hey kid, you've never had a girlfriend? what are you gay or something?

> hey kid, you've never had a girlfriend? what are you gay or something?

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no just an incel

Im looking for the right person, it takes time

Sometimes I fucking wish.

what if I was? Homophibic much? Wow

She's russian ofc she's homophobic

who is she?

(Very Original Comment. [V.O.C] made in r9k, all trademarke reserved)

Isn't that the girl who's dating the weird looking skater kid

I've just never met my type. My type that likes me

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Why is it so hard!!!!!! I just want to give her a nice hard hug! A hug of a thousand hugs. A nice good long hug! So I could feel those Sweet Sweet supple breasts.


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yeah I know right? Faggot's lose thier virginity easier, get respect from women and can act anyway they want without being considered a beta-cuck

>get respect
That must be the biggest lie I've ever read. Women in general do not respect gays. They view them the same way they view beta's

i dont understand why people say that, i dont talk to people man or woman, why does me not talking to anyone make people think im gay,

sjws fucking love them. Also if you out-right disrespect them you're called a homophobe

You mean fat, ugly, hairy, sweaty and above all else insane girls. Your other points might be correct. but women in general do not respect them

If I'd be gay I wouldn't have this problem, because I've had many guys asking me.

>stares at her cleft chin
>For you.

sjws are women though and there's plenty of qt leftists that treat gays with more respect than "straight-white-males". But yeah they probably are crazy but aren't most roasties

meant this post for

>there's plenty of qt leftists
I haven't seen any that weren't as described as in
most of them are insane and unstable

Yeah I'm starting to think I'm the last one to find that out about myself. Everyone else saw it coming and my mom always asked me in high school if I had a boyfriend yet.

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sux 2 b u feget

>fell for the wife for life meme


>still spamming his shitty nujaks
>is a faggot

what a surprise

>she will never say "hey kid" to you irl
why even live lads

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>>hey kid
I'm older than you, thot.

why do i want this so bad? i'm not even into tsundere fetish

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how does this make you feel? :(


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Yes actually, I had one kiss when I was 15, he was pretty good looking and I still masturbate to that kiss to this day.

lucky guy tbqh
he's scoring way above his league


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dumbest trend of the decade
you can see in some photos he covers it up with a bandage
or like that dumb russian thot that got a swastika tattoo on her forehead, covers it up with bandages too

thanks man!

originalomento fortissimo