I miss old internet so fucking much

I miss old internet so fucking much.

I miss chat rooms, I miss warez sites, I miss eMule, I miss AOL, I miss MySpace, I miss those times when internet was fresh, new, full of content, when you could find guides for any game you wanted written by a passionate 17 y/o kids, when you shouldnt tell strangers your name because it was considered "dangerous". I miss being able to tell people whatever I thought just because I could, without internet police. I miss times when I could have 20 different accounts and none of them was anyhow connected to the rest. I miss being able to be totally anonymous because nobody actually gave a flying fuck about what's happening here. I miss being able to download shitload of movies, games, music and being literally untrackable. I miss times when Internet was like a Wild West. It felt so fucking fresh and so good, god.

I miss it so fucking much. Internet now is just an empty shell, it's Television 2.0 for goyim, instead of CNN you have Instagram, instead of CNBC you have Facebook.

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Other urls found in this thread:


dumping some nostalgia

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damn adshit

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I totally originally origanum feel you. Fuck you r9kbot

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what desktop linux users used

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Start browsing the deep web then, just watch out for pedos.

Teamspeak IS the old Internet
You sappy cuck.
Just look at their ancient layout

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one of the many CD-burning programs for windows

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>misses aol
No you don't

divx was very comfy

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Fuck man, I totally forgot about alcohol.
This was big so fucking long ago, thanks for the memories.

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I used to download weird games made by hobbyists on download.com I don't think anyone still has those games
I had a procedurally generated 3d snowboarding game, beer bottle shmup, a weird text/ascii looking roguelike in an office building it would be cool to play those again

I remember Alcohol and CloneCD
good ol 2004

Getting that over 200k speed

Felt good man

Oh man, I remember when Ive left my PC on all night long to download first CD of Icewind Dale 1 from Peer2Mail... god it was such a long time ago, 13, maybe 14 years ago? ahh damn...


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more AOL CDs

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more of the same AOL CDs

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fug emule, spent too much time dling shit, also that nostalgic media player icon

AOL CDs in DVD cases

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The worst thing I realized recently was that in new computers they dont put DVD-ROMs anymore, even in desktops

Nobody uses it anymore, you can download everything

fuck me, that hit me right in the feels

those gaming websites with really crowded layouts and forums that died in 2009 but had those 3 or 4 legendary users

enough AOL CDs

time to connect


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>old internet

are sure you're not just nostalgic for your childhood from like 10 years ago

5.5 years of free internet in that image.

The internet is still the wild west in comparison in what it'll be in the future. I doubt anything will be anonymous and it'll be impossible to pirate tv shows and movies

>Myspace: Founded/Launched August 1, 2003; 14 years ago

>Facebook: February 4, 2004; 14 years ago

Wait, what? I always assumed FB was no earlier than 2007...

This is not ancient old but anybody remember when Miniclip put Runescape on their website and there was a lot of hatred towards miniclippers because people thought they were casuals who would ruin the game by pestering Jagex to make the game easier for them? I remember.

you don't miss the old shit internet but rather your happy life

First few years you had to have a .edu email address so it wasn't crazy popular

>So easy to use, no wonder it's #1!

Ease of use is now the rule for the mass normie adoption.

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I posted recently in one of these threads on /b/ and what I found was that most of the people reminiscing about the good ol' days weren't really that in love the technology, per se, but more with that period of their lives. I would love to go back 2001 or so, when Napster was still getting attention in the news as the first famous file sharing network and people were downloading Nirvana songs labeled as Pearl Jam by 13 year old newfag uploaders. But I can't say that things were really so great back then, especially in light of how shitty connection speeds were and how prevalent malware was. It's more that I'm nostalgic to be that young and be able to have a second chance at that period of my life.

Still, here's an AOL pic for you, OP. Add it to your folder.

>The internet is still the wild west in comparison in what it'll be in the future. I doubt anything will be anonymous and it'll be impossible to pirate tv shows and movies
I wish you were wrong about this I have to agree. Sites like Jow Forums won't even fucking exist. Or at least, not in any recognizable form.

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this, and even when it did open itself to the general public it was still based on connecting with people from your current school or your old high school or whatever. Myspace was for everyone and anyone.

Now that I'm old as shit I seen facebook change over the years and the userbase too, it started off for college kids but now it's for your 65 year old aunt to post pictures of her cats, while college kids are mostly using instagram or whatever.

Amen, couldn't have said it better.

I have an old computer in my parents basement that I haven't ever used since 1999. I'm a little curious to turn it on but I'm afraid the nostalgia will be overwhelming (pretty sure it has all my ancient porn downloads, icq chat logs and other shit on it). Either that or the HD is dead which would also be heartbreaking. Too bad I'm not there now, I would fire it up and post screenshots of it.

>2004 was 14 years ago

This post is 100% original

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OP here
I remember that back in 2005 I burned a CD with my Morrowind saves and some porn "in case I'll ever need those saves again"

I still have that CD. Actually I have lots of old CDs with my and my brother's stuff from early 00s, old gaming magazines, too many feels my man, too many feels

do it for us, upload some neat shit

i miss when everybody was outside doing stuff instead of being on their computers. there's skateboard marks wax marks on a curb. nobody skateboards anymore.

>20 years ago
>see people get banned from IRC chatrooms for doing nothing wrong
>try IRC once again recently
>within minutes see someone get banned for doing nothing wrong

Is it just me?

I miss Altavista, mIRC and ICQ. I miss not having to register, I miss not having to be the product.

Chatroom death is what killed it, forums were rampant with control fream moderation and had little cliques I was part of a few groups that died when everyone moved to facebook. Non irc chat had no moderation so more trolling I used to obsess over this 32yo women when I was 13.

>there will never be flash animation resurgence
>albino blacksheep, newgrounds, and miniclip are all dead

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You certainly type like someone who is accustomed to communicating in chat.

I'll never forget MSN's Instant Messenger. Everyone was on that shit, and the games & customization kept me entertained for hours.

come here r9kfags

I tried to sit through the first Perfect Kirby but the pacing was just so slow.

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TFW Torrenting is legal and you live in the country with the freest internet ^^

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The internet has always been shit. Only roasties and SJWs came to the play

oh shit i forgot what this was called and was looking for it
do you remember the one with those 2 guys and there was this hot blonde girl?

this reminded me of every kid who had a computer had to have me come over and look at it because eventually it became so bloated with wasted disc space it couldn't even run anymore.

and i remember my friends always blue screening on random shit then blaming me for it.

oh and putting shit on a disc and giving it to people and they were too stupid to figure out how to navigate the disc.

they had to invent smart phones because people are straight up too stupid for PC, but no one will admit it.

Are you from North Korea?

I have some old freeware games archived on some hd.

Long story for another day.

I used to type long walls of text only to realise nobody is interested anymore. People need their vlogs and twatter updates. I played a lot of vidya too and the sites were more interesting.