Is this about right?

Is this about right?
Where would you put yourself (not regarding to religions, but overall)?

I am a typical chaotic neutral.

Attached: religions.png (2000x1606, 1.08M)

>Better than Islam

>Better than Islam

Explain how they are not. Especially Judaism (Torah one of course).


Garbage trash
>the rest

I guess so? But honestly m8, Satanism is literally something people came up with to scare their parents. I like the ideas of satanism, but thinking that it's "chaotic evil" because of some stupid panic in the 80s where everyone thought D&D was satanic and violent is retarded.

You're the one making the assertion Islam is inferior

>evil isn't better

Satanism is Chaotic Good

Lol, you are making the assumptions that this chart is about which religion is better over the other.
Hinduism is about becoming a better person, so are Christianity and Buddhism. Theoretically so are Islam and Judaism
but then they have hundreds of other pages about killings etc. (in the sense that they are justified for one or another reason).

>Satanism is Chaotic Good

>Faith system that justifies evil deeds if they are "in the right cause", and by "cause" it means GETTING TO THE TOP
>ANY good


Well, I guess we need to be specific about what brand of Satanism we're discussing. You're describing LaVeyan Satanism. Other brands like Lucifarianism are entirely humanist.

Oh yeah, I was definately not talking about Luciferianism which is close to Gnosticism
and both are good (possibly as you said - Chaotic), I was talking about what most know Satanism as.

>Not True Neutral


Kill yourself

>True Neutral: Paganism
>I have no strong feelings one way or another, therefore I must worship sun gods and make human sacrifices

Paganism is too nebulous a concept (so many varieties, pagan is just a catch-all used by non pagans or a meme term for new age fuckwits) and agnosticism doesn't state anything, so no reason why it shouldn't replace paganism as true neutral (how is agnosticism necessarily chaotic?).

>>Not True Neutral

Well, no, because all of the 3 faith systems that I labeled as good basically want you to become
the best YOU.
That's what I was basing it on and at the very least, what those faith systems STAND for,
not how they were used and what they did or anything like that.

Religion-wise, Lawful Good of course. I wish to serve God and follow in the steps of his only son, Jesus Christ

Where I actually land (non-religion)? Lawful Neutral

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-05-01-23-27-1.png (1517x1080, 1.1M)

>islam is neutral evil

You are not talking about real paganism. Human sacrifices were not a regular part of ALL of paganisms,
only those who were corrupted by no other than THE TRIBE did that (like ancient Egypt).

>how is agnosticism necessarily chaotic?
Yes, maybe paganism and agnosticism should be swapped. Depends really how you look at it.
I look at it this way: Paganism - lots of gods, no real rules, no one super god, doesn't tell you
to get good or do evil deeds, it's very neutral. Agnosticism on the other hand is very "all over the place", some agnostics believe in god more so than the others, some even take from other
religions, it seems like they are mostly disconected from any other group, like they
will agree with one on one thing but not the other, so that group will don't like them for it,
and so will another because they agreed with that one thing with others.

but in Buddhism, to attain Buddahood, one realises there is no real "you"
and good/bad are just constructs

elliot, the son of kek is beyond alignments

>i'm an atheist
>my actions are gennerally laweful neutral/good but my philosophical starting point is chaotic neutral
you might want to switch the two Judaism's, have you read Deuteronomy 13, it's pretty fucked up

>you might want to switch the two Judaism's
Talmud is 100x what Torah is ;)

I feel like agnosticism should be lawful neutral because it's logical, and paganism should be chaotic neutral because it's just for edgy religio's.

Go home youn wee cunt

replace lawful neutral with Gnosticism

My religion would fall under paganism I guess.

>responsible for most of the evil and major catastrophes throughout history

kindly kys you stupid subhuman

>I feel like agnosticism should be lawful neutral because it's logical
Then you clearly don't know what you are talking about...

logical =/= lawful

Gnosticism would be more of a chaotic good

>only those who were corrupted by no other than THE TRIBE did that (like ancient Egypt).
yeah those jews really got to the aztecs

Read In a very original way

Do you really think Jews didn't get to Americas? Explain why their gods all of a sudden
became lesser gods to one that ruled them all and was called IA/YAH etc. Listen to Truth Hertz podcasts.

Secularism/Agnosticism is the only good, all these religions brought evil to the world and are inherently flawed

OP here and I agree. BUT for the 523525723852nd time... I made this chart by "how they were on paper" in other words "how they were supposed to be".

alignment is a fucking cancerous mechanic you fucking nigger

No, that is the meme version of buddhism. In actual buddhism, there is an extreme emphasis on compassion and acting morally.

>Christianity wants you to become the best you

heartiest kek I had all day

>places Buddhism in good
>tells you to give up all pleasures
Are you pretending to be retarded?

>anything but lawful
Have you not checked how fucking authoritarian that shit is?

Logical is lawful though, it is literally following rules.

Combine both Judaisms under lawful evil. Bump Islam up to lawful neutral.Split Christianity into Fundamentalism and Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is lawful good, Fundamentalism is neutral evil. Get rid of Satanism (it's just Judaism under another name) and replace it with atheism. Move agnosticism to true neutral, and put Paganism in Chaotic neutral. Then rename Paganism to include non-satanic occultism.

Depends on what sort of Satanism you're describing?

here's the graphic

Attached: christianity eat a snickers why you get a little john hagee when youre hungry.png (2000x1606, 1.06M)

it's actually somewhat surprising that this was original
i thought i was going to get muted

Islam should be Lawful Good because they punish adultery and whoring around. Christianity would be Chaotic Evil because they allow roasties to get out of line and fuck over men. Daily reminder Jesus literally saved a cheating roastie from being stoned.

I would say catholcism is lawful good but Protestantism chaotic good

The Abrahmic faiths all claim to be lawful good, they are lawful neutral. I would say combine them into lawful neutral.
That gives you two free spots to include Scientology and more wacky stuff

You're thinking of larpy laveyan satanism, which is essentially autistic atheism.

Look up the order of nine angels for a real satanic cult.