So, I have a chance to get some sex. But, it's with a realtivley obese chick and I don't really love her...

So, I have a chance to get some sex. But, it's with a realtivley obese chick and I don't really love her. She's also very clingy and if I do have sex with her, I'm probably gonna have to be her "boyfriend" and other social shit like that. Would any of you robots do it?

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yeah give it a whirl

Be her boyfriend til you get the ol rumpy pumpy, then give her the ol rumpy dumpy

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holy fuck
my new life mantra

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>Be her boyfriend til you get the ol rumpy pumpy, then give her the ol rumpy dumpy

fuckin kek mate, seconded so hard

I tried to bang a fat ugly once that I didn't desired in the least because I wanted to finally stop being a virgin. It was horrible and I couldn'T even get it up probably

i dont get it tf help me

rumpy pumpy - sex
rumpy dumpy - ghost her

>obese chick

no, what's the point. you may as well fuck a dog and say you got laid. same thing.

OP, establish what she wants first. If she requires dating as a condition for fucking her, don't fuck her unless you want to date her.

This is the best piece of advice you will likely ever hear.

This person is wise

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OP here again.
When I say she is clingy, I really mean it. She seriosly called me at 7 AM because "she's in love" and she constantly wants to text with me. It's absolutely unbearable, but I really want to lose my virginity. I don't go out much so it feels like it's a miracle I found someone who really likes me. The problem is that I'm probably in love with other girls. Altough, I have no confidence. I have low self asteem, like pretty much any internetdwelling nerd, and I really want to have sex. The problem is that I just can't see myself getting another girlfriend. I'm also afraid if I do the "rumpy dumpy" that she will actually become sad, and I would preferably not hurt her feelings. So far the two of us has kissed each other and I'm pretty sure he would be down for sex soon. So should I just dump her? I really can't see my future togheter with her, but I'm kinda desperate here.

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Where are you guys at? I'll take her.

just jerk off you fucking loser(s)

OP here
Yeah, lol. I know what you're thinking. "A clingy gf? What the fuck are you bitching about?" but I feel like this gf has to be loveable, I love nothing about this girl. We have pretty much no common interests. I like playing videogames and listening to hipster music (/mu/core), while she's a stable girl and likes reading 80 IQ literature. I would slay someone to get a clingy gamer-gf or something like that, but this is just annoying.

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I've never heard of that country.

Two thing, user:
1. Sex isn't this divine thing people are making it out to be. It's not that worth it
2. How obese is this chick, actually? Could you give a reference. Could you imagine being in a happy relationship with that person?

this, honestly, man

Honestly, I can't imagine it being a good relationship. I think I should probably break up with her.

She's not really that fat, more like "chubby", but she's been called a hippo by some bullies in her earlier years. She's also really short, and I'm more than two heads longer than she is. I'm around 6,2 feet.

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I thought about it
consider pic related

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Nice meme, I appriciate it. Altough, what do you mean by "ask 4 money"? You think this girl will give me money if i ask her?

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if shes willing to have sex with you
she'd be willing to give you money