge against humanity. Against all of you.
I've been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires.
I'm the perfect guy, and yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men instead of me, the Supreme Gentleman.
I will punish all of you for it.