We haven't had one of these in a while.
Feel free to discuss your mental health/personality disorders you have or suspect you have.
You can also try this online test and discuss your results ITT.
Mental Health Thread
Not surprising (001001001101)
Anyone with a penis under 6.5 inches has a mental illness and should see a doctor about their problems
PTSD is fake it sounds like you are a needy spoiled brat
did this weeks ago
Ptsd is real but your other statements I won't argue with.
Very High OCD, High Schizoid, High Narcissitic. I think the last one is a missed diagnosis, two of the questions that lead to it I was very indecisive.
Mine is slightly above that (I'm 6'2'')
there was a website a few years ago that gave really good Rorschach (inkblot) feedback anyone know if it is still around?
I started working out recently, and my confidence went up, but I don't think my problems are ever gonna go away.
Im not exactly sure what to make of this. Seems to be accurate...
i think im not gonna make it
Avoidant is probably the most pertinent issue, for me.
Seems fair, not sure how I didn't get a high or very high in antisocial tho.
Do you know what anti social means?
It means doing crime and shit, not just hating social stuff. It means going completely against society.
What do I win? A bullet in my head?
Wew lads. I do have schizotypal personality disorder, so no surprise there. Guess most of the other scores stems from that
I just got diagnosed "bipolar-2 with mixed features". Anyone know about this?
sometimes i think i dont fit in with people here
pic related
it me4ans the big pharma JEWS wanna get you on that paypig fuckin meddies supply...
that, or you're bipolar. 50/50 rreally
This test is fuggin trash, desu. I think I do have "avoidant personality disorder" according to the diagnostic criteria but I think that stuff can be fixed with good therapy and lifestyle changes.
>all these posters with "high paranoia"
>willingly gives out their mental health details to government sponsored websites
try harder you larping attention whore faggots
Avoidant personality disorder's a bit weird. I don't know much about it but isn't it the one where it makes you want to avoid any intimate relationships out of fear while at the same time wanting somebody to be there for you?
Yeah. It's when you're overly self-conscious around others and isolate yourself to avoid the pain of being rejected. Most Jow Forums regulars would fit that bill.
I can relate to that. That's why I isolated myself infact, because I was too overly scared of making an ass of myself or being hated by people around me so I just gave up.
im not a kike
>not s
l'm literal human trash
Why do I do this to myself
~ Originality
why are you using an online test for something that has clearly established diagnostic criteria? The test doesn't include every established diagnostic criteria. Read the DSM you fucking invalids
Do you think the government can't read what's posted here because you use https?
guess I'm a piece of shit. there's no way this isn't exaggerated right?
is this super bad or ok?
Hmm, not that surprising honestly. I always score very high on the Narcissistic personality one and I never really know why. My Schizoid tendencies seem to have all but vanished though so that's good.
i'm mentally ill xD
user are you dead?
I'm a diagnosed Schizoid
Wow it is actually better than I thought.
Approximations have value for looking into whether a more precise assessment is worthwhile.
I wouldn't say I'm paranoid or a schizo
Schizoid is very different than schizo.
Schizophrenia and Schizoid personality disorder are very different from one another. A schizoid is pretty much just an emotionally detatched aspie desu.
Didn't feel the test had any focus on low self worth
Just the typical
>do u feel anxious other ppl don't like u xDDD
normie tier test, dropped
Just read the more info on the two.
Fits me well
My benis is 7.8 inches and I'm already diagnosed as an aspie.
how fucked am I guys? jebus
And here I thought my scores were bad but you're more /Pat bateman/ then even I am.
Thought i'd be much worse
fits pretty well
>/Pat bateman
>be 18 living with mum who loves me
> mum is sick lately really bad and she gets a head scan
>lump in brain, we dont know if she has cancer yet or not
>I decide I need to tell her something
>"mum I dont care that you might have brain cancer" thats really weird isnt it
>she starts crying and runs away
I wish I was not a socipath I love my mum or at least I think I do :(
Don't see how people can be very high in many categories when some are opposites of each other
I have a lot of self loathing going on.
How tf do you get very high scores in everything?
I just traditionally got high in schizoid and moderate/low.
Do you randomly answer yes anywhere you can or smth?
>tfw no schizotypal, dependant and avoidant g(m)f
i dont really like people in general
you wouldnt be the first to do that
Feeling pretty good bruddas. Now I just gotta figure out why I don't have a girlfriend.
Fair enough, can't quite tell if I answered everything correctly.
No surprise here.
Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give and I'll survive
I will survive
I will survive
idk it seems okay better than mine
ignore this fucking bullshit mental health is a myth big pharma just wants to sell you pills
it could have been worse. Kinda what i expected though.
I am fine this test are just tools to get fools into drugs and therapy.
I wonder if I these results because I have autism... :(
I knew it was a good idea to keep these around. On a scale from 1 to "oh shit nigger what are you doing", how fucked am I?
well that was long
so its saying im introverted, at least im not insane
I'm not really sure if I'm as fucked up as it says
DO I even belong to this board?
I'm not normal enough to hang out with normies at facebook and it seems that at the same time I'm not retarded enough for r9k... .
So many of you are fucking narcissists, goddamn