What did she read?
What did she read?
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The Bible
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she started changing before even picking the book up
the holy bible orig
Mein kapmf
Better if you read right to left
minecraft the ultimate survival handbook
Schopenhauer: On Women
Is the joke that theyre all whores?
Siege by James Mason
She read Book(tm).
The contents of Book(tm) make anyone who opens it a smart college student.
>still wearing basic bitch pants
Gender studies.
Women are useless.
Bimbo roastie blonde, still enjoying her youth and sleeping with Chads,
About to hit the wall, getting less and less attention
Realizes her days of riding cock are coming to an end, the wall is being hit, she will need to secure a beta provider soon
Male attention dries up significantly as she enters her 30s, begins to make efforts to lock down a beta provider
Re-styled herself as a cute, innocent nerdy girl interested in vidya and books to lock down a beta provider. It will be too late for the poor man to discover the truth before he realizes he's tied to a washed up roastie who has ridden the cocks of 100s of Chads while giving him starfish sex once a year and inevitable divorce-rape.
Where there really 6 million?
Elliott's manifesto
Wouldn't that drive a woman to nihilism and defeatism rather than self-improvement/not-being-a-thotism?
Rather than "this is a problem individuals need to identify and solve within themselves" he basically says "if you're part of this half of the population you're fucked lol, die."
>implying that women are logical
why did her body get shittier?
I like how her eye colour changes from blue to brown all of a sudden.
The guy who drew actually specializes in drawing the opposite(bimboification) because it's what he likes. He was requested to do this so it's likely he tried to make her look boring.
why is it backwards
I'm saying that reading "women exist in the main solely for the propagation of the species, and are not destined for anything else" wouldn't inspire actualization but degradation, stagnation and defeat, either to urges, society or the status quo of their lives, at least for many women. The most logical thing to do is to shout at Schopenhauer's grave telling him to fuck off, analyze his criticisms, improve based on them and become something worthwhile, rather than something that only serves to shit out uninformed opinions and babies.
I'm saying that most women would be overwhelmed by Schopenhauer and not inclined to read the essay as a guide of what not to be.
This is what happened to me when I read Kierkegaard and Augustine.
Probably the mirror which reflected her proximity to the wall
It was hilarious that an obscure, nice fetish porn artist was all over twitter and even some news outlets because a bunch of normies thought he was trying to be offensive lol
>modern trends
>"""""""""geek""""""""" girls
>how to suck dicks for free and be a basic bitch
>how to suck dicks at the dorm for free and fade into society
Imperium by F. P Yockey
mien kampf was the only possibility for this kind of transformation
The art of devolution
White Power by Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. Prepare for redpill after redpill after redpill
Are you a qt girl now?
Hair dying tutorial obviously
The progression would imply she slowly lost the dye in her hair and removed some colored contact lenses.
I believe it's by a deviantart bimboification porn artist who decided to do some reverse transformation art.
how did her ass get smaller
The Bible, KJV 1611
you don't have nor ever read the 1611 KJV
no such book exists, the picture is reversed
You're rapidly approaching the wall in a time when more men are choosing not to marry you better get an education and a real job
the picture can be explained as
20, 25, 30, 35, 40
and the book is third wave feminism and 6-8 cats
Catholicucks are lying idolators. They hate the KJV because it proves the ((church)) to be false.
Remember the martyrs. The pope is the antichrist.
got proofs? (actual verifiable sources)
t. catholic