Tfw literally everyone who is moderately right-wing and against degeneracy is a christcuck

>tfw literally everyone who is moderately right-wing and against degeneracy is a christcuck
>tfw Jow Forums is a board of christcucks
>tfw fit in nowhere

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Wrong desu there are plenty of non religious right wing people
Also pagans

I'm not religious and I'm anti degeneracy

most people against "degeneracy" are traditionalists, and also are (((believers)))
sometimes when you're woke, you just don't fit in with all the autistic people that cant find a decent middle-ground to politics.
it's hard to explain to all the conservative, and sometimes left-wing people that im a pro-gun right-wing liberal so i get the tfw fit in nowhere part.

christcucks are the reason there is so much degeneracy. Turn the other cheek and worshipping a jew is literal cuckery. Paganism is the true religion of whites.

What's Sam's current channel?

I'm in the same boat but also a completely different boat cause I do have leftist beliefs like universal health and free education education and shit like and even social-leftist beliefs like immigration is perfectly fine and normal.

but then when I try to talk with other leftists they start bringing up shit about trannies and gender that is where they completely lose me.

that's why it's so strange to me that there are people who are 100% leftist or 100% right wing and they vote and think exactly along the party lines without any deviance like they're some NPC characters from a shitty RPG game that just came pre-loaded with those beliefs.

>right-wing liberal


>tfw literally everyone who is moderately right-wing and against degeneracy is a christcuck
Not really.

It's almost like.. right wing beliefs are inherently stupid.. so they attract stupid and irrational people like religious retards.. woah

million dollar extreme. same as ever, right?i am within the range of liberal. liberalism starts in the center and reaches out to both wings. i am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. im also pro-gun although i want some gun laws to change. for example, in GA you can buy a gun from anyone and the only way anyone without paperwork. not a fan of that. also it's really easy to get a gun license and i'd like smarter people to have guns.

Left wings are unnatural though

It's almost like... the bible is REAL and like... christcucks were right ALL ALONG... WOAH

He said moderately right-wing. Moderates on both sides are usually pretty logical and not super annoying.

>It's almost like

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>random book written and altered throughout hundreds of years is proof because people wrote about it
fuck man that means spider-man is real that's awesome

>and socially liberal

in what sense though

It sucks how most people are just on a spectrum from hardcore Christian to atheist, with some Christians actually being atheists, and some atheists actually being Christian. I'm an occultist, and I draw heavily from Hinduism. You'd think the LARPagans would love it, and they are welcoming to "Hindus." But holy shit it's all just a lifestyle thing, and not an actual religious thing to them. It's another case of someone calling themselves something, but actually being closer to an atheist.

It's virtually impossible to find an actual metaphysician.

holy shit that's the best argument I ever heard in my life HOLY SHIT YOU CHANGED MY WORLD VIEW lmao NEVER HEARD THAT ONE

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Pro-cannabis (not sure if that counts?), pro-LGBT rights, some other stuff. Those are just two of the more generic things I think of.

alright fella i get it

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I really don't think this is true at all. There are tons of atheist right-wingers, but they don't make atheism a part of their identity so you're less likely to notice them.

Nice argument, delusional christcuck. Your religion is no more valid than any other.

End yourself you sandnigger worshipping fucktard

Fundamental religious values are pretty much ingrained into right wing belief systems. It's hard to be an atheist right winger unless you are only right wing economically and socially left/centrist.

>being in a simulation within a real world that's a futuristic utopia is both more logical to believe and infinitely more fun to think about
why do they limit themselves like this?
atheists btfo

There are plenty of right wing secularists. Most Christians are fine people, just avoid any cucks that don't support white nationalism.

Not him but you can be an atheist and still be anti immigration and support western culture and be fairly anti degenerate. I am.

He has HydeWars as well but he's got a paywall for it now.

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I'm right wing and atheist along with all of my friends. It's not uncommon to be atheist and right wing, it's just that left wing atheists are the only ones who are obnoxious/autistic enough to talk about their non-belief in a higher power.

I mean you're a meme of a human. Most humans are more consistent than you with their beliefs and try not to hold blatant contradictory views without at least some self reflection.

Jesus loves you OP

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>rejecting sand nigger cult and sand niggers themselves is inconsistent

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Anti degeneracy atheist reporting.
You just know the world has gone to shit when you gotta side with the faggots that believe in sky daddy

Being atheist means you should reject less evolved cultures. If anything it's contradictory to be left wing and atheist.

still no actual arguments...sigh, you hedonistic nihilists are so self-destructive and pitiful. Why do I even bother replying? I hope you see the truth before it's too late.

