My boyfriend asked me "Are you just pretending to like me to feel normal?". I lied to them and told him that I wouldn't put up with a relationship for years just to pretend. He then went on explaining that everything I do feels scripted or forced. Like l treat friendship and love like a job. He's not wrong about me being fake, but it's not like I'm using him for money. Being in a relationship is pretty convenient . No one bullies me for being single and people treat me better when I'm out with someone. If I lose him I go back to being a loner who gets treated like shit.
My boyfriend asked me "Are you just pretending to like me to feel normal?"...
So u don't love him you just like the benefits of the relationship
This is the actual definition of a roastie
So you don't love him? Stop wasting his time and leave him so he have a happy life with someone who will care about him. You're a terrible person.
Thats actually quite selfish OP.
I don't love him, but I still treat him nice. I provide emotional support, buy him things, and offer him sex.
>implying he can't tell
>implying he isn't incredibly unhappy because he knows you really feel nothing for him
>implying you aren't just wasting precious time if his better spent on someone who is a decent person
kys faggot
I told him I wanted to have his children when I really don't. But is it really that bad when I can "love" him like any other girl would? Not saying what I'm doing isn't wrong, but it's not like he doesn't get anything from the relationship.
Stop trying to find excuses. You're a terrible person for deceiving someone else for your own selfish interests. Unironically kys
Honestly, you make me physically fucking sick. You're the epitome of everything that is wrong with women. Lies.
Just constant disingenuousness and dishonesty. Why can you not just fucking own up to the reality of the situation, for fucking once in your life? You tell yourself you're lying to your boyfriend to spare his feelings, but it's fucking bullshit, you're lying to keep up this selfish facade, and if you ever genuinely met someone you loved, you would end up leaving your boyfriend and breaking his heart.
Be alone and own being alone. Do not get involved or remain involved with someone if you have no feelings, or at least be fucking honest with them about it. Maybe he'll be cool with it, and maybe he wants to know so he can put less effort into it, after all why would he spend all his money and time on a fucking lie?
Either tell him and try and work some kind of functional relationship out, or fucking end things, you selfish whore.
Fuck you, femanon, seriously just fuck you.
Okay. I'm sorry for bringing this thread up. I didn't mean to upset anyone.
Literally a roast beef sandwich.
Leave him and buy him a gym membership so he can upgrade.
She is pretty normal to be fair
As if that excuses anything.
Yes typical women, constantly needs to be with a man to justify her bullshit existences.
He's going to dump you anyway, because no one likes putting up with that forced/scripted shit.
My boyfriend said the way I'm so quick to console him whenever he is doubt is very offputting. He was able to predict what I was going to do during the conversation. The way I always put my hand on his shoulder when he starts feeling down. The way I always I avoid directly answering a question about my faithfulness.
you're just a dumb common whore who has emotional constipation. if he left youd realize what you're saying is just over abstracted bullshit and your boyfriend is normal. i hate the specific type of worthless posts whores like you make where everything youre saying means nothing. i cant explain it well but i hate you.
>The way I always I avoid directly answering a question about my faithfulness.
Excuse me? We're entering different territory here, femanon. Are you telling me you're cheating on betabux?
OP's attitude has more to do with her personality (probably will match with a MBTI) or mental illness than being a woman desu. At least her feelings don't match with most women I know
tits or gtfo you two-faced manipulative piece of roastie shit
I'm not cheating on him, but this isn't the first time he called me out on not being as romantic as I should be. It's not even about "girlfriend" stuff. It's about how I don't check up on him or don't get jealous when he's around other girls or that I don't play with him unless he plays with me first.
That's pretty smart, desu
Will kill the guy's feelings for you and you'll break up eventually unless you magically start caring. Do you even enjoy sex at this point?
Also, this isn't Jow Forums so fuck off you dumb cunt.
Haha you fucking loser, he's Gona leave you because you suck at faking it, go kys unironically
I don't really care about sex. I don't even masturbate. I feel so invalidated most of the time.
Have you ever been to a psychologists, OP?
Do you ever 'feel'?
There is probably something wrong in your head, though the thing with people that tend to lean towards, as much as I hate to use the term - sociopaths/psychopaths, is that naturally you might feel very little need to change anything about yourself, since you do function.
