When will society stop only helping white people?
When will society stop only helping white people?
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It's a valid complaint.
Society will always favor the majority all we can do is try to listen and acknowledge minorities when they point out holes in the system.
I don't think most hotels even consider what shampoo they get, they just buy one type in bulk.
Expecting them to buy multiple types of shampoo is retarded, it'd cost the hotels double on shampoo supplies, why would they do that just because some minorities are autistic about their hair.
what the fuck does that even mean, shampoo is fucking shampoo
blacks got jewed by the cosmetic jew and they're now whining about not getting jewed in hotels
>When will society stop only helping white people?
When minorities start actively participating in society and stop standing outside it and giving it the finger.
I decided to look up what they actually said and in context, it seems like a pretty sound albeit minor complaint to have.
When will black people create their own societies and stop asking white societies to conform to them?
The biggest shock is that Halsey is half black
Is that woman in the OP supposed to be black? because she fucking isn't
When you actually pay for fucking our societies over probs.
If you want specialised shampoo for whatever reason they buy it yourself. Society isn't going to cater to every single special snowflake out there
how would fucking shampoo not work on someone's hair because of their race? does it just bounce out of the hair?
Halsey is actually half black. Many people who are mixed do not turn out as "goblinos"
You fucked your own societies up. Reminder that you sold your own people into slavery to whites and genocides each other
What societies were fucked over? Blacks never had one in the first place, and if they did they would be able to defend themselves from the evil white man, rather than selling their own people to them.
>black people are unique snowflakes and not one of the most common ethnic groups in the US
oh no she's still a mutt but implying that she's "black" is completely wrong.
Because if a hotel pays double on shampoo increasing it's budget by 2% but gaining 12% more customers they can easily make that back. You know nothing about hotel budgets, why are you assuming this isn't a possible gain?
Companies pander to the biggest audience. Whites are majority in the whole of the western world. Therefore shampoo is going to be formulaed for predominantly "white" hair
If you want your special little shampoo then you buy it yourself. I have eczema but I don't expect a hotel to provide sensitive shampoo for me
Where do you live where you've never seen mixed-race black people?
Shampoo is shampoo, it'll clean your hair regardless. If you want special beauty products to do stuff with your hair then buy it yourself.
>gaining 12% more customers
And where do you get that figure from? How many people do you seriously think are going to choose a hotel because of its shampoo selection?
Who the fuck refuses to go to a hotel based on shampoo? Oh yeah no one since this isn't a real problem. Buying shit like that in bulk costs a lot
Why do people still celebrate multiracial societies? They only create alienation, tension and hate.
You guys should use a shampoo intended for black people's hair if you're white, just to see what the difference is.
But you could, you could raise awareness about your eczema and this might cause hotels to go with a more eczema friendly shampoo. Just because you don't doesn't mean it's wrong if someone does.
Why are you so against other people making their hotel experience better? Are you a hotel owner? This doesn't impact you at all.
Explain then, if you're so knowledgeable
How can a shampoo only work on White people's hair? White people's hair is virtually the same as Asian or middle eastern hair, and add to that there are differences between the hair types found in Europeans.
I think what this article really means is "wah why doesn't this shampoo make my gross black nappy hair look good"
>niggers can afford hotels
Kek good one
I've literally spent my life using whatever fuck shampoo is around and never had a problem, I've used womens shampoo despite being a man. It makes fuck all difference because it's literally just shampoo. Fucking snowflake baby,
We had long-standing trade agreements with Europeans but then you stopped actually buying our people and our goods and just out-right stealing them instead.
Whites also genocide one another.
We also did not arm and instigate conflicts between tribes to make conquest easier, enslave people in their own lands with ridiculous demands for things such as rubber, bring foreign diseases which wiped out significant portions of the population (see: Belgians in the Congo), and in South Africa whites just did the normal conquest thing, there was no selling they just came there and started taking all our stuff.
The Congo, South Africa, Namibia, the Herero and Namaqua, etc.
I will not go so far as to say that black people are amazing, but Africa has had periods of prosperity and very great nations (such as Ethiopia). Civilizations ebb and flow (even in Europe, for a long time most places were rural and nomadic and ignorant until societies like Rome started to organize, and even then, they took it upon themselves to colonize other parts of Europe which they saw as "barbarian" (the Vikings, the Gauls/French, etc.)
Hotels are not stupid. I'm a small minority of the population and understand that a hotel is not going to pander to me unless I'm explicitly their target audience
It's nothing to do with a better hotel experience. This bitch expects companies to bend over backwards to pander to her, for the sole reason that she's black. Don't you think it's incredibly self-centred?
You don't have to use the shampoo that is provided
I don't
>When will society stop only helping white people?
