Only lazy fucks who don't bother trying.
>have massive advantage
>blow it by not trying
>complain online
Only lazy fucks who don't bother trying.
>have massive advantage
>blow it by not trying
>complain online
>blacks have the lowest scores
well, thats objective proof for why im a robot. thanks OP
>black females reply to every other race more than their own
It's okay, dude, you can always become gay. Lots of gay guys have black fetishes.
black gay guys also have the highest concentration of hiv.
Blacks have it harder in terms of LTR for other races.
However black women really into black men. Also, blacks get bonus points for sluts and girls with black fetishisms.
E. Asians don't get either of those.
Indians have it worst because they have nig skin but small dicks (irl and stereotype). But their women also seem to prefer them.
can someone tell me how to read this chart?
>Mom, I posted it again
Nigger, are you serious?
Only good looking whites have "white advantage." Most white guys are inivisible to women just like unattractive men of all races are basically invisible. Whites are probably the most attractive race by consensus but that's basically by mean. Really good looking faggots like David Gandy here skew the perspective. The median white looks more like the guy here getting mogged by Gandy.
Oh fuck, I can't even find the pic of David Gandy standing next to the ugly, bald guy in medical scrubs. Someone else will post it.
rows are the race of men sending messages
columns are the race of women receiveing text messages and response rate
1st box shows that 100 asian men messages to asian females will have 22 replies. The box to the right witht the 34 means 100 asian men messages to black females will have 34 replies.
left side is males sending messages and up you see the response rate by females.
for example the replay rte by a black female by a black male is 28.
on right side are numbers which mean the average reply rate males got.
>Only good looking whites have "white advantage."
All whites have an advantage.
10/10 white will get more than 10/10 black
3/10 white can still land some 5/10 non-white when a 3/10 black is left with nothing since he ain't a multi-millionaire baller.
so as a white guy black women are my best shot at replying?
If thats the case why are black women so anti white male in media and social media?
"white advantage."
dude, I saw 7/10 guys dating 10/10 backs, latinas, Indian, Turkish, middle eastern chicks.
But only saw 8+/10 guys dating 1-5.5/10 white girls IRL.
Most white fat guys are vocels, because fatcel= vocel
I saw the ugliest white guys dating average looking minority women
I saw good looking minority guys don't even get a normal woman of their own race.
>10/10 white will get more than 10/10 black
Show me the evidence.
>3/10 white can still land some 5/10 non-white when a 3/10 black is left with nothing since he ain't a multi-millionaire baller.
Show me the evidence.
I've oddly have never seen a white guy date someone who wasn't white
I am from a hick Southern town and went to a small college but still
>fatcel= vocel
I suspect a lot of fatcels become fatcels in the first place because they were already incels and said "Fuck it, I might as well enjoy food since I'm never gonna enjoy pussy." Same thing with people who are obsessed with vidya, vaping, other neckbeard type things. They knew there was no hope, so they took solace wherever they could find it.
pic related. All non-white robots can tell you this.
Go were minority people are in bigger towns.
I saw enough progress pics from those guys that looked handsome after their face wasn't covered in fat and their body looked like a bag of doght.
The fact that the women replied doesn't necessarily mean that the date went well, or that sex happened. You need to look at the actual rates of fucking by race.
>You need to look at the actual rates of fucking by race.
This is what I particularly would love to see. Doubtful women would be honest though, even in anonymous data collection surveys.
I would fucking love to see how many women fuck everything they claim not to be attracted to when they think they can get away with it.
I've been to bigger cities
I don't know anyone personally from those cities though
no thanks
Same reason fat girls are, because they won't date them.
I'm starting to understand why black women are the way they are.
>progress pics
Only good looking people even post those. It's like basing your opinion of the average Jow Forums user by the people who post pics on /soc/.
I can see I'm not gonna change anyone's minds though, so whatever. Enjoy your pity party.
I thought women were obsessed with latino men considering their mixing statistics. And what is it about islanders that makes them so attractive to women of all races?
inherently flawed because it doesn't included that dating sites are primarily white
try again, sweetie
no wonder i got no matches on tinder half spic/asian here only whites get matches t b q h
wow i have so many advantages
hey, me to
we should start a club
but I don't have the "good" features of being white, i.e being tall and having money
Why don't women like hispanics? The statistics say you guys are the biggest racemixers.
>The statistics say you guys are the biggest racemixers.
that's because so many goblinos say that they're white
There's no such thing as a 10/10 black
This bullshit chart that's been posted forever is almost 10 years old and is based off statistics extrapolated from some second-rate dating site (not even Tinder). We don't have access to the methodology, we don't know the sample size or makeup of each group. One of the race/sex categories could have been stacked with fat ogres for all we know. The internet dating scene from a decade ago doesn't accurately model what goes on IRL today.
For example, tons of white females have bought wholesale into the SJW ideology or have absorbed it through Tumblr and university culture and wouldn't consider a looksmatched white male for a dating partner while they are bluepilled and in their prime (14-25). That's just one example
i'm not that guy, but that would be one fucked up club. holy shit.
>literally 12% advantage at most
>every male has shit chances but white males have slightly less shit chances, therefore it's impossible to not have a gf if you're white
>but that would be one fucked up club. holy shit.
made me smile
u rite
The reality is sadly a lot darker. They'll consider it and even date it, but they will fuck Tyrone, Abdul, Pajeet and even fucking Li Chang all the while.
They literally think they can do whatever they want now, and will threaten to break up if whitey tries to assert. Then if he tells her to fuck off she will just move onto an even more pathetic white beta who will allow her to.