To adress your concerns, as someone who feels somewhat same, you have to look at it from a different perspective. It's easy to provide money, sex, emotional support when you're in love and everything is lovely and nice. It takes some serious thinking and commitment to do these things without feeling anything, to be nice because you remember it. It's much more dedication than anyone even realizes. You're doing fine, just try to explain it to him, if you get confronted. Though if you make claims about having his child and so on, you should definitely stay true to those. If that is not something you can see yourself doing, then you're just being malicious and wasting his time.
>ree roastie yadda yadda
So you don't care about him and you just want a boyfriend to say you do.
Youre emotionally cold and distant.
Fuck off.
I think honestly you should tell him everything. Because, speaking from my point of view, I'd grow steadily more convinced you were being unfaithful, or were going to become unfaithful at some point.
My ex was kind of a little like this, although in fairness we were both just really busy with our jobs, and I probably wasn't much better. I just constantly suspected she was cheating or getting whatever she wasn't from me elsewhere.
It's not healthy and it's not fair for you to put him through that kind of emotional turmoil, trust me. Just be honest and frank with him. If my ex had been like that with me, I think honestly I would still be with her, and we would have a functional relationship, maybe the spark comes back or ignites in the first place when there's no pressure like that, you know.
Just stop being disingenuous, honestly. Explain to him, because it's definitely not worse than the fears running through his mind.
not the baiting fembot, but psychologists are a fucking meme.
People who claim they work are fucking normies with regular logical excuses for their behavior (wife cheated/ abused as young kid/ stress from a clear source/ alcoholism and durg abuse), they don't deal with robots who never had a normans frame of reference. Literally "go out there" and "socialize and exercise" for a better mood doesn't fucking work when you hate everyone and everything
I care if he gets hurt, but I don't really care about his work stories or his life stories or his friends.
I feel empty most of the time unless I'm alone. I show emotions towards animals. I will babytalk to an animal and play with it and make sure it's well taken care of, but I won't do the same for a baby. I care a lot about the psychological health of a cat/rabbit, but not much for people. Whenever gets hurt I act like I care so no one thinks I'm a sociopath. I care a lot about how people perceive me. I've been got cold-hearted before I and I hated baring that stigma.
I don't care about sex or friends. I wouldn't cheat. I think relationships are annoying because it subtracts from my "me time" and I hate that feeling of being judged. Can't escape from people and can't live life without friends. Can't practice driving without friends.
this the best possible outcome for a beta man. no woman will visceral attraction, and they cant even control this
Try making the thread on Jow Forums, you're asking this on a board full of bitter virgins.
It's not about what you care about, do you understand that? He's going to end up leaving you because he thinks you're being unfaithful or are at risk of becoming unfaithful.
It does not matter how many times you claim cheating isn't you or it disgusts you. You need to give him a justification for your sketchy as fuck behavior that he has clearly picked up on.
I am a psychologist and my work is not a fucking meme, you ignorant. Do you really think robots or wizards are the only ones with complex problems, and that everyone else is shallow?
If psychology was limited to a set of common sense advices then it wouldn't be a thing in our world, there would be no need for regulations, there wouldn't be extensive experiments nor extensive philosophies, people would just buy a self-help book and that's it.
If anything, psychs have to read about and might one day deal with things more fucked up than your robot frame of reference.
is this bait
is this what i have to look forward to if i ever get in a relationship
no real love just convenient buddy
i know right like fuck what if my boyfriend is emotionally like this or will become emotionally like this
Pretty much. You might get lucky and have genuine, passionate love for the first few months. This is called the honeymoon phase.
It varies in time for couples, for some it can last years and others just a few weeks or months. It wears off for pretty much every couple, though, and that's then shit starts getting bad.
>capable of real love
>invest years into the easiest meme degree
>get offended when called out
>REEE I have to read about bad guyzz its so spooky
I'm sorry you weren't smart enough to be an engineer.
>I am a psychologist and my work is not a fucking meme
80% of psych studies, and hence im sure all of your work isnt even replicatable
its literally a meme. you're a glorified armchair pseudo-intellectual and nothing you ever do will be worth the money you scam out of people
Female: the post
Assuming youre not a male LARPing,
I hope he wises up and dumps you.
Youre a literal parasite and not worth anyones time.
>tfw no sociopath gf who pretends she loves me and comforts me my entire life until I die happy in her uncaring arms
When my boyfriend got hospitalized I had to force myself to cry as I was holding his hand. His family was there too and his mom hugged me. I do think this will be our future. When he dies I will have to put on another show for his family.
Do you think you're even capable of loving someone?
People who hate psychology have probably never even been to a therapist.
