Women are proud or being sluts

>women are proud or being sluts
>women are proud of being fat
>women are proud of being single mothers
>being a virgin is considered a bad thing
>having self-control and refraining from drinking, doing drugs, and having lots of sex makes you weird
>if you value purity, you're seen as a "neckbeard" or a frustrated virgin
>marriage, the family unit, religion, and gender roles are considered outdated and oppressive
How the fuck did we become so shameless? Is there nothing this society values anymore?

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If you value purity you admit that men are disgusting and filthy and women should stay away from them and start their own female only communities.

It's the kikes at it again to create a less civilized west. They put stupid nigger music into power to influence the youth of this generation to a life of petty crime and arrogance.

Makes your think doesn't it. Blah blah blah

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I blame Christcucks. If the atheists and roasties tried this shit in an Islamic society, they would have been genocided, but Christcucks turned the other cheek and ruined the world.

All the drinking and partying and sex in the name of good fun. Seems like the only way to find someone to partake in a fun activity that does not include those things is to be incredible lucky or RICH!

>All the drinking and partying and sex in the name of good fun
Another sign of societal degradation. These things aren't supposed to be fun and taken so lightly.

Every one of your 7 points was valid except the last one.

Those ARE oppressive.
Not outdated tho.

>the only way to be a rebel in society anymore is to have family values and idealize virtue
It hurts so much

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if you have values that are completely opposed to another persons of course they wont accept it but why give a shit about them? they're the people that you hate. There are people who share your values (even women) go look for them rather than complaining that other people don't all share your views

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No, that's a loser's attitude. Allowing people to live their lives however they want and believe whatever they want is how things got so messed up in the first place. By allowing these people to do these things with no one saying it's wrong, other people followed along in their degeneracy and will only continue to do so. There needs to be a sense of shame and dignity again if we want civilization to survive. Ignoring these people won't do any good and will only make finding people who share my values harder and harder.

Even if we do not ignore them it will be two separate cultures at odds with one another. One culture could dominate by killing off the other one or by having the degenerate one assimilate into the better one but I don't see either of those happening. What do you think is the solution?

The increasing economic growth has lead to creation of primitive consumptionist society, members of which are basically thoughtless buying machines driven by trends and nothing that represents moral or humanist values.

We are heading full steam into a very dark future indeed, I see at the end of the tunnel RWD/beta uprising currently their is an actual beta uprising and its name is Islam they have the same problem the west does so they sent all their low cast men to us lol. The fact that we are open to this attack is significant and I want to punish the people the created this manufactured society included the ones too blind to see they are the gatekeepers/guards of it.

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wymen afraid of not being in control of their lives go on a self destructive course to eternal loneliness (orgies,drinking,etc). sure, robots might be lonely but we have vidya, memes, and each others misery. wymen dont bond at a low level, instead each one of them trying to up their game on social media every minute of the day: instagram, twitter, facebook with vapid facebook pictures and likes. i would say on average women are far more miserable than men, would be one of the reasons they despise and loath incels, incels not only highlight wymen mistakes but steal their spotlight as victims

>One culture could dominate by killing off the other one or by having the degenerate one assimilate into the better one but I don't see either of those happening. What do you think is the solution?
I would say having them assimilate and trying convince them would be the solution, but you are right that it is very unlikely. I guess the best we could do is try to spread our values as much as possible to the younger generation who are much more impressionable, and then things might turn out better in future generations.

Are you serious? Drinking and sex aren't supposed to be fun? They are the very definition of fun. Especially with sex, the whole POINT of it is that it's fun, and people WANT TO DO IT. Because it feels good, and if it feels good people will do it and the species will continue.

If you truly think sex isn't supposed to be fun, I feel sad for you! Lighten up! Have a drink while you're at it.

I don't bother with any religion, they're too capable of oppression and genocide.
Communism was based of atheism too, so atheists aren't off the hook either.

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Islam has upper hand in this attack that you mention because of their clearance hierarchy of values that they are willing to follow. Western society is fractured which makes them incapable to fight different cultures which is especially sad considering that fracturation appears at a moral level, level that should ( in my opinion) stay unchanged no matter technological and scientifical development.

Everything is better in moderation. We've gotten too liberal with this stuff and people are getting excessive with their indulgences.
>If you truly think sex isn't supposed to be fun, I feel sad for you!
It should be fun with someone you really know and trust. People are having sex with someone they met 10 minutes ago now because they want to have fun. Sex shouldn't be taken so lightly and I hate seeing cultural trends and attitudes go in this direction.

Values are affected by more then just spreading them by previous generations. I think that the more important role in keeping our values lays in environment which results from various factors some of which are: economical situation, social mooda, political situation, cultural direction taken by current society. Overall society driven by necessity is more likely to keep stable conventional values which in case of morality are the way to go ( in my opinion).

Fair enough. But sex is definitely be enjoyed in whatever parameters are right for you.

Justify your claim, all you say is should this and shouldn't that, justify it. Show how it's related to anything bad going on, then show how it's the cause. Being ideological and essentially an Islamic fag gives you no credibility.

Did you mean this meme comic user

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