Is being drunk a lie? Are people just lying that the alcohol makes them do things they normally wouldn't do?

Is being drunk a lie? Are people just lying that the alcohol makes them do things they normally wouldn't do?

I am not a drinker, besides maybe a small glass at a celebratory event or just passing on it altogether, I just do not drink on my free time. Maybe when I'm extra miserable I'll drink 4-8 oz of hard liquor just to get "drunk"
When I am drunk, I fall a lot, balance is completely off but I can still walk if I try hard enough unless I drank 7-8oz then I just collapse, probably fall asleep. However regardless of what degree of drunk I am, I am in complete control of my decisions, I still think the same. My brain doesn't change besides feeling a bit more comfortable, but I still would fuck random people, and would not strip, flash or do weird shit. I remember everything I said usually the next day. With how much control I have over myself as a light fucking drinker who gets drunk in MINUTES, how are people who regularly drink and get drunk not in control of their actions? Women saying they never consented or didn't mean what they said, same with men. The fuck? That's stupid. Sure they might have felt more comfy, numbed or tipping over, but that didn't force them to say YEAH FUCK ME or make them horny. I am definaltly not horny right now and I'm pretty drunk.

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>Is being drunk a lie?
>Are people just lying that the alcohol makes them do things they normally wouldn't do?
At least some of the time yes

>I am not a drinker
then shut the fuck up with your long ass post
get drunk and see what happens

People blame a lot of their actions on alcohol when possible
>chad: "lmao brooo i was so drunk"

>However regardless of what degree of drunk I am, I am in complete control of my decisions
Yeah, I feel the same. It makes me feel a bit more confident (probably why it's called liquid courage) and that's about it.

It depends on how drunk the women are, if they're practically black out drunk, then I could definitely see it as rape

It gets pretty weird when you have been drinking constantly for 10 hours or get drunk too quick. I mean if you take it easy it's pretty hard to lose control completely.

Yeah, a girl who drinks and goes out with friends to clubs/bars is a massive red flag, dude. Not worth the risk.

I think it's more the atmosphere, being drunk makes you feel good, so your more likely to go with the flow if the vibes are high and you are enjoying yourself.

there's no such thing as a behavior altering drug
ur motor skills can be changed, ur senses can be changed, but not your mind

t.drank hard liquor at 13, now i just drink beer to pass the time

you've clearly never done hard drugs before huh?

I can get pretty fucked up and start talking before thinking. Doesn't get me into trouble, because I still back up all "unnecessary" comments somewhere deep in mind, but I tend to regret dumb stuff I've said later. Didn't have blackouts, but vomited my guts out several times.

Dunno how people get so drunk they black out, but some? women's libido gets higher when they are tipsy. I assume that Stacys that get gangbanged and go "oh nooo, why did I do that, ooops" are actually in a bad relationship that was falling apart, so they decided that this experience is more valuable than sustaining relationship. Also the thought of not getting caught, but let's be realistic: the more people know, the higher the chance of truth getting out are. So dumb people making dumb mistakes.
Also, I would probably participate in gangbanging my gf. Or several girls, why not. Good thing this is an anonymous board.

Alcohol reduces inhibition if you drink enough. It won't change what you want, but you will be more honest about it.

you're an absolute waste of a bodyyou saying it changes u means ur a insecure fake fuck

I just said I am drunk right now but I can type and articulate fine. Only difference is I can barely walk, have to focus a lot more, and can probbaly fall down and die down the staires.

this is what i'm getting at here, i am drunk right now, am falling over every moment can barey sity up, but my mind is the same
if some guy said LETS FUCK i'd say no and stumble away or even go home

Attached: your average female.png (1802x730, 67K)

>I would probably participate in gangbanging my gf
so you're a cuck? lmao

>drinking to become drunk
>not drinking a little just to open up your blood vessels more and make masturbating even better
Normalfucks who abuse alcohol at stupid.