Also have you ever remotely considered that its a two way street?
That maybe you actually have to work with them and actually make an attempt at improving?
Sorry if that doesnt jive with your 'le misunderstood autist' image.
Robots arent 'damaged' or 'beyond help', theyre just lazy and selfish manchildren.
No. I don't even find myself attracted to men.
Why do you keep going?
Like honestly, whats kept you from just killing yourself if you have nothing to live for.
Materialism. If I'm dead I can't experience music or petting rabbits.
As a sociopath do you feel you would be more likely than a typical woman to be willing to date an awkward/short/shy man if you were single? Asking for a friend.
Would you date a man who treated people the same way as you?
Why do I feel like you've attention whored about this here or on Jow Forums before?
Do you genuinely care for him at least? Why don't you just become a dyke? I'm sure some lady bus driver would be willing to give you stuff.
Jesus you remind me of so many ex's Ive had.
Not having a boyfriend doesnt keep you from that.
Theres no reason to be cruel, even tho its obviously beyond you to empathize with that.
You are wasting his time. Try to put yourself in his shoes.
Like someone said, be mature and own your loneliness.
I don't think of myself as a sociopath since I care about animals. I would date a guy if we had similar interests, he wasn't too needy, he knows how to deal with non-social people, he took good care of him, he had a decent job (not gold digging, but living is expensive).
I wouldn't want to, but I wouldn't realize I was being emotionally manipulated. At least one person in the relationship has to care.
I'm not into girls either. I would protect him if someone tried to hurt him. I make breakfast for him since he works late . I would care if I lost him because finding a new boyfriend or friend when you unfeeling is very difficult.
Yes, but do you enjoy doing these things for him? Making him happy makes you happy in any way?
Don't feel bad, this is what all women do. No woman actually loves their boyfriend lel
You aren't supposed to love each other, you're supposed to be partners in raising children. Obviously women aren't capable of love but men should really know better than to get attached by now.
I like making people happy, but I don't really care for them. I like getting praise and approval. I don't hate waking up early to make him breakfast. It's not a routine I dread. I don't hate doing his laundry and dealing with his errands while he is working.
Dunno if you are still here, but i have been on a similar situation, except I wasn't faking for my own benefit, but for hers (She doesn't know how to be alone and was about to get a toxic bf).All i can say is that no one is that dumb, they can tell when they are not loved. He is gonna cheat on you, and it will hurt, and you may think that you loved them after all, but thats not true, you just feel betrayed. This relationship wont last that long.
>He is gonna cheat on you, and it will hurt, and you may think that you loved them after all, but thats not true, you just feel betrayed.
OP is a sociopath, she won't really care
Nah senpai, sociopaths can feel anger too. I know it first hand. I can't even fall in love anymore, or crush on anybody
Who cares, she clearly isnt listening to anyone.
OP is typical sociopathic roastie, more at 11
Are you saying that you aren't as concerned about confidence and physicality as a typical woman?
If my boyfriend cheated on me I'd cry so he would think I loved him and felt hurt by the betrayal.
Shit it got sent too early. My point is that while i can't feel romantically , i still felt betrayed by her.
Everyone has self-esteem issues. Some people just need some friendly support to get over those issues. I wouldn't date a fatty. I don't care about muscles, but at my age you have to be more health conscious. I dislike gluttonous behavior. Eat right. lay off the treats and chips and fast food. Exercise daily. Clean your butt.
Did the same desu, but you should dump him anyway, or he will keep suspecting and you would get angrier and angrier
Sociopaths are not evil. I know my sociopathic behavior is not, at least.
"Femanon, I can never tell when you are serious or not. Every time I talk to you I feel like I'm talking to a character. You don't feel real. I understand that you grew up as a loner so you don't know how to express emotions well, but there's just something off-putting about your body language. After every time you do something you have this look in this face like 'did he believe me?' or 'did I play that right'?. "
Did something happened to you at some point to make you like this? Have you ever tried to fix yourself?
wow op. That relationship is going to crash and burn. Just a question of how much time you will both throw away before realizing it's completely pointless. All time spent not finding an actual life partner. Just waiting for the inevitable murder suicide
It's not a total waste since the girl is still doing nice things for him. She isn't cheating on him. She isn't asking for money.
sociopaths aren't necessarily evil, they just have no empathy or feelings towards others.
