Misaki Friday

How are you anons doing this week?

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I got diagnosed with down syndrome

How do you get diagnosed as an adult? Do you have to actually say "doc I think I'm rarted"

She won't come lad

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Misaki friday is dead... neor9k killed it... the old robots are dead or long gone..

I feel like shit, look like shit, have no motivation to do anything, no purpose, no future, 24, still live at home, sent over 200 job applications since last month and no replies, my family blames me for everything and generally depressed. The only reason I don't kys myself is because I love my dog, which is the only being who is happy to see me and keep me company.

I got a haircut and lost weight.
life still sucks but, it's getting better

I'm going to my autismo brother's school play, and I want to fucking die

remember how we made it to like Tuesday last time holy fuck never been so proud of robots like that in a long time

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we could've made it even further, but it reached the bump limit

It was a really good thread. I wonder why everyone posted at once.

how are you nazi guy?

>it is almost may 2018

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That was a damn fine thread.

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Tfw wake up from nightmares but it's okay because compared to reallife it was pleasant.

It stops being dead when people start streaming again.

everyday we suffer knowing misaki is getting pounded by chad

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Save me from this life Misaki

I'm pretty sure I bumped that thread at least 40 times over the weekend

The Misaki thread...ISSA BACK.

I went outside. Didn't feel good. Went back inside.

Read Nietzsche and become a man or perish as a weak!

Didn't he eventually go insane?

He fucking sucks, tho. There's a reason only edgy angst-ridden teenage faggots eat his shit up.

He saw a horse carriage driver beating his exhausted horse on the street. Nietzsche then ran up to the horse, hugged him and yelled "YOU AND I ARE THE SAME!" He was admitted to a mental institute and never spoke again for the rest of his life. At least I believe that's Nietzsche, or I might be getting him mixed up with a different philosopher.

go outside, walk to some place for food

Can confirm, that was Nietzsche. Also nice trips.

trips for our perfect angel

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i'm getting a shit ton of visual snow recently for seemingly no reason. I hope I'm not going crazy.

the thing is that the new "robots" think that they're fitting in and they aren't because they refuse to lurk first. it's so obvious but there's no point in calling them out because there is already way too many of them. and ironically it's the ones calling others "newfags" that are new to the board. it seems like r9k has been sliding off faster than usual especially since shuabiy.

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Misaki is my lord and saviour

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my weeks keep getting more repetitive as i get older

user-kun, you do know what it means, right?

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we are here take a wild fucking guess

>tfw no qt girl will ever knock on my door and take me away from this lonely monotonous life
>I have to go out and find her myself
Honestly even if she came to me I might reject her out of self hatred

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Oh my god it's friday again? We just had friday last week.

I grew up in TN and did a book report on "object oriented analysis". I had no fucking clue what any of it was about and barely even comprehended the book. Luckily, so did my redneck teachers.

A+ education system down there.

she didn't came
she never comes

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That's exactly what I did. There's a busy intersection and I felt so awkward standing there waiting in the open. Interacting the the clerk at the store went good though. Walking back some dude with sunglasses walking by kept looking at me, I feigned a smile and did a nod but I probably looked weird. I think I'll keep my outings to nighttime / twilight from now on. Much more comfortable.

>been drunk or high off my ass all week
>and the week before that
>and before that etc
>no job
>no drivers license
>no skills
>no interests
Someone fucking kill me please


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Misaki Misaki Misaki Misaki

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They say if you believe hard enough she'll come knocking at your door.

>it's another "Misaki thread dies early" episode

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i wouldn't open that door if i were you

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It feels like friday was just yesterday.

>mother interrogates me about my drinking again

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I've always wanted to walk out at night but, I never came around to it

>go on one date with grill
>goes pretty well, laughing at basically everything I say, obvious physical attraction
>next day says she doesn't feel an emotional connection (on the first date?), offers friend zone
>say no thanks not looking for more friends
>calls me later that night completely wasted crying and talking about what a catch I am or something asking me if I hate her
>tell her how could I possibly hate her if there's no emotional connection
>tell her to get over herself and just say what she wants
>doesn't know what she wants
>I'm not playing that game
>block her

why are women like this

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Thinking about tossing in the towel.
Thinking Sunday, miles well finish off the week.

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Drink 2 bottles of 151 grain.
You'll die 3 minutes after you finish the second one

No you won't. Just accept it.

