How much damage would a .44 calibur magnum do to the brain? Would it explode?

How much damage would a .44 calibur magnum do to the brain? Would it explode?
And where exactly is the best place someone would shoot them self for an instand death? Placing the barrel in the mouth seems pretty foolproof but is it an instnant death?
I read a good amount that the best place to aim for an instand death would be the the brainstem, but that seems much smaller than the rest of the brain.
Is there any technique to this where if someone was to place the barrel of the .44 magnum at a certain position around the head to guarantee destruction of the brain stem?

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.44 will cause more damage than your average 9mm so as long as you aim for center mass, you're good to go.

Place it under the roof of your mouth at an angle and use federal hollow points.
It's a. 44 magnum dude.
You can hunt deer with it.

Use hollowpoints.

00 buckshot is better, and cheaper. magnum rounds tend to shoot pretty clean holes in stuff. Obviously the shear force of the blast will probably do more damage than the bullet, but look into a 12 guage. You can buy one at walmart for around 200 bucks.

Use a .22 for less mess

or potentially getting a bullet lodged in your brain and living as a vegetable forever

If a .22 can kill gators, it can kill you

You wanne commit suicide OP ?
U sure there is no other way

Use hollowpoints. Use hollowpoints.

Want to chat OP?
If so, why end it all?

Shotguns are more usefull op.

(Dont) do it.

I don't know. Occasionally I put one in the cylinder and play russian roulette. It's fucking terrifying. I have to blind myself by wrapping something around my eyes first. Every part of me screams don't point it there.

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Do not do it Op but there is a gore pic of a 44 mag on an old mans skull

Closed casket for someone I guess

are you pretty sick or something, user?

Hey this is a really big descision. Don't do this without an evaluation of all options. For most people there is much more that can be done before resorting to such actions

Everybody dies someday. And you know what happens when you die? All of your experiences as you lived will dissapear. It's like an immersive dream that instantly dissapears when you wake up and no matter how hard you try you cant remember it. All of us will be forgotten and all that you have done is pointless. Some of us just happen to exit sooner than others.

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Shoot the middle of the temple. People are known to survive the Hollywood bullshit that's putting it in your mouth.

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Would that be straight on (upright position) to the forehead of the head or straight on to the side of the head?

Oh woah I never noticed that foreshadowing. It's even crazier when his target was because of that girls job. lmao travis was a fucking cuck wtf
>. All of us will be forgotten
That's wrong. I did things that made people act differently. They treated others different. My actions caused a ripple that's going to be remembered a lot longer than me. I didn't choose my name. I chose my actions. My actions had consequences that will outlive my name.

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What a stupid question.

What's troubling you though, since there obviously something you need to talk about?

In this area from the temple is almost immediate death. Because the temple is the easiest to punch through.

Forgot pic


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Trust me, you'll be forgotten. You know what else caused a ripple in the universe? Me when I left out a large fart a minute ago.

best suicide is right behind the ear just saying, good luck

Why is it a stupid question?

I was counting on that. The bad things I did are going to outlast me. The good things probably will too. Being remember or setting an outcome are completely different things. The things I did will be remembered long after anyone says I did it.

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Even if your tremendously arrogant statement becomes true, congratulations youre dead. "you" are currently experiencing nothingness and nothing that you did will mean anything in your new exciting nothingness

Arrogant? People will live in fear of me long after I'm dead. I could have done a lot better. No matter how much good I do there will always be people that despise me for just reasons. I can't right the wrongs. Even some of the rights will be considered wrongs. My name will be lost and chalked up as something like a monster. Nothingness would be a reprieve.

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