Why aren't you a Taoist yet, Jow Forums?

Why aren't you a Taoist yet, Jow Forums?

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not asian, you're supposed to follow the religon of your ancestors.

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because the tao that can be named is not the true tao



but why am I supposed to, user?

he believes this because of social conditioning

Turn to Christ anons. Do not listen to this heathen.

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>believe in fantasy ideas rather than actually being aware of reality

This is one pathetic post. Very orignal, though.

Mary's kind of hot. Nice.

To Iazy too

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>implying you even need to do anything

Because I'm a Hindu. :D

wot is taoism?

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a finger pointing at literally nothing

because I don't follow shit made up by other people, if you do you are stupid

Go back r/atheism or youtube pre 2011. The grown ups are talking.

The existence of God is evident from the inherent order found in nature and the clear physical distinction between consciousness and matter. Human being are minds emerging from matter. The universe is matter emerging from mind. The evidence for Jesus existence is incredibly impressive for 2000 years ago and millions of people are affected by Him and are touched by His love.

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What is the true tao then?

Philosophy is bullshit.

What's so special in Taoism?

>implying i'm an atheist
there might be a god, or many.
doesn't matter
>thinks consciousness and matter are separate
jesus existed, and he'd be wondering why so many christians took all of his teachings literally, as if his dad really will torture you in his basement
if you got jesus, buddha, and lao tzu in a room together, they'd all have a pleasant conversation and probably agree on pretty much everything, just with different context.

>tfw no Mary gf

because my God is the most powerful, one True God, and everyone will know it when that day comes

Catholics are not Christian, but you can be if you leave your Roman sun cult

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I'm an optimal nihilist

ok, how about you become muslim, just wanna clrerify some things, the terrorists are actually NOT doing anything that would make god happy, they're doing sin by killing people, changing the words of god by what is written in the qur'an, and let's be honest, they're a fucking cult, now islam is actually the last religion by "god" actual and only god which makes it the most updated i would sy but that's not really the matter wht im trying to say is that you should read the qur'an as it has more info about religion as a whole

i hope you're talking about the one from the actual 3 religions, judism, christianity or islam

Oh but I already am.

i don't get this autistic obsession with christians to denounce other christians as not-christian. i mean, you believe in the same guy, just think of it as a different branch instead of "disgusting hellbound cultist" or whatever. jeez

Because Christ-chan is kawaii desu.

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>tfw when she cucks you with god, the ultimate chad

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There's only one big-G God, friend.

>autistic obsession
Its zealousness out of love for your fellow man. When you see your brothers and sisters being intentionally misled by wolves in sheep's clothing you have to save them.


Ezekiel 33:6
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

I bet those same terrorists can point you to sections of the qur'an that they think justifies their violent behavior and they would be just as right because the only understanding you can get from a text that is so subjective is your own opinions. Same with all the retarded sects of christianity that think they are just as correct.

God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through him. People who believe in Gods Son are not judged guilty. Those who do not believe have already been judged guilty, because they have not believed in Gods one and only Son. (John 3:17, 18, NCV)

I am the way the Truth and the Life NOBODY COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME.

> the religon of your ancestors

how far back do I go because I'm pretty sure my ancestors worshipped cave paintings and the sun

What is it about Christians that makes them so autistic? They foam at the mouth at the mere mention of other religions, yet hardly know anything about those religions. They always cite the fact that everyone but their niche denomination is going to hell, but they don't seem to indicate that they actually care about the people they're preaching to at all.

Absolutely this. There is no basis for anyone being this fervently set in their religious mindset besides blind dumb faith. I mean they call themselves sheep of the shepherd. Most likely with no self-awareness of how dumb that makes them sound.

at least we don't have a shit load of them, i think islam only has like 3 to 18 of them at most but compared to christianity its a bloody mirracle

Cus I'm a lazy cunt already why the fuck would I follow some Chinese cunt telling me to be more lazy cuz laziness is the only way to fully appreciate the ebb and flow of the universe.

>believes this because of an old book, and not from direct experience

It's not really about being more lazy, it's about learning to be lazy while still doing non-lazy things.

Literally meaningless comment.

>Chink paradox troll philosophy
Not even once.

>learning to be lazy while still doing non-lazy things

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>it's about learning to be lazy while still doing non-lazy things.
So doing things half-assed?
Consider me the head monk.

think more like effortless effort
it's like entering a flow state
if you've ever played a game where you kinda forget everything else and get into ultra focus, and everything is pure reaction, as if it just seems to happen without you having any real part in it

>if you've ever played a game where you kinda forget everything else and get into ultra focus, and everything is pure reaction, as if it just seems to happen without you having any real part in it
I know that feel.
But you can't really apply that to everything because not everything is as simple as a videogame.

you can, actually
i run large industrial machines at work in a state of constant walking meditation, i get things done better and faster than everyone else there.
stop limiting yourself
you can meditate anytime, anywhere

>i run large industrial machines at work in a state of constant walking meditation
is it repetitive and have a non-changing pattern?
if so, then that's probably why.

you can't know until you've tried

I mean working the machines.
if it is, then you probably got used to the repetitive motions and do it with ease.
You can't really say the same about something like trucking where you have to deliver stuff to a new location you've never been to before.

Not really paradoxical. If you're doing something you enjoy then it doesn't seem hard, it's just a stronger version of that applied to everything.

i work cnc, and i'm not just a part loader/unloader, i actually have to program and setup/fix the machines and jigs. it's a very hands on, very attention oriented activity
you can meditate while driving too
you can meditate doing anything
just focus on what you're doing, whether it's breathing or driving

Everything is hard for me. Especially what I enjoy.

Well the point of that is to lessen it. Is breathing and blinking easy at least? If not then maybe you're totally unable to relate, but the idea is to get to a point where you see everything kind of like that: just a natural function that you can perform without effort.

I'm eastern orthodox, following the true way.

My way encompasses the tao.

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Breathing no. Blinking yes.

that which the "tao" represents cannot be encompassed
if you think it can, you have not understood it.
(not that you can ever fully understand it)
tao is just a pointer
whatever your way is, probably is the tao, just under a different name

>The existence of God is evident from the inherent order found in nature and the clear physical distinction between consciousness and matter


>The grown ups are talking


>your pic

see pic related

Watch this video if you think natural order unironically points to a creator.


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Well there you go then, that's the point. I don't think it's paradoxical, maybe it's impossible to do fully, but I think the idea behind it makes perfect sense and it can be done to at least some extent.


Show me daddy.

lmao paganposters are using a meme that christians made bahaha

>raising the literal best child on earth is somehow being a cuckold even though god didn't inseminate her

Well it's the whole, if the blind leads the blind- both fall into a pit.

So if you're at least 20- you know the whole mother theresa perfect saint going to heaven nonsense mentioned by Christians everywhere.

Her ties to paganism is.. hard to refute.

i have a neighbor who is a taoist and he gives me creepy cult-y vibes. he wears the hair bun thing and everything