I'm thinking what I might do instead if I can find some is get a half gram of heroin and a fifth of vodka, drink all the vodka then shoot the half gram in one shot, I don't have any opioid tolerance at the moment so that ought to do the trick

i have discovered a waifu who may be a flawed 3DPD reincarnation of misaki

It's comfy until you accidentally walk inti the same woman multiple times. Very awkward, I probably spooked her a little. I try to stick to alleyways now. Even less chance of encountering someone that way.

Make sure it kills you. To a full 5 grams

there's no way that much would fit in the syringes I have

What if Misaki knocks on your door on Monday, user?

Snort the excess
Anyway, I wish you a good death user.

>want whataburger
>don't want to leave room
>can't afford it anyways

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The hateful things.

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Waifus are by definition not 3DPD

Meow, meow. user, why don't you come outside and play?

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I'm too busy preparing to get drunk in my room alone. Fuck off.

You can't fool me. You're no real catgirl.

I'm tired of myself. of not ever being good enough I'm tired of failing everyday I just want to be perfect

I had a Misaki a while ago. This stupidly attractive girl miles out of my league would meet me at the park. We'd talk, smoke a few cigarettes, and swing on the swings. Nothing ever, or could ever come of it. She was far too attractive.

It was nice for a while though.

Oh Sato, you can't stay in your room forever dummy, you still have to go to counselling. If you don't you have to pay the fine!

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Just to let you all know every single poster on this thread fell for the show's bait including myself.
Quite funny when you think about it. I stopped caring though

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>Implying I ever watched NHK

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watched or read NHK doesn't matter. It still applies user. Hell it applies x10 in the manga.

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I miss the group rewatches. Not only the weekly one, but the few "non-scheduled" ones too. Maybe one can be setup next Friday?

How far will we get it this week anons

Hoping for Misaki Sunday at least this time around.

That would be great.


The hatefulest.

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>years later and this thread is still being posted
Reminder: The point of Misaki is to show that no one except yourself is capable of pulling you out of whatever depressive shithole you're in. You'll never get a Misaki, and even if you did, it wouldn't be the sole solution to your problems. On top of that, Misaki was a selfish underage girl who took on Satou as a "project". She's not an angel.

>tfw literally a 22 year old NEET as I'm typing this up
I'm realizing the irony.

>faggot didnt understand NHK
Thanks for the input retard.

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Doesn't mean a man can't dream or that I've given up. Misaki is just originally best girl, she has flaws, but nothing she does is to spite people. She sees herself as something so low that only a NEET could possibly love her. Despite all that though, she is scared and only someone like Sato can make her feel safe. I find comfort in that thought.

If you're saying I don't understand NHK then how about you elaborate instead of responding with a low-effort shitpost.

You find comfort in the fact that someone believes you're almost out of their league? Man that seems narcissistic to me. Being a piece of shit but still wanting to feel superior without having to put in the work. Honestly, working on oneself is the pathway to greener pastures. Put in the actual effort into being someone more desirable.

>You find comfort in the fact that someone believes you're almost out of their league?
No I find comfort in the fact that Sato makes Misaki feel safe, makes her feel complete. That Misaki finds someone that doesn't abuse her and will treat her right.

So what you got out of this anime is a desire to become an emotional crutch for someone?

That's not the only thing I got out of the anime retard,I just thought it was something sweet. Even though the love plot of the anime is only surface level it is something that made me feel like I've never felt in a long time.

It's interesting how every single one of these threads devolves into the exact same argument about the point of NHK.

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Will we get to monday again this week?

NEETdom is a different experience for everyone, so it's not so surprising there would be so many interpretations of it.

I don't care about the "point" of NHK though, it has multiple meanings. I just hate condescending anime experts() that think they know best.The show is entertaining and makes me appreciate life more, that's what matters.

Completely agree, I just find it funny how there's always that one guy that starts an argument in the exact same way

I hope you find your Misaki user, I think I might have found mine *fingers crossed*.

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Thanks user, I wish you luck with your Misaki too.

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>tfw buzzin hard and feel the urge to preach the black spiral




misaki misaki misaki originally

originally Misaki

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Who is Misaki and what is NHK
why is 3D life so imperfect and unclean
>ywn life a perfect anime life in a perfect anime world with a perfect anime waifu

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what do you anons mean by that?

Any anons /signed the contract/?

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How come the contract doesn't say anything about party B not changing her feelings?

Maybe she didn't consider that when she wrote it? I don't really know.

How do I know Misaki isn't gonna change her mind and fuck Tyrone?

I think you're missing the point here.