Holy fuck... No matter how bad things get, take a moment to be thankful you're not 13 and living with this roastie whore as your mother.
Holy fuck... No matter how bad things get, take a moment to be thankful you're not 13 and living with this roastie whore as your mother.
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The kid needs to use the Meek Mill cosign to become the next Bhad Bhabie or some shit.
What the fuck. Why does she have 4+ ghetto ass niggas in her house with her son? I'd be a miracle if that kid doesn't turn out to be a drug addict or wigger.
This creature should be strung up.
holy fuck i would snap swear to god and use those pistols on those faggots if i was in that situation
If anything he's likely to just end up a trap/trans committing suicide at the age of 30 after contracting AIDS from multiple nigger loads.
can someone tldr the video? i cant bear to watch shit like this
Holy fuck. I feel bad for kids in digital era.
maybe she really couldnt find any single white male that wanted to date single mom? so out of desperation she put her kid ahead of her ego and fucked some nigs that'd pay the bills.
>nigs collectively make fun of roastie for being a gold digging whore by using uber everywhere when she doesn't work
>main nig starts rapping and showing off his guns in the video
>says "ay your son love you btw" to the roastie
>walks into the sons room and falls back on him while he's sleeping to be funny
>roastie just says "go back to bed sweetie"
>White women
Fucking hell, why are white women so god damn terrible?
Whenever I wonder why people do crazy shit like elliot or alek or cho, I remember videos like this one. Suddenly it all seems normal, or at the very least plausible.
because white men let them
White men need to go back to treating their roasties like the rest of us.
Even the niggest nigger knows how to keep a dumb white roastie whore in line.
Oh no a video that has been posted countless times has been posted again! Now I am angry because niggers XDD
So... what the whitest most conservative state in the US? I want to move there now.
>nigs that'd pay the bills
What do you mean by this?
I'm black and this infuriates me.
I fucking hate how much attention the 80% of black dumbfucks get, I hate how fucking awful we are, I hate how every country is immediately made worse the larger its black population is.
Thank god for abortion, it's the only thing keeping our population somewhat in line.
By Allah the men of zion have destroyed western women. Lashes are the only solution.
the guy said she didnt have any job. she doesnt have a car either considering she mentioned uber.
and the guy also said he's at 'her place', so who is paying the bills?
So out of desperation she sold her body to niggers (who are statistically the poorest motherfuckers in the country) instead of getting a fucking job?
Sounds about right, roasties man.
Totally thought she was being fucked doggy while she was on the phone, at least judging from the thumbnail...
>(who are statistically the poorest motherfuckers in the country)
did you miss the part about not finding a white guy. and where she lives, its either you're white or black.
>instead of getting a fucking job?
believe it or not, finding even a shitty job isn't easy.
Nobody cares about black guys who are good. That isn't good media attention. People want to watch others who are more shit than them to make them feel better, and that's usually poor black people.
>and where she lives, its either you're white or black.
Nigger, blacks are 14% of the population, in a few years we'll be an even smaller minority than Asians, bitch could have easily found someone that wasn't some ghetto nigger that harasses her son, quit making excuses for this dumb roastie whore.
>finding even a shitty job isn't easy.
If you can't find even a shitty retail job then you should be euthanized.
taxpayers maybe?
Just fucking murder them all.
We'd all be better off if 80% of black people in America died tomorrow.
>single mother
yup, this is your tax dollars at work
Any video?
This is why if a girl ever burned coal, you cannot longterm relationship them incase you have kids with them. If things dont work out, your child will have to endure this.
Are you originally retard?
The absolute state of white women disgusts me more and more every day.
It honestly makes me glad I'm not white.
Me too, desu. I used to feel bad about being hispanic, but the more I see white society collapse and ours just stay stagnant, it makes me appreciate the comfy.
Why is it that White men are so petrified of Black men but White women aren't at all?
I miss Uncle Ted :(
White women are by far the dumbest race of women.
There's a reason the rest of us consider them trash subhumans.
i cannot understand niggerspeak
what is that waste of human genome saying?
anyway i would probably kill him along with that whore of a mother
USDA Organic
white women are not redeemable are they?
Here's a video
USDA Organic
This is the place of the white crackers, being bred and subjugated by the superior black man, the black GODS.
Breeding you out of existence is only an act of mercy now, fucking pathetic cracker subhumans.
Here's a video of a white woman learning the lesson the hard way
A video of some melanin-enriched youth having some fun
Here's hoping they killed the dumb roastie whore.
Another video of a white girl with her non-white boyfriend
This is a video of an African American wedding, which will happen, or has already happened, for the woman in the OP!
lmao, what the FUCK is that little white girl doing in that zoo?
God can't be real
He wouldn't make such creatures
White men aren't petrified of black men, they're simply disdainful and tired providing gibs. Of course single white mother's aren't disdainful because they're on the gibs train too.
I'm such a creature(black). I'm nothing like this.
the negroid mating rituals are truly fascinating.
He is, and he cursed us to be as we are.
Read Deuteronomy, it describes our curse in pretty great detail.
Being black is literally a fucking curse, I'm sure I've already got a spot saved for me in hell.
The funny thing is that she probably lives off of he kid's dad alimony/pension.
More proof that only black people can truly be robots
>Half of entire race has bad stereotype for being shit
>Every other race hates you
>Every other race thinks you're dumb and inferior
>Doesnt matter what you do, will always be seen as shit by everyone
>Didnt ask for any of this
Try at least 70%.