If you're stupid enough to believe in white privilege then you're the one who need help
>We also did not arm and instigate conflicts between tribes to make conquest easier
They wouldn't have been able to do this if they weren't a bunch of savages in the first place
>if you're stupid enough to believe something you can easily prove
you're a retard
You'll have to use a stripping/clarifying shampoo afterwards or wait a week, it changes the texture of your hair a lot and will make you feel like there's a "residue" on it. Of course, it seems to work fine for people who actually have black people hair, just not any pretty much anyone else.
I pulled it out my ass, my point is that it's possible to pay more for shampoo and increase revenue, and you're retarded for assuming it can't happen when you have 0 knowledge on hotel budgets.
I don't know, but hotels will be able to research if this can attract more customers and if it does they can do it. However that guy was outright rejecting the idea with no knowledge or research on the matter
>When will society stop only helping niggers?*
Fixed it for you, lad.
So why not buy some shampoo for black people just to prove you're right?
I don't think you understand quite how difficult black hair is to manage. It will not work with the same shampoo that whites use.
Female shampoo is identical to mens' shampoo it just smells different.
Black shampoo has different chemical compounds because the structure is due to unique bonding properties within the coils.
Most people apply the one-drop rule. Many people call Beyonce "black" although she is really a mix of everything and probably not even mostly black.
You only don't think she counts as black because she happens to look white.
Phenotypes are usually not a good way of figuring out genotype.
The most shocking thing about this to me is that people actually use that nasty shit the hotel provides and don't pack their own hygiene products.
go back to tumblr you whiny, annoying little prick
Sure, but that wasn't the point the person was making. They also bring their own shampoo.
And doesn't actually care about the shampoo or hotels or niggers
It's just a away for her to get free publicity
God I hate niggers
If you want expensive shampoo then that's up to you to buy. The stuff in hotels is basic stuff to clean your hair for people who don't give a fuck.
Stop expecting everyone to hand you shit for free.
Ah, and you do have knowelge I assume? Tell us hotel expert, why have no hotels ever done this? Are they all retarded too?
You are fucking stupid if you think revenue can be increased to even cover the increased shampoo budget never mind make a profit
'member WWI? I 'member.
Yeah, a fucking shampoo proves white privilege
shut the fuck up you dismissive piece of human filth. the faggots on this site go nuclear literally every time they spot even the slightest injustice in regards to whites even though most of the time it's completely trivial shit. don't act like you're not a sensitive little shit
>customers who pay for room and hotel services
>"expecting everyone to hand you shit for free."
really activated my almond
This is supposed to be an emergency unless you forgot or had to throw it out because of the liquid limit
Because there's no such thing as "shampoo for black people". They're demanding expensive cosmetics shit that hotels obviously won't buy, hotels just provide the supermarket brand shit because it's cheap and most people who'll use that don't give a fuck. If you care bring your own.
No you're just a cuck.
Companies literally are made to bend over for customers as much as possible while making a profit. This is just another suggestion on how they can do that. Don't know why this upsets you.
That seems reasonable to me.
Actually there is a such thing as shampoo for black people you're just ignorant. If you go into a walmart in most urban areas you'll find an ethnic section.
Our hair is literally physically and chemically different than yours. It needs to be managed differently.
>while making a profit
Bingo, buying special shampoo for blacks isn't going to make a profit. Glad you finally comprehend this
>u mad?
Do you think that slavery benefited modern
"African Americans"? Why don't blacks in America acknowledge that they are much better off than they otherwise would be because of slavery?
And they gave you a room, they didn't promise you your autistically specific shampoo that you use. They provide basic hygiene stuff, if you want cosmetics buy it yourself.
How the fuck can you think buying more shampoo = more costumers? Sane people just buy small bottles or even packets or shampoo if they really fucking hate the stuff they're given. They don't fucking demand that every hairstyle should get a different shampoo. What about stolen shampoo bottles? If more people like the free shit that's offered in hotel's bathrooms more people are gonna steal it. People will steal anything from hotels.
there are tons of things that prove white privilege is a real thing. the example in the op is totally a valid one but there are much more sinister examples out there.
>Because there's no such thing as "shampoo for black people".
legitimate keks
I can't tell if you're a troll or a cuck but either way you're a retard
Nope, I'm of the neutral "we don't know" position while you're out the "reeeee hotels will go bankrupt if they make this change" position when neither of us have any information on the topic.
You're making claims, I'm calling you retarded.
Halsey is a giant hypocrite
Fuck her
This, can't wait 'til milk is banned because blacks are lactose intolerant
Again if you want your specific cosmetic shit to make your hair be exactly the way you want it, buy it yourself. They can't provide specific shampoo for every demanding cry baby who comes along.
It's weird that you're using the same logic he is while calling him out on how wrong that logic is.
>the faggots on this site go nuclear literally every time they spot even the slightest injustice in regards to whites even though most of the time it's completely trivial shit. don't act like you're not a sensitive little shit
Oh that's fucking rich coming from a nigger; people who chimp out at fucking shampoo and demand free gibs from every government they live under. BTW, did you know blacks have the lowest IQ of any race and therefore extremely shitty everything. Sincerely, the rest of the civilized world
Pretty sound?