I was raised as very sensitive, smart and religious kid. Then bullying and porn (being barely 5yo) happened. I remember everyday thinking that I should kill myself and crying, then acting normal with my family. One day I just never stopped acting. I can only feel little emotions now, barely enough, and all my expressions are fake.
How old are you? Do toy think you're beyond fixing? Would you like to be fixed if it were possible?
Its not impossible to think that they could get used to there own toxicity and live a happy lie i mean thats what most married couples do
It sounds like your tastes are pretty typical regarding short/unattractive men then. I guess no pretend gfs for robots.
Barely 19. I don't think I'm beyond fixing, but I don't think the natural me was normal anyways, so what would be the point? This way of feeling is better and less dangerous, plus it works better with normalfags. I'm still a good person that does stuff for others, and I like giving advice, that only I can give because I can drop emotions outta the equation. The only things I really miss is falling in love, and getting excited for my birthday, since I used to be extremely emotional about those things.
>all robots are lazy selfish manchildren
wew lad that's some epic tier analysis by a 140 IQ armchair psychologist.
Still a meme field for intellectuals who think they can help people.
bite down harder my boy
Agreed dude
this woman is a scum sucking cunt
Its all relative. Some guys would have no issue if she was fucking random people but actually loved her boyfriend. You never know what will push someone over a breaking point. That she is basically half a shell of a relationship isn't exactly setting the bar high. She's still shit
She acts like she is doing some service by being a fuck toy. That's not unique. That's the same as nothing to offer.
Did you get molested or something, too?
I'm in the same situation in a LDR. This girl after less then a month is totally in love with me. Texts me every morning and we talk all day. Sometimes I do feel like a script. I'm not sure if she notices it though. I'm in it for the nudes and the feels. I mean I do feel good talking to her and it's nice and everything but when I think about it I realize I really need to get laid in real life and is this girl really worth all this trouble to wait for to have sex with her?
Similar but not nearly as bad. Keep talking to her but also keep trying to date locally. With enough time spent either way path should be clear. You are not like OP at all if you are in it for the feels even a little bit.
Nope. I was just guilt ridden from the whole porn and being a christ-cuck
to be fair I'm not absolutely sure, we had a teacher that my family talked about like he was a pedophile that did hassled me, but I don't remember it going any further than pinching my sides to correct me. I do have huge holes on my memories tho
You might unironically have been molested by someone especially if you have holes in your memory. Behind most hypersexual thots or female sociopaths there is child sexual abuse.
you're the banana in this, just a profane simulacrum of a bird
You don't need to be normal, but you're missing on something.
How come you went from porn addicted to not being sexually attracted to anyone?
I think you are mistaken, I'm not op, and I'm male. But my parents did come to a similar conclusion at some point, so I won't say its not possible. I don't think I would feel better knowing tho, I might just give up altogether, and just go around life being a failure forever if that were to be the case. Not knowing gives me at least some drive.
I am sexually attracted to women and effeminate man. But I can't form emotional connections. I think you too mistook me for op lol.
Yea I just read the thread. Damn OP just break the guys heart already before it festers more. And you're right user I should start dating locally but spaghetti still drops every time.
Way to derail the thread pretending to be OP, bro. Anyway, why are effeminate man so cute, man?
It was a mistake, I didn't realize we write so similarly.
Idk senpai, I think is the cute looks + being able to dominate another man. But I will never really act on those urges because aids you know?
What do you think a relationship is supposed to give you if not love.
typical female, just uses people. literally why are you still alive?
Yeah, man, aids are nasty. But what if he's a virgin or only have sex with you?
Then I would be more than glad to pop that cherry. Boibutts are hella tight.
I don't know, bro. I have never fucked one, but it would be neato to fuck a virgin feminine guy dressed up like a little cum slut.
Well, you have your own butt right? I mean, I can't even get a finger there lol.
But absolutely agreed man. Thats why traps>>>>>> transexuals.
Also required mention
>Nice try Reiko
I haven't even thought about getting a finger in my ass. What do you think I am, some gay or something?
>Not exploring himself to see what he likes and what not
Are you retarded or something?
If you have never put a finger in your anus you might be gay and not know it. At least I'm sure I'm not a faggot
The idea just doesn't appeal to me, bro. Did you need to fuck a dog to know you are not into it?
>At least I'm sure I'm not a faggot
Wanting to fuck a guy sounds pretty gay to me.
>I care so no one thinks I'm a sociopath
uh... sweetie
try not to poison your husband for his betabux in the future, you would probably be caught