Attached: too smart for death skull.png (99x122, 48K)

Not if my penis gets to be inside her. That breaks the system and I will transcend to Chadhood and correct the world.

>Is being drunk a lie?

>Are people just lying that the alcohol makes them do things they normally wouldn't do?

The rest of your post reads as "well why doesn't it affect EVERYONE the same way it affects me?" Because everyone is different, you spastic.

>I just said I am drunk right now but I can type and articulate fine
>durrr why it affect me differently?

>but my mind is the same
You're always this dumb and insufferable?

if every other dick fucks her too and sees/cums all over her naked body you're a cuck
if you plan on dumping her you're not a cuck

>You're always this dumb and insufferable?
wow I can't ask a fucking question and try to understand what drunkness is without someone being a little bitch about it
you offended bruh? obviously I am not a retarded drinker, so why don't you just answr the question and then shut the fuck up[
whiny ass cunt

Lol it's pretty easy to tell when a stacy girl like this is clearly into BBC. Pretty sure like 90% of stacy girls like the one in OP's picture either cheat or will think of doing something with a black guy. I'd rather date some fat emo chick or something, at least I'd feel comfortable knowing they won't run off and get gangbanged by 12 niggers.

>whore goes out in a social setting where sex is expected
>drinks herself to the point where she black outs
>i was raped, please ruin that guy's life and put him in prison


>wow I can't ask a fucking question and try to understand what drunkness is
>gets answers
>disagrees with them
>claims to be drunk
>claims not to know what drunkenness is
What a fucking moron.

> obviously I am not a retarded drinker, so why don't you just answr the question and then shut the fuck up[
>whiny ass cunt
>can't type
>is hostile for no reason
>doesn't affect my mind AT ALL
lmfao you're at the point you don't even realise you're making a fool of yourself. Have a good one

do some DMT, ACID, DXM, PCP or Ketamine
itll change your thought process and behavior while you are high.
I do however agree that once you are sober if it has changed you then you are a weak willed individual.

Many people stay about the same, but it changes others. Some folks did a study about this.
I have never felt 'out of control' but it certainly lowers my inhibitions and introversion.

Then I will go down as a cuck, fuck it. Still had fun, maybe some regrets and awkwardness. We're all people here. Well, some of us are.

i looked up that guy...and i found his twitter it was active for like 2 days and his profile picture is still him kissing his girl and hes got 2 pictures of her up together one of them kissing and he said he forgives her and stuff and making all these posts trying to rationalize it then it just goes offline forever with the permanent posts and pictures showing his undying affection for her...

are niggers demons?

No, niggers are animals. Women are demons.

consider it done statically

Honestly, they did the guy a kindness, in their own barbaric niglike way. Imagine if they hadn't told him? Imagine if he had married that bitch and given years of his life to her?

I wish more guys would do this to cheating bitches. Nigs can be brutal, but sometimes that brutality is what people need.

but when the man does is it fine?
not being snarky just curious

wait shit..i think it's a troll page for a desperate attempt to get views idk...they didnt really do much after getting a nice amount of followers though

>Dunno how people get so drunk they black out
you act like this is hard lol

yeah i know but its crazy how people can treat other people like shit and not give a fuck and just be like oh fuck yeah a pussy and immediately get horny and be down to fuck i always have to be in the right mood to wanna fuck and i don't really like chicks whove just been filled recently if you know what i mean

Don't believe anyone in this thread that claims that alcohol will somehow change the way a person behaves. These people will use the "excuse" of alcohol to act out their barbaric intentions. That's why so many women spread their legs for anyone when they are drunk, because they are all just whores who have unanimously agreed to blame alcohol for their actions.

as an alcoholic, i get drunk because the inhibition makes me do only what i truly want to, to some degree.

I have never engaged in degeneracy under the influence other than other drug use, even at my most smashed, and desu, anyone who uses alcohol as an excuse to do terrible things is just terrible.

