How exactly does having a gf make one a normalfag if he's still anti social as fuck, jobless and friendless?
How exactly does having a gf make one a normalfag if he's still anti social as fuck, jobless and friendless?
>How exactly does
More like how does it not make you a normalfag
Still have zero chance in society and no bright future. Have robots ever thought the other aspects of life? Will fucking a 10/10 gurl make your life heaven, or afterwards you'd realize you're still shit and shoot yourselves in the head?
You have risen above the ranks of the lowly robots you may not be a true normie but your not one of us autistic outcast
It doesn't. Conflating robots with incels is some newfag shit desu.
I don't even know any females that aren't related to me
So wait, I'm an even worse sort of outcast. I can't integrate anywhere and I'm bound to wander aimlessly through life. At least you have a place to vent and belong to, I mean come on ffs.
How do you get a gf if you don't function in society?
Get one that is as anti social as you, maybe start as LDR and then actually hang out irl
People will gfs always whine about gf problems and we can't relate. Gfs give you oxytocin. That means you feel happy and a sense of belonging. You can't be a robot unless you're alone.
>zero chance in society
>funtionable enough to get a gf
you're fucking pathetic, stop trying to fit in dumb edgy kid
And where does one find females like this?
Because somehow you (if this is about you) transcended the female's innate desire for wealth and status, which is practically impossible to do once you become college age when status and wealth start to mean a lot (though looks are still really important).
Sounds like happiness to me. Why would you have anything to whine about if you can get a gf while being a useless NEET with no job and no friends? It basically means people like your gf value you, even if you don't have value.
Gf havers and unvirgins can't be robots.
Look, I still feel fucking alone. Having a gf helps but it still isn't a way out from your social ineptness.
There's a thing called networking. I haven't made a single friend since i moved out, not one living soul. I have issues of my own and having a gf doesn't magically erase that. Please try to fucking understand.
Yeah. Having nothing except your loser self but still being valuable to a woman?
How can a person like that be a robot?
How can a person like that ever feel as lonely as an incel?
Because he has a gf, that makes him a normalfag
NO IT'S NOT. Jesus Christ, I'm always on the verge of breaking out because I can't function properly and I can't settle anywhere because I always end up arguing with people.
Well obviously you have issues
Otherwise you wouldn't try to enter our turf
But we've got bigger ones
>Look, I still feel fucking alone. Having a gf helps but it still isn't a way out from your social ineptness.
You're not fucking ALONE. Your gf is a person. She's with you. She values you. YOU'RE NOT ALONE. YOU DON'T FEEL LONELY. STOP PRETENDING YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
Like I said, that doesn't assure your future at all. If you can't function in society among groups and make friends you're getting nowhere.
The only people who give us social contact are people biologically programmed to do so. Like our parents.
Meanwhile this guy has someone else to value his life. Someone who isn't his parent. His issues are much smaller.
Oh right. Once you have friends and groups to belong to, you'll say that you're getting nowhere unless there are huge crowds listening to you.
But there's a certain lower safety limit of having a few basic people who actually value your life of their own free will. You have a gf that does that. You don't feel like we do. We feel like new has NOBODY liked us since we were born.
I'll say that over and over again: having a gf doesn't make one successful in life. Also you're contradicting yourselves if you're saying you have nobody and then you state you have your parents. If your parents care even the slightest bit you aren't technically alone.
I can't function in social groups. I always end up humiliating myself and getting hated by everyone around me.
>If your parents care even the slightest bit you aren't technically alone.
My parents are programmed to care about me. It's unconditional love. It doesn't count.
But at least I don't call myself lonely like you do. Even though you have managed to find conditional love.
It's not, trust me. You don't want to know what abuse in a family feels like because I have been a victim myself. Count yourselves lucky to have caring parents, I'm not even kidding.
Because modern society is fucked up to the point where losing all your friends except your GF/wife as you get older is the normal path for a huge fraction of people.
I have caring parents and I'm doomed to be a perma virgin with no friends while you have no parents but have a gf. In the long run you'll have kids too and most people don't even care about friends at that point because kids are enough.
Wrong. I don't want kids, I'd be the worst parent ever. I don't want to make them live hell like I did and I can't stand people and I actually value the few friends I have left. I spend more time with them than with my gf at the end of the day and I'm still a broken piece of trash.
Well we have ZERO FRIENDS and NO GF.
Whatever you say you have a place to BELONG. I said I can't function in any sort of group because if I kept insisting I'd probably be in jail for beating up people right now. You have a board, you have settled in this board and have fellow losers that swim in your same mud. That's something I don't have and I probably will never have.
We don't have a board. This place is flooded with people like you. I only come here sometimes to take the normie bait like this thread to remind myself how shit this place is.
Jesus Christ. This is the place you're confined to. You don't see many near-incels posting depressing threads on the other boards, not even off topic boards. R9K is known to be a cesspool of sexually deprived guys/gals.
No, seriously I want to hear more. Being an outcast is bad enough, but how do you think it feels like to be an oucast rejected by outcasts?
>can get a gf
>thinks he's not a functional person
A robot cannot feel intimacy
rejection is what makes an outcast, if anyone accepts you then you aren't one.
If 1 or 2 people accept you but everyone else hates you what are you?
Cause and effect, if you have a gf, there are reasons why that is possible, and such reasons implicate other societal potential antithetical to being a robot.
>this normalswine probably thought he was making a profound post as he shit up the thread with inane drivel
You're accepted by 1-2 people therefore you are accepted. Robots are accepted nowhere. Speaking for myself 25 KHHF friendless NEET.
trick question, someone who's anti social as fuck, jobless and friendless wouldn't get a girlfriend in the first place, girls look for guys who are successful and have a decent social circle
Girlfriend has the word FRIEND in it, faggot