Men pee and cum out the same hole, so why didn't God just give women a vaganus? It's only fair

Men pee and cum out the same hole, so why didn't God just give women a vaganus? It's only fair.

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cause men don't shit out there dick you virgin

wait guys don't women pee from their vaginas? wtf

theres a small hole for pee and a bigger one for reproduction purposes

I like having three holes. Keeps things neat and tidy.
Although I do wish I could pee and have the tampon soak it up.

But then the baby and benis get all dookie :(

thats fucked up, i dont want a gf anymore

how old are you?


I stuck me peewee in the woman urethra once and it sucked big time

wtf im 27 and i just learned women have two holes in their vagina

>wait guys don't women pee from their vaginas? wtf
Never change Jow Forums. Never change...

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jesus christ dude
pls be trollin'

i swear to god im not trolling, im flabbergasted i never knew this

That's normal if your a virgin like me. O know it just because im a med student...

Kill all roasties.

no bulli, this is a christian family board

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But even with those three holes, vaginas are way grosser and less clean than our one hole peni

How would we know this?

That's not funny. I always thought that until a few years ago :(

did you not have a health class in high school or something?

Last time I checked guys didn't poop out of their penis.

>baginas are dirty!!!1!

I personally had a shitty class that didn't lurk long enough on female anatomy to explain more than 'hurr vaginas and ovaries exist' because they didn't want parents to think they were corrupting the poor children or something.

They are though. They bleed and produce weird stuff. sometimes my gf forgets to flush her tampon and it's so gross

hm.. that's too bad man.
i had a good health class program/teacher. it was awkward as a teenager but i guess it ended up being good in the end.

>my gf

alright dude haha you got me nice one upvoted

i didn't say i had a gf?

>flush tampon
rip your plumbing

And you think dicks are less gross? Semen is the most effective vector for pretty much every STD.
>not thinking menstrual blood is kinda sexy

Yeah in mine we had to label the vulva and internal anatomy for females, and the male anatomy (internal and external).
>tfw know what the seminal vesicles are
>tfw gonna knock a guy's socks off

i remember having some weird discussion in a small group of students in health class at like 16-17 years old about penises and vaginas. that's why i know about them i've sadly never seen one in real life.