I think I read something about this tribal ritual in an old Nat Geo
The guy didn't do anything to fight back at all? I get that he's outnumbered and all but there's a lot he could have done to throw them off.
>reddit will defend this
I would say it's even higher than 70% because a ton of black people are racist against other black people, so it's just huge cycle of being endlessly shit on.
It's all a mess.
I'd love to go to a mountain and get away from it all.
Black guy here. Can confirm that this indeed does happen. Normally the bride would grind on some dude( usually husband, but sometimes not)
>tfw you fantasize about running in there and fighting all of them like some badass in an action movie to save her
Maybe when I sleep tonight...
why do women date blacks do they want to get killed and raped?
>Half of entire race has bad stereotype for being shit
>Every other race hates you
>Every other race thinks you're dumb and inferior
>Doesnt matter what you do, will always be seen as shit by everyone
>Didnt ask for any of this
So more proof that only russian people can truly be robots
I think women all secretly realize that they're terrible and deserve to be punished and shit on.
none of those apply for Russians.
Asians and some of west doesn't think badly of Russians.
Asians shit on blacks.
check your privilege
funny I was talking to a black girl and she said even blacks hate each other.
Russians are still white.
If they didn't have an accent, nobody would know.
Shut up, boi. We are literally Hitler
The worst thing I've seen relating to this is a number of posts and articles saying that Asians have learned anti-black racism from whites. Sounds pretty racist in itself to me, God forbid they draw their own informed conclusions about our upstanding melanin-enriched citizens.
>not grabbing his guns and doing a sick dual wielding gun dive and taking out all of them before blowing up the house with a lit cigarette and walking away
kids missing an golden opportunity.
I don't see the problem. They're having fun. SOmething you'll never understand.
What other insight can you offer into this mating ritual? Does the order of the hump train reflect a social heirarchy?
God as my witness if I ever saw this woman I would curbstomp her for every hit she gave her baby
You think he fapped to the sound of her moans as she was getting spitroasted in the next room over?
What are they doing at her house?? These don't seem like the kind of people you'd invite over your house.
Empire of Dust literally just shows some Chinese that are straight out of China interacting with blacks in Africa, and they came to the exact same conclusion as whites.
Blacks are lazy, worthless, and generally pretty stupid, especially the lower tier blacks in Africa.
Kill yourself you fucking moron, stop making excuses for the shit things my race does, you're only making shit worse.
I wish I knew where you lived so I could rip your fucking throat out for defending nigger-tier behavior that drags all of society down.
White women are stupid and would invite the niggerest nigger ever to their house, what the fuck are you talking about?
if that is how black people act I really don't blame you american racists.
You'll be experiencing your own diversity soon in the form of sandniggers.
what kind of a mother does that? Holy fuck America, you're the capital of degeneracy. Even animals don't let other animals from the same species near their kids, let alone niggers.
I am Pajeet and I will never be able to relate to that sleeping kid. This behavior seems so alien to me, it is difficult to express. I've seen tons of gore and black enrichment videos but never something like this. In India, mothers hold a sacred place in the family, community and culture. Giving this status doesn't make them entitled like in America, but makes them more responsible. What is going on in this womans head? What kind of culture enabled this? How is this acceptable?
pretty clear he hates his life, is probably a robot, and just wants them to leave him alone
He's going to end up being the perfect Jow Forums killer
The most beta black guy in the room always gets targeted first. Tyrone usually gets the last but best.
Based Raj
>lower tier blacks in Africa.
Black people in Africa are nothing like African-Americans. Totally different breed of people. They live in one of the poorest countries in the world yet they're some of the nicest people you'll meet.
And by nice I don't mean passive aggressive 'nice' like asians.
you americans brought niggers upon yourselves. They were living a continent away. God did that. But you had to fuck it up. Should've waited until nukes were developed and cured Africa of its disease. Now you have this.
You're talking about the ones that are smart enough to GTFO, I'm talking about the dumbfucks that are still there.
I'm black you moron, us being brought here (and to tons of countries all over the planet) was merely part of our curse.
They are rude and unkempt. She also has kids in the house. I don't care if they are having trouble getting an uber, she shouldn't let these people inside the house near her kid.
I'm just glad she didn't have a little girl.
She'd probably have been raped a dozen times by now.
>They are rude and unkempt.
And women don't give a fuck because they're fucking stupid.
You don't seem to understand this.
don't put it past a nigger to rape a little boy
Why are you here? I mean this is worse place in whole internet for you.
I've been browsing Jow Forums since my sister showed me /b/ in 6th grade, I have nowhere else to go at this point.
Dear God I can't imagine. I was jumped by high school niggers (i am 30 years old) when I was returning late from somehwere. They sucker punched me and started kicking me. I lost movement in my right arm. The hospital bill was 9000$. Thank god for university insurance.
How you deal with all this racist threads and shit? Just walking away?
I've stopped caring, it's not like most of this shit is wrong so who gives a fuck.
Maybe I'd care if the criticisms of my race were unfounded, but they're not, when you behave like shit you deserve to be shit on, and as a race we behave like fucking apes half the time.
>behave like
>The hospital bill was 9000$
That's fucked up. Imagine someone that didn't have health insurance. That'd put them in the hole for quite a long time over something they had no control over.
Did the police atleast catch the niggers? I personally wouldn't want them shot. I'd want them locked up and to suffer for 10+ years behind bars.