Fembot feels

>tfw no chubby, wow playing, geting banned in league of legends for toxicity, strong, INTP, romantic, dreamy, charming, Mariya Takeuchi listening boyfriend

why even live

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I don't know what the hell you're talking about but I do know Mariya Takeuchi is the real deal

>tfw no bf
Why even live :'(

It's too difficult

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i do all of that except i'm not chubby lel, Jow Forums and comfy with life

how do i get a cute robot bf when i look like this irl?

pick one

>getting banned in league of legends for toxicity

Nice one OP

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I found him but he doesn't love me back.

sonn of a motherfucker

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Become a lesbian.
Why settle for less?

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not OP but been banned on league around 8x, i cant resist the urge to call a retard a retard desu

Katya's face is truly made for cumming on.

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you mean you cant resist the urge to wish someone cancer and dying in his sleep

Is this the best you can do as a LARP? I'm disappointed, user.

Stopped reading there. Fuck off.

OP you could've just made a Mariya Takeuchi thread outright. No need to be so roundabout.

id rather just yell obscenities to my friends over discord rather than cuss them out over the allchat system

you only play with your friends because you're too bad to solo queue

Bet you wont fucking 1v1 me
right you won't so sit down

>bronze 3 trying to 1v1

I'm none of those things, but if I played LoL I would probably get banned for toxicity.

get Jow Forums you slob

yeah right, you're just a guy pretending to be a girl that likes guys us

no, i still have a cute face and would rather date someone who isnt shallow

>romantic, charming
Keep dreaming, roastie.

u actually described me perfectly and it was pretty scary to read

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Sorry don't want to date a girl that believes in horoscopes

I fit the bill and live in a big city, newly single, where do I go about finding my dreamgirl without wasting my time on normies?

i only play with friends because i realized everyone else in soloqueue is a fucking retard

pfffrrrt fuckin faggots i described myself
enjoy the 4D chess match i played with you

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Laugh clowns, laugh.

It's shallow of you to want to attract someone but not take care of yourself. Being fat is literally a personality flaw.

Everyone has a personality flaw, I'm on r9k.

What do you do that's romantic?

every night when i go to sleep i hope for a better tommorow

I'm fat and can probably throw you around like a ragdoll. I bench over 350 pounds, you'd be like a child to me.

Alright you win, you convinced yourself to keep up your disgusting lifestyle, congrats

Tfw no woman I've ever seen would even look at me if they knew i was like this. How do i find a girl who would like a guy like me for myself (described relatively well by the post)?

thanks, now all i need is a cute r9k bf

Hello there. :3 I might be right here.

Do you have fat tits you can smother me with?

Aw, that's cute. I'm easily amused tho...

not really, im 375, 5'10", but most of my weight is in my thighs + ass

I do, baby. I'm super top heavy.

>tfw no chubby, wow playing, geting banned in league of legends for toxicity, strong, INTP, romantic, dreamy, charming, Mariya Takeuchi listening boyfriend
I am like that but you won't even talk to me as you just want attention, piss off mate

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Post pic of boobs pls

I'm not that type of boy, naughty girl. You need to wine and dine me first. Then I'll consider it.

Don't get married
>be married
>come home from work
>dog begging to go out
>wife topless on skype with our guild
>no dinner ready
>no dishes done
>hasn't done any of the agreed upon list of chores like even moving the dirty laundry to the room
>smoked most of the pot
>all my booze is gone
>take dog out for an hour so he can poop and play
>come back
>make dinner for myself
>remind her to do the dishes
>go to bed

well if i was near you i woudl get easily amused also, for being so lucky

Well some body post a pic so i can fap to it

You show me yours and I'll show you mine, sweetheart.

Heres one fgsdf

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Nigga, why are you so gay? 4reeldoe

Oh i thought you were a chick

Sounds more like you married a gross slob, I'll live with my girl for a bit before getting married tyvm.

oh and i thought you where black

You just saved me the trouble of making a new thread. Should I just create a Tinder or what?

Put down the cake, sweetie.

if you got nice pictures and a lil bit confidence why wouldnt you make a tinder and just let your profile float around and maybe catch something

What MBTI type are you? Who le fug likes INTPs

I unironically would fuck this girl.

Fembots, INTP normie here. Longterm GF of three years.

Let me tell you: You do NOT want an INTP bf. We are no good.

Being intp is only useful if you got genius iq

I have great pictures since I'm tall, handsome, have friends and I get out every once in a while. I just don't want to waste time on women with no respect for my hobbies. I'd like to take her home and play god of war together, maybe watch her favorite anime.

I'm a very stereotypical INTP. I work in research, I'm spacey, in my head all day, but I've got a childish playfulness when I want to have it.

On the flip side: I am emotionally retarded and treat the real world as sensory data and not anything substantial to engage with. This leads to reclusion, intense critical analysis and generally being incapable of normalacy.

It's taken a lot of therapy to get stable, fembots. Unless you like pseudo intellectual "mad scientist" types who can't read emotion, stay away.

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well then suck a dick faggot and dont bother me


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Anything better than Tinder for slogging through this shitty process? Don't want all my data harvested or get catfished.

mine is fat and plays Dota which is even better

epic, dude, EEEEEPPIC

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you are still underage and you worry about such thing already?

You'd have to catch me first, fatty

i would still rape you

In other words you're insecure and fat okay thanks yaw

I wouldn't at all. You're the one talking shit, if you ran you'd just be a little bitch.

Who says it would be rape?

Insecure because I lift weights? Alrighty then.

why cant femanons just lose fucking weight and be our gfs

why cant reobots just lose fucking weight and be our bfs

Having a personality flaw you don't care about changing is a-whole-nother level of bad.

Most robits are skinny

>I'm supposed to be impressed by 350 lbs

im not fat ill be ur bf if you are a girl and have a hairy pagine


Pick one

>i stopped playing WoW in 2011
>I got banned on LoL when I played it in 2012
femoids get out - i am superior.

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holy fuck please stop spying on me, tick most of those boxes. Some are subjective though.

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Im intp and got banned from r9k in less than a month
Does that count?

Fat people are bulls.
If they cant take you down with muscle, they use their weight.

i know the person behind this OP hes a famous wowg shitposter

How much of a child do you have to be to need a partner

im not gonna leave this thread until i get gf

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one that grew up alone and yeans for one

>scampi fries
ik bin moist

>INTP being any of those things

will you be my gf or will i have to stay in this thread for longer

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do it again Bomber Harris origigiginal

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>be me 26 year old female
>no friends or bf ever
>coworker talking about d&d
>mention how it sounds fun
>invites me over to learn and play
>start playing a campaign with him as dm
>start to catch feelings for him

He is my first friend and I'm having a lot of fun playing. It's the only reason I leave the house besides work. I don't want to like him, because I'm actually really happy right now. How do I stop?

do it again Bomber Harris

Originale originioli

why not just put his weiner in your mouth

You can't. These feelings are normal. Just keep saying in the back of your head whenever you feel fluttery in your chest, 'we're just friends, we're just friends, we're just friends'.

Don't be the girl that ruins a DnD group user, keep your vag chained up where it belongs and just have fun. Also I'd suggest acquiring another reason to leave the house besides DnD and work, else you'll get stuck spending every waking moment with one another which leads to resentment over the long term(usually.)

I'd help you with a low carb diet if you wanted to shed the fat, user!

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Thank you, miss lady