No, it's not fine. I don't think drinking/clubbing is acceptable behavior for humans in general. But you set your own standards for behavior in a partner, and I have no interest in what men do.

My last girlfriend did not drink and did not go out, she had very few friends other than work colleagues, that's why we lasted a year as opposed to a few weeks.

I wouldn't do it, dude, but sometimes if a pussy is on offer, if a girl is just throwing herself at you... it's very hard to resist, especially if you have that hive mentality from a group of you and are a nigger on top of it all.

In the old days, a girl like that would be strung up, regardless of the race of the guys she was throwing herself at.

There's simply no consequence for women behaving like that nowadays, and women don't have any humanity or emotion, so they don't care about ruining lives and breaking hearts.

i found a quote of her saying "she was drunk and on stuff" when she did it lol pretty depressing and her old instagram and twitter and i think a facebook cant see the date on the picture though but doesnt look like it has a lot on it she has a kik on her instagram too..probably sending nudes to niggers and shit

also found the dudes current twitter lol

Please don't tell me he took her back. Please don't tell me, user. I'll have hope for humanity if you tell me he washed his hands of that whore.

>I am not a drinker
opinion discarded

only a rock bottom drunk can tell you want alcohol is really like

i dont see any pictures with him or any girl just a shit load of shit about sports and some acceptance letter to college or something. he probably quit dating altogether or stopped trusting women after that. hes still kinda acting like a nig on it though i wouldn't be after that i don't think

They lie that they do things they don't want to do. The only thing it does is make you less hesitant to do things you wanted to do anyways. So when a girl cheats, they wanted to anyways and being drunk really isn't an excuse.

Yeah, you think he would end up drifting to Jow Forums or something after a traumatic event like that. Poor dude, but what did he expect to attract being a wigger.

he actually looks half black/half white and i dont think people even know what that place is

why don't you fucking kill yourself

oh fuck i found the video but it wont let me link it

a man isn't going to get fucked by everything in the room, and it isn't easy to OVERPOWER A MAN

Please just keep it to yourself, user... It will only tempt me to masturbate, and I need to stop masturbating to girls with black guys, it's not healthy...

you know what to d0.....-[

>Are people just lying that the alcohol makes them do things they normally wouldn't do?
t. alcoholic

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>Is being drunk a lie?
>Are people just lying that the alcohol makes them do things they normally wouldn't do?
No. You become more impulsive when you drink alcohol because it fucks up your decision making. But you are also onto something here which is that drinking releases inhibition not only chemically but also by providing a social alibi for behaviour that goes too far thereby encouraging risktaking. A drunk can explain themselves easily, they only need to say "I'm drunk", and this is probably because drinking is a necessary means of purging all those ugly and undignified emotions which social mores usually keep repressed.

>I'll drink 4-8 oz of hard liquor just to get "drunk"
>When I am drunk, I fall a lot, balance is completely off but I can still walk if I try hard enough unless I drank 7-8oz then I just collapse, probably fall asleep. However regardless of what degree of drunk I am, I am in complete control of my decisions, I still think the same. My brain doesn't change besides feeling a bit more comfortable, but I still would fuck random people, and would not strip, flash or do weird shit. I remember everything I said usually the next day. With how much control I have over myself as a light fucking drinker who gets drunk in MINUTES, how are people who regularly drink and get drunk not in control of their actions? Women saying they never consented or didn't mean what they said, same with men. The fuck? That's stupid. Sure they might have felt more comfy, numbed or tipping over, but that didn't force them to say YEAH FUCK ME or make them horny. I am definaltly not horny right now and I'm pretty drunk.

There's also the difference of drinking alone and partying. Even without alcohol group psychology is intoxicating. Look at mass rioting or lynch mobs. Just being around drunk people can be intoxicating, if you combine this with the chemical relaxant aspect of drinking it can create an atmosphere of dangerous suggestibility.