Which is the lowest type of male?

Which is the lowest type of male in your opinion?

I've tried to think of every type of male stereotype I can think of but I'm sure I left some out so if you want to vote for something not on the poll, vote by leaving an answer in this thread.

Attached: lowest type.png (530x696, 25K)

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easily trannies

White Knights, Male Feminists and Cucks/Submissives.

Nothing more pathetic than a beta grovelling at the feet of women for a sympathy fuck or some used up roastie pussy at age of 30 yo for the price of marriage and eventual divorce-rape.

Degenerates, immoral depraved fucks, pedophiles, and weird fetishists

>Which is the lowest type of male in your opinion?

Gotta go with antifa so*y*boys

White knights.
Everyone else itt saying "submissives" or "weird fetishists" are retarded.

Which one of those are orbiters/twitch donators?

The lowest type of person in general is one that has embraced vice and even endorses or promotes it. People like pic related, furries, pedo apologists etc. Anyone else can be redeemed.

Attached: pig.jpg (650x366, 28K)

Incels easy. At least MGTOWs try to fool themselves that they don't need women

>male feminists
I feel like there's a huge overlap between these groups and I couldn't pick one that's worse than the others

Fuck you normalfag origorigirgiaa

I swear I still don't get the difference between Chad and Brad.

chad is the guy who gets the girl
brad is chads 2nd in command who holds you down while chad beats you up

Just using his genetic advantage that he has. Not really a bad person.
Little pathetic for settling for chads seconds, and grooming himself to appeal to others, but not that pathetic
>White Knight
totally pathetic, they defend women in the hopes they get laid (they don't).
nothing pathetic about this, they can't help how they're raised
>male feminists
Disgusting, they pretend to be feminists to either get laid or to cover for being rapists
They're just violent, likely mentally ill. Almost can't blame them for their nature, but still.
Victim of circumstance. They didn't choose their looks or being raised to be an anxious social retards
They're literally right about everything. Not pathetic at all
sour grapes, a little sad and pathetic but they still support the same things as MRAs so its fine
Absolutely nothing wrong with this, they can enjoy what they want.
They're likely in abusive relationships, or are mentally ill. I pity them more than I am disgusted by them. The women who are with them are many times worse than they are.
Who gives a shit

Overall I'd say manginas are the worst, others are more pathetic and disgusting but they manage to be both pathetic and disgusting.

This is the best post.

omg i'm like 7 of those things... FUCK

I meant white knights, not manginas

Rapists. They're the only ones on that list who undeniably hurt others, Everyone else more than likely only hurt themselves.

>tfw expecting trannies to be among the options

thanks for validating me OP

worst: rapists
second: cucks.

Attached: saint elie.png (1088x603, 496K)

>which is the lowest type of male in your opinion?


source is jezebel btw. I was just tickled that they made this thing.



what's the difference between white knights and male feminists?

What's wrong with fetishes?

Attached: 1524827732010.jpg (1110x1553, 645K)

People who have no opinions for themselves

e.g. only a chad would openly be a male feminist in saudi

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Rapists or incels

I don't know, but the highest type is girl (male).

ftm or mtf?

Rapists. Hands down.