Im gonna do it. Im gonna sort myself out. Jordan Peterson style. I'll spend an hour doing something which improves my life to some degree. I'll then take a twenty minute break to have a cup of coffee and watch an episode of something. Anyone else here do anything similar? If so, how did it go?
Im gonna do it. Im gonna sort myself out. Jordan Peterson style...
I just took a productive poo
you vile scum
did you really have too listen to jordon soiboy fatherfigure pederson to sort yourself out
thats sad
yes, my life and psyche are that bad
you twink fucker
You're a fucking faggot, analyze your own damn life, if you had everything you ever wanted you wouldn't be here so stop being a goddamned crab in a bucket trying to make sure that no one else takes steps to pull themselves out.
It wont last, Jordan Petersons philosophy is basically boomer liberal dad telling you to go to college and give firm handshakes.
Theres nothing necessarily wrong with that but since you admit your life is worse than the retard college students with rich daddies that his self help philosophy is aimed at its probably not going to help you.
orbiting that cuck is worse than orbiting e-girls and bob streamers
pic related is really really gay and its amazing people take him seriously and worship him
>Reading self help books..
fucking kill yourself now.
completely disgusting.
>really really gay
im really really gay myself
what great advice do you get from alphas? lift?
i am an turbovirgin but atleast im not a omega cuckholder like you
well i have you beat at something. maybe you learn something from me bucko ;)
well i can make my bed without taking advice from that basedman
you but who can you get into it? it's not like making it has a point when you're never gonna get a bitch in there
20 minutes + episode is way too long a break
one day there will be no breaks. i can't just snap my fingers and be highly motivated
You're the cuckold by bringing yourself down by proxy, the people here aren't too unlike yourself and you know that but still you shriek whenever you see someone taking any steps to make their lives better. Again, you are like a crab in a bucket.
>its amazing people take him seriously
Almost as if professors at universities are worth listening to, instead of some jackass on Jow Forums
That's alright. Self motivation is like a muscle. It builds with exercise.
Moreover, his advice tends to be tangential and too generalist to be meaningful. I'd prefer to see him perform in a clinical psychologist setting than oppose the far left media. I could give a fuck about the left, I want his insights as a clinical psychologist on very specific every-man problems as opposed to MUH DIRECTION MUH MOTIVATION.
what he preaches is so profound amd original
you can't jump into the crazy math if you're a math student. you have to start with something relatively easy. embody the logos or die cuck
and daily reminder that he is a kekistani faggot who memes irl and attributes seriously stupid things with pepe
not true
you asshole licker
jordan hitler killed jews because he was obsessed with cleanliness peterson
so intellectual
you try something on his level you disgusting piece of filth who rots his brain via computer monitor while dwells in a garbage ditch faggot battyboy
Physically, I've been trying to get Jow Forums the past year. I cycle 4-5 times a week averaging 150 miles, do a set of 10x2 pull ups 3 days a week, along with pushups and dumbbell weight training.
Mentally, I've been learning how to read, write, and speak Russian so I can one day marry a beautiful slavic qt. Learning has been good thanks to learning their alphabet, using google translate as my dictionary, and DMing instagram qts who are surprisingly willing to chat, a difficult task for me thanks to social anxiety. Honestly masking my anxiety with the desire to learn another language helps, they find my basic linguistic mistakes cute and correct me. Kind of reassuringly confidence building actually even if I have extreme difficult socializing face to face these days.
Financially, I'm a wreck. I'm working on this but having difficulty with my low paying job.
lol you brainlets really demonstrate how stupid all this is
get on my level
git from this board then normie
worshiping pseudointellectuals lol
lol look at these high achievers trying to tell me how intelligent they are. little swine boys
this must be you
>does everything without question that pappa jordan says
thank you was looking for that jpeg
illustrates perfectly jp basedboys
I'll join you on this OP. Need to get my life in order too. Ik Peterson is like Marmite (love him or hate him) but yeah he gives some sound advice
did i say i was smart?
you gotta be if you orbit jp basedman