You don't know what these words mean, stop using them.

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No it doesn't. Objectively evaluating humans based on their own merit is absolutely the way to go. "Less evolved" cultures have produced some of the most meaningful contributions to the west economically, technologically, etc, etc. You are just an emotional moron.

you can do better than this, user


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Merit? You mean killing, drug using, and not being able to build a functioning society?
Less evolved cultures have no purpose to us.

Yes, killing, drug using, and not functioning is why California is the 6th largest economy in the world. God you are a dimwit.

just become a commie user that way you can behead all the christcucks


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hedonistic: only seeking pleasure and self enjoyments in life, often disregarding others to achieve it, no care for much else
nihilistic: believing life and everything is meaningless, all religions are false. Pretty sad state
I didn't use them wrong and I could've easily looked it up so? Your post is just dumb, sorry sweetie

brainlet2 orig

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>he thinks california is good because of the shitskins

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The state has more people in it than Canada, he's using population and government thefts as proof of "success". Fucking autism, I swear.

You used them incorrectly, and then you defined them incorrectly. Is your IQ double digits?

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none of these maps say anything about his statement though

>population and government thefts
fucking what?

The nazi larping was forgivable, by having people conform their souls to what's basically a demon is fucked up.
I've had to deal with this shit my whole life and I remember what life was like back in the 80's when parents were burning kid's records and books because of (((witchcraft))).
Fuck Jow Forums. And as far Jesus goes, he's either a world class trickster or a tyrant.

uh no sweetie I used them correctly and defined them correctly... sorry but you're wrong here :/

You don't have to be anything other than rational to be against degeneracy.

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Nice generalization there.
How long have you browsed pol? Because bit everybody is a "christcuck"

>subhuman calling other people shitskins

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>7 round mag tube
D r o p p e d

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You're looking at this backwards. It's not that right wing values derive from religion, it's that religions which adopt right wing values are more successful in sustaining and propagating themselves. Pronatalism, ingroup favoritism, suppression of promiscuity and sexual deviancy, and enforcement of monogamy, these are simply effective group strategies. These ideas are not inherently religious, but the religious groups which adopt them are more likely to thrive, so most major world religions that exist today advocate them. It's ultimately about maintaining group cohesion and creating future generations; belief in god is incidental.

>If US hispanics were their own country, they would have a higher GDP than India

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>wanting to fit in with any political movement
dumb retard

>he's this mad about being a subhuman


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hello sub 100 iq, still think you're smart for some reason?

as an outsider, I don't think he has no presented anything implying being mad. He has just presented some good numbers while you're trying to shut down the conversation.

You mean every reason? I have yet to meet a single right winger who wasn't a complete and utter retard.

you are really dumb if you think any of these maps has anything to do with his statement kek

You need to leave the basement to meet people silly.

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Go back to reddot you autistic kike controlled subhuman.

where do you stand on the political grid? im right wing but i think we might have a lot in common cause of my liberal beliefs... what are your stances on stuff? unless you're a commie or something like that... then you're just retarded

I still don't see anything of value coming out of you.

>not wanting to retake The Holy Land Experience

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I'm center left I think. I agree with Bernie on a lot of stuff but that's mostly because I'm european myself and he's the only US politician who seems to be making sense. Democratic socialist I guess. I think republicans are total cancer in the US.

Our republicans are pretty retarded. I took a test recently that shows what potential presidential candidate has most in common with me and it was Elizabeth Warren. I did however support Bernie in the last election. I was pretty disappointed about Trump winning but I believed in the whole "4D chess" meme before people were even talking about it and hoped for the best. I assumed he was doing stupid shit just for attention and votes... Turns out he was just retarded this whole time and now we have to deal with whatever nonsense he does.

Because you ARE nothing of value shitskin.

Alienmode is his new main.

Do you follow shows like Secular Talk and Majority Report? I think that's one of the ways to support that cause if you believe in it. Staying informed and making sure you are there when it matters.

I'm white. Still no contribution by you

I've seen a bit of Secular Talk, but I haven't paid much attention to political channels recently

No it doesn't mean that at all. Being atheist means you don't believe in the existance of a god. Anything else you add to are is just your own personal beliefs.