This is fucking for a slight annoyance and spin it into racism
It's not a part of a bigger problem
It's just hotels providing a basic service
The shampoo isn't luxury
It's cheap crap
So you're got 0 knowledge, but magically know more than me. You're in the same boat as me you stupid faggot, the difference is that I'm using common sense
Hows high school going bud?
I'd just go out to a store and get whatever i needed whenever i got where i was going, sounds like this is a lazy poorfag issue instead of a race issue.
of course the racist little shit resorts to just throwing out ad homs when he realizes he's about to get completely btfo if he continues pushing any further
and hotel services, user. You pay for those too when you go to a hotel. It's reasonable to expect them to provide things for you because that's why you paid them.
the only difference is that injustice to whites is generally targeted and full of malice, usually on a grand scale like the mistreatment of white famers in south africa. you on the other hand feel the need to complain about hotels not having 10,000 types of shampoo and that somehow this is racism (because yeah, hotels have a conspiracy against black people involving shampoo).
also stop showing your insecure need to make everything about white people. as I stated before in the thread, black hair is the hair that is different from everyone else. I bet that shampoo works fine on Asians, Arabs, Latinos- but bring your own damn shampoo if it upsets you so much that your hair is different
They are 13% of the population and less likely to be able to afford hotel rooms, so it is a bad business idea to cater to them instead of white people.
My white mother can't use hotel shampoo either
Shut the fuck up and buy your own
What made you think that asking for more kinds of shampoos was analogous to banning milk? Don't be obtuse.
>If you say things I don't like, you must be a little kid!
Right. The unironic faggot who believes shampoo is oppressing them is the grown up.
Because offering more options might persuade customers to choose your hotel over another, are you just pretending to be retarded?
Shh, stop abusing your white privliege to talk down to the negro
White privilege is real because white people are just better. A cop in America is more likely to be shot by a black than a white, even though blacks are only 12% of the population.
>go to white country
>waah why are things made for whites?
And they clean your room and provided shampoo to clean your hair with. You not liking that particular brand and wanting to use your own brand isn't their problem, if you don't like the one they provide buy your own.
The way they wrote it made it pretty clear that they're not spinning this into a huge issue, just pointing out that luxury hotels unconsciously cater to a specific ethnic group and that they should cater to all their customers. Then they said that it's an insignificant or minor example of a larger problem, which is that problems get ignored if they're problems black people have. That's a pretty sound complaint IMO.
Yeah, some customers. Probably not enough to make a profit. Again, why are there no hotels doing this? It seems like a obvious way to make more money according to you
>the only difference is that injustice to whites is generally targeted and full of malice
you mean like a fucking court ruling that north carolina specifically targeted blacks to keep them from voting?
dear god normalfagsthink they can just spit out buzzwords and we'll all just begin believing in their absolute idiocy. Racist shampoo. Now I've heard it all.
But black people tend to be bad customers at places too. Why attract bad customers? They'll scare away the good customers.
Yes, idiot we both have 0 knowledge the difference is that I admit that and thus will not state what a hotel should or shouldn't do. While you'll try to give hotels advice based on your NEET intuition
Blacks have a fucked up themselves, they praise thug culture thus making themselves be seeing as lazy thugs.
If you're a hotel that provides services for your customers it makes sense to provide services for all your customers regardless of ethnic group. If you're a customer who goes to a hotel that bases its reputation on things like caring about customers, which is pretty much all of them except for cheap motels, then it makes sense to point out that they aren't providing services for you that you pay for as much as every other customer does.
They already buy specific shampoo for most demanding cry-babies who forgot to pack shampoo but happen to be white...
I would too. But the point of this is not what an individual would do in the situation.
The theory of white privilege states that white people have the advantage in life because in the majority of the world, people cater the spaces around them to be more comfortable for them, often at the expense of others.
It means that most things in life come ready-made for you, and not other people. It doesn't mean your life is perfect, it just means you have things a little bit better.
The fact that you can spend your time chilling in the hotel even if you forgot your shampoo and I would have to get up and go to the walmart and buy some travel shampoo (they actually don't really make black travel shampoo, I've looked, I never leave on a trip without my own shampoo) is just an example of how people made things more comfortable for you than they did for me.
Whether that's a good thing, bad thing, important thing, unimportant thing, etc is up for debate. But the fact that this is an example upholding that theory is not.
Oh yeah, it's TOTALLY 100% legal to specifically prevent blacks from voting. Also, that's only racist if you come at it from the pretext that black people are too dumb to know how to use ids.
>I don't know, but hotels will be able to research if this can attract more customers and if it does they can do it.
Well clearly it doesn't which is why they don't give a fuck. The world doesn't revolve around you, grow up.
you are low iq mongoloid with a two dimensional view of the world
>Most people apply the one-drop rule.
Yes, and they are retards.
Well this guy said it before i could answer this is what I was leading on to. If it would've made them easy money they would